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Posts posted by Dima19U

  1. I think it could be i little bit better maybe 100 armor and 50 sprint speed.

    Prime mod usualy duble th effect of the regular mod and whit that it will be pressent in alot of tank armor based frames

  2. 7 minutes ago, chaotea said:

    I'm not sure what your post says, I can't get past the poor spelling.

    Tell me if this is what you meant:

    " Why can't we take 4 riven mods and combine them into one new riven mod? Like with all the other mods. I think this is the perfect solution for the rivens of weapons that we do not want to use. It won't break the game and it will probably satisfy a lot of people. Sorry for my English I hope you understand me "


    If this is the case, then i'm still not total sure what your suggesting. There is no existing system where you combine mods. Even the old system worked just like endo.

    However it occurs that you may be talking about the 'Transmutation' of mods. This is where you can recycle 4 mods to get a new mod. If this is what you mean, i do like the idea that the system could be edited so that if we use rivens, we get a chance of getting a riven back. The chance could be dependent on how many you use. For every 1 riven you use, you have a 25% chance of getting a new riven. So if you use 4 rivens, you get a 100% chance of a new riven back. Its an interesting way of recycling those rivens you cant sell (like sentinel weapon rivens no one wants).

    Yes the trasumtation on rivens i didnt remember the exact name

  3. Why can't we take 4 riven mods and combine them into one new riven mod? Like how the system works with Transmutation. I think this is the perfect solution for the Rivens of weapons that we do not want to use. It won't break the game and it will probably satisfy a lot of people.


  4. 10 hours ago, Nezha_Rose said:

    Judging from the screenshot, you speak spanish yes? Well here goes

    ... ahem

    El mod fracturing crush no quita toda la armadura, pero si la gran mayoria si tienes la fuerza nessesaria. Si lo combinas con polarize, lo haces 0%, y en adicion lo haces mas lento con la augumentacion de fracturing.

    (still got it)

    jajjaa, pretty good, soo is good the augmentation mod? or i can use instead other mod?

  5. 23 hours ago, (PS4)BlitzKeir said:

    Fracturing Crush can't hit 100% armor removal, however it does scale with str to a cap of about 80~85%. It also stacks multiplicatively with itself, which makes it incredibly good for stripping armor from entire rooms at once. As a bonus, if an enemy affected by Fracturing Crush has their armor reduced to 0 by some other means (such as Polarize), their armor will not revert once Fracturing Crush's duration expires.

    I have an anti-Grineer build based around FC+Polarize. It is extremely effective and energy self-sufficient. Using a radiation weapon (Mutalist Cernos, in my case) allows Magnetize to nuke for anywhere from 500k to 1.6 million damage (potentially higher, since its damage comes from enemies -- my tests were done vs lv140 Bombards).

    Hope that info helps.

    can you pls post your build? 

  6. Whit this new Christmas skin i think its time to express my thougth: 

    Whould be nice a little buff somethink like a secondary fire, witch can have a one shot freze effect maybe in a small area consuming 50 rounds. 

    Or maybe buff the acourcy.

    I dont really know id it could fit good.

    Sorry about my english.


  7. 12 hours ago, ObviousLee said:

    i REALLY like the idea of a ranged infesting bow. like holy cow thats fantastic. a high enough damage output could ohk an enemy and effectively add to friendly units. thats honestly better than the synoid heliocor in my eyes.

    Like Mutalist Daikyu...

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