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Posts posted by cknives

  1. Dual Zoren is still movement exploit in my opinion so.. feel free to use it until they decide to ban for it or nerf it to the ground (last prefered).

    Considering they officially said it wasn't an exploit and even undid the slight nerfs to it i really don't see it going anywhere. But hey.. keep making S#&$ up.

  2. No. People can get a massive quantity of Forma for free - login rewards give it relatively commonly, and Void missions drop it like candy in both blueprint and regular form. The reset is the only thing that makes people even consider before using it. Potatoes, meanwhile, are like gold-dust.


    Formas are easy to get...



    But login rewards only give garbage. Don't even say that u get forma from there lol. Ive been on 7 day login rewards since U7 and only got S#&$ from login rewards.

  3. Are the hacks ruining the game? Running rampant? People complaining about them?


    And you didn't even read what I said about separating, did you? They don't have to redesign anything. At all. Ever. And in regards to weapon damage, same deal as mode-specific mods, simply add separate sets of numbers for Player to Player damage. Which is fairly simple to do, apparently.

    lol i give up. You don't seem to understand what im saying.

  4. You really misunderstand, don't you? If people were playing solely for PvE, we wouldn't have so many people wanting PvP and requesting it. We get new players who come and ask if the game has PvP, so I'm pretty sure we get people who start playing not just for the PvE. It's an online shooter, after all, a lot of people are going to expect PvP.


    You can like both, you know.



    The game is Peer to Peer now. We play in missions together through that Peer to Peer. Hacking isn't an issue. I don't really see how playing a different game mode in that same Peer to Peer is going to change that.


    Theme and setting does not make a game like another. If you had read, I said that none of them come close to playing similarly to Warframe. How it works and what it looks like are... a little different. Unique freedom of movement, varied and well-crafted melee and shooting. People want to play with that, so suggesting that they play something that doesn't have that doesn't do anything. No one is going to listen.


    If I remember correctly, some skills actually behave a little differently in dueling. But the subject isn't clan dueling. It's Player versus Player as a whole. DE already created the means to separate the balancing if they actually try to balance, which I seem to have to repeat. Again. The Mod Card system, allowing for the implementation of new abilities which can be made PvE and PvP-specific.


    Google warframe hacks if you think hacking is a non issue.


    Sure they might not join your game and ruin it for you. But they sure as hell will if pvp is put in lol.




    yes yes warframe is a unique snowflake rable rable rable... 3rd person sci fi shooter with a little twist of wall running.  Global agenda had jet-packs instead :P



    Once again. Separating pvp and pve doesn't mean they should have to make a whole new game. GW1s pve and pvp balancing was done during the games development. It was intended as a pvp game. The skills where created with pvp in mind.


    Warframe was 100% pve before U8. All skills where created for pve. Most of them make 0 sense for a pvp game. If you wanted to add pvp to warframe you would have to redesign all of the skills and classes and rebalanced all the weapons and weapon types. It would be like making a pvp version of the game all over.


    #1 There are 100 clones of pvp games like that out there that do it better than warframe


    That don't come close to playing similarly to Warframe. People are not going to play those when they want to play Warframe.


    #2 This game runs on peer 2 peer. PVP = hacking, laaging, ping leading etc etc


    Peer to Peer can be an issue, but hacking has not proven to be so.


    #3 The way the dev team has handled warframe so far pvp would be a horrible unbalanced mess with a side of P2W


    DE already has the means and the know-how to separate the balancing of PvE and PvP.


    #4 PVE is why every one is playing this game. And its not getting enough content as it is. If they focus on PVP the game will die.


    You can not know that PvE is why "everyone" is playing. Obviously not, or else so many people wouldn't be asking for PvP. And, once again, no one has talked about changing the game's focus. People need to learn to read and stop saying this.


    Ive played peer 2 peer pvp games. Hacking is ALWAYS an issue. 100% of the time. I quit every one of them because of hackers.


    There are tons of games that come close to warframe that are pvp only. Just look on steam. 3rd person sci fi team based pvp games are like sand on the beach.


    Separating pvp and pve means nothing. Have you seen the balance attempts DE has made in the past? Have you used warframe abilities ever? There is no way to balance this game without completely changing everything just for pvp. In which case you might as well play a different game and leave the poor warframe devs to design pve content. It would be easier to add a RTS game into warframe than to balance pvp around the current system.


    I can know that pve is why every one is playing because warframe was a PVE only game. So any one that started playing it came here for the PVE with pvp as a possible afterthought.

  6. The people that want pvp in warframe are "special"


    And here is why:


    #1 There are 100 clones of pvp games like that out there that do it better than warframe


    #2 This game runs on peer 2 peer. PVP = hacking, laaging, ping leading etc etc


    #3 The way the dev team has handled warframe so far pvp would be a horrible unbalanced mess with a side of P2W


    #4 PVE is why every one is playing this game. And its not getting enough content as it is. If they focus on PVP the game will die.

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