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Posts posted by 0Freeman0

  1. On 3/11/2016 at 3:20 PM, .HanZo. said:

    We already concluded what has to be done on DE's part. Dedicated servers, leaderboards, achievements, another gamemode like king of the hill, overhaul of ctc etc.

    A month ago i did a strawpoll on interest in a conclave tournament with set rules and a neutral host and there has been quite some participation. Unfortuneately ive been very busy/exhausted the last weeks so i didnt finish some final preparations yet, but i hope ill get this finally done this weekend (praying). Tournaments, pvp guides approved/created by pro players, skilled entertaining plays , everything on Youtube,steam, reddit, here in the forums can gain us popularity. Last month i wrote 23 messages to different DE employees with the request to bring back permanent death (no autoressurection) in private games, so the neutral host can switch to player views. I might persuade myself here, but they actually enabled it in 18.5. Im pretty sure they really listen to us and are enthusiastic about conclave pvp and what we create of it.

    Warframe pvp will most probably never be an esports (never say never) but even if it stays a niche game, it could atleast become a real nice insider's tip, depending on the community engagement. So many pvp games that are popular today started out being an arcade mode/mod/minigame and evolved because of a thriving community.

    If you wanna join us, you can find us on the Discord which is the daily platform and the Steam Conclave Group where i want to gather any pvp related infos/yt channels/guides/spreadsheets etc as a work of reference.


    That sounds great!! sure thing i'll join these goups.

  2. 5 hours ago, .HanZo. said:

    No. What we need are Improvements to the pvp experience and content. We need to attract pvp players, not pve players who will "grind" (their own words) conclave like a locust plague and afterwards complain on the forums how imbalanced and S#&$ pvp is, because they get owned by regulars. Thats not the promotion we need or want.

    So please tell us a sugestion to atract players to conclave.


    4 minutes ago, -----LegioN----- said:

    I don't know, Imo, making celestia shine permanently and increasing uts beams by rank would defeat the purpose of bringing and keeping players in conclave. Making badges to show off the amount of kills is more likely to bring toxicity and players using cheap tactics to win than now. It would also only work for e-peen comparisons, so i don't rrally like the idea.

    Well i see your point, but we can't predict if it could bring that and we need more player on the conclave, its so hard to find parties to play nowadays, we need more players, as i said its just a sugestion.

  4. Aboult the Celestia Syandana

    So with the new update that brought the Celestia Syandana, many people got interested on this item, but in the same time when they saw the requirements to keep the celestia shiny they lost  their interest on it. So i guess if you could change the requirements, it could bring more people to conclave. I saw many nice ideas about it like:

    • You could buy Celestia on the  Whirlwind  rank, but you'll have only 1~2 lights on the celestia, and it'll get increased on each rank that you get.

    This is just a suggestion because i've seen this syandana as a great atractive for the people that don't play pvp, and in the same time, it'll no force then to play it.


    About more cosmetics

    I know we got many skins, and sigils on tenshin, buuuuuut, you could bring some Emblems reflecting on the number of kills on conclave, like the old Skull badges. And create a leaderbord on the number of kills. I guess it'll estimulate even more the people that already play pvp, and the people that dont play it.

    Obs: Sorry for my bad english, its not my native language :s.




    Warframes -


    Ember Prime (400p)

    Loki Prime (180p) sold out!

    Trinity Prime set (350p)



    WEPONS - 


    Dakra Prime (150p)

    Reaper Prime (150p)

    Orthos Prime (40p)

    Scindo Prime (80p)

    Glaive Prime (150p)

    Latron Prime (150p)

    Lex Prime (40p)

    Soma Prime (80p)





    Trinity Arcane Aura Helmet - 400p

    Rhino Arcane Vanguard Helmet - 400p

    Excalibur Arcane Pendragon Helmet - 350p





    Chesa Kubrow Imprint (80p)



    Warframes -


    Ember Prime (400p)(5 sets remaining)

    Loki Prime (200p)

    Nyx Prime (160p)

    Trinity Prime set (350p)



    WEPONS - 


    Dakra Prime (150p)

    Reaper Prime (150p)

    Orthos Prime (60p)

    Scindo Prime (90p)

    Glaive Prime (150p)

    Latron Prime (150p)

    Lex Prime (40p)

    Soma Prime (100p)





    Trinity Arcane Aura Helmet - 400p

    Rhino Arcane Vanguard Helmet - 400p

    Excalibur Arcane Pendragon Helmet - 350p





    Chesa Kubrow Imprint (80p)



    *Coment here, send messages, or PM me*



    Warframes -


    Ember Prime (400p)(5 sets remaining)

    Loki Prime (200p)

    Nyx Prime (160p)

    Volt Prime (180p) Sold out!



    WEPONS - 


    Dakra Prime (150p)

    Reaper Prime (150p)

    Orthos Prime (60p)

    Scindo Prime (90p)

    Glaive Prime (150p)

    Latron Prime (150p)

    Lex Prime (40p)

    Soma Prime (100p)





    Trinity Arcane Aura Helmet - 400p

    Rhino Arcane Vanguard Helmet - 400p

    Excalibur Arcane Pendragon Helmet - 350p





    Chesa Kubrow Imprint (80p)



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