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Posts posted by -ODIN-Charizard_Prime

  1. Erm, you realize her 4 is more for the debuff than the damage you know? Her passive allows any damage type to proc bleeding with an independent status chance, tied to the ability... So you pretty much have Hunter Munitions on all your weapons, without the stipulation of needing a crit for a CHANCE at a slash proc. So... combine the ability of her 1's scaling and bypassing armour with damage that is dealt directly to health? She's an overall pretty solid frame, the most solid on release as compared to the previous most recent releases.

  2. I'm pretty against being able to Forma Umbra polarities into weapons and Warframes. Mainly because, if you think about, WHY can't you polarize mod slots with the Umbra polarity? Could you have thought it was maybe... deliberate? For example, the inability to use the acolyte mods on Exalted weapons, etc.

    Furthermore, why should you be able to forma Umbra polarities on a NON-umbra related Warframe or weapon? If DE further explores Umbra and do pursue to create an Umbra line, what would differentiate the Umbra's from their Prime variants? Because as it stands, Excalibur Umbra stat-wise is an exact copy of Excalibur prime, with the exceptions of Visual appearances. The main difference is the fact that A) You have a sentience passive and B) You have access to UMBRA mods, on an UMBRA Warframe *gasp*.

    I disagree with the community that tries to force things like this into the meta. As it stands, from like Dev Stream 73, DE has stated that they want Umbra Warframes to be different from Primes, and I don't think having a colour change and slightly different ornate metallic pieces justifies being different.

    If DE wants to make more Umbra Warframes (Big "IF", and even then, it most likely won't be all the frames), then allowing any Warframe to use Umbra mods just nullifies their efforts to Different from Primes.

  3. The spore damage growth was severely hampered in comparison to the original release and for a trade-off of recast and decay, though I can see the trade-off and benefits, the Decay (in my opinion) is a tad too high. Having to upkeep the spores isn't very fun and I'd really like to see a change to the decay since there's already too many things decreasing your spore ramp up: Multi-cast, no enemies, over-time. Especially since the growth is so low and the decay is so high, it feels troublesome having an upkeep of the spore damage.

    If the growth is to be kept currently, I'd really like to see the removal of the initial decay (20%) and a slight reduction to the decay overtime.

    If the decay is to be kept, I'd like to see an increase to the growth rate, and hopefully a slight reduction to the decay.

    Currently, the micro-managing of spores feels pretty off and makes Saryn, to be a pretty intensive micro Warframe, even more so than Harrow and his buffs (and personally I like his micro-management).

    Edit: So far, it seems decent on lower tier missions and other public matches, as the decay is current and the damage to kill those enemies isn't very high to begin with. Higher tier missions tend to be a bit more tricky though.

  4. Saryn's concept with this rework is great in my honest opinion. Moved her away from being a debuffer to a more DPS oriented frame, but with her current iteration comes some issues.

    Her damage is either too strong or too weak and only thrives in niche scenarios, that being enemies in mass numbers of higher levels: ESO and higher level missions like Survival.

    The idea with spore was the damage would ramp up over time was made to incentivize players to spread spores, but spores either ramped up too fast and/or killed enemies before they could spread. Not to mention that due how spawns in most missions work and enemy population, it was difficult to even spread spores in most situations.

    An idea I had was that spore damage would stack up every time you popped a spore and that spores stopped dealing damage to health at either 100 or 10% of the enemies HP (which ever value was higher), this way lower tier enemies wouldn't die too fast to spores allowing you to spread them more effectively, as well as require you to actually work for ramping up the damage.

    Another issue I found was that detonating spores had little value, has dealing 100% bonus damage of current damage ticks, was equivalent to letting the spores last 2 extra seconds. i understand that you wanted to limit the spore spread by limiting Saryn to casting spore once, but the incentive to detonating spores didn't outweigh letting spores continue and searching for the target with the last spore (not very fun might I add, in doing so). Detonation damage should be increased, as well as let the spore stacks decay when no spores are active or something would also be good, to counter the fact with my idea ramping up spore damage would be harder than it is now.

  5. Same thing here :/ Gilded my amp not knowing about the bug, and it didn't receive the upgraded stats... same thing with colour selection. Also, Brilliant Shard conversions not saving, converted 22 shards, didn't messed up leveling something and backed out of screen. Went back, the points were gone and shards consumed.

  6. This is completely silly, when Limbo rework came out, people started complaining about how his combos and kit was just entirely cumbersome and required too much effort to use. Now people are complaining about how Limbo has become too over powered and are crying for him to get hit by the nerf bat, and then what? He'll end up in a state where his most useful ability is to freeze enemies and force team mates to go into melee IF they're in the rift to get kills.

    Things you should consider about Cataclysm is that it's scaling is based off of the accumulated totals of CURRENT health and shields of enemies inside Cataclysm. You should also consider is that armor does mitigate the damage dealt by Cataclysm, both the opening and collapse.

    This means that Cataclysm:

    • Is not as great when used on mobs of enemies consecutively;
    • Cataclysm is not good at dealing with stragglers and;
    • Cataclysm is not great with dealing with the Grineer (in comparison to the Corpus and Infested).

    IMO, Warframes should have SOME type of scaling innately built into their kit and that shown with the release of the newer frames Octavia and Nidus, both in the form of their first abilities, as well as some reworks. Examples of the reworks or Warframes with other innate scaling potential are Mag (Magnetize), Limbo (Cataclysm), Ash (Blade Storm + Melee Combo Counter), Equinox (Mend and Maim) and Saryn (Spore + Poison stacking in mobs).

    Anyways, the other Factions also have their own way defending themselves against Cataclysm (Grineer: Armor; Infested: Ancients; Corpus: Nullifiers) and exploiting Limbo's fragility when he leaves the rift due to Cataclysm, since Limbo's kit FORCES him to deal with enemies on the same plane.

  7. Honestly this looks great! Also, to people who are concerned about Legendary Cores, I wouldn't be worried. Their use is very specific (instantly ranks a mod) and doesn't have a set fusion power like cores. So I'd deduce that they wouldn't get converted to endo and should stay the same.

  8. Everyone has problems with armored/resistant enemies. It's almost like they're meant to make the enemies stronger. Honestly, Saryn is in a pretty good place right now. Her damage is dealt over time and late game is where Saryn thrives at. Enemies aren't instantly killed allowing your abilities to spread and stack through the hordes of enemies. The only thing about Saryn that would be really nice to see are some changes to Molt and to some extent with Miasma. The only issue I see with Molt is that it dies abhorrently fast in the later levels and should really gain some type of tweak to prolong it (eg: Damage Absorption window [ie: snowglobe] or a fixed duration of invulnerability when it reaches 1HP). As for Miasma? Maybe just a cost reduction to like 75. It doesn't seem very ultimatey for 100.

    As for people talking about enemy scaling, how should it be fixed? I mean right now the hard content is 130-ish? How is enemy scaling going to fix anything beside pushing the current hard content to higher levels, making endless missions take longer to actually reach the challenge. It'll just make cheese frames even more cheesier and not really solve anything.

  9. I mean Peacemaker is a strong ability, but there are 3 glaring difficulties with using it.

    1. High Energy Drain
    2. Immobile/Stationary
    3. Weapon Mod Dependent

    Peacemaker has the highest energy drain for any channel ability, with a whopping base of 15 energy/sec. Even an amped up Hysteria doesn't reach that high. Mesa also has a really low armor rating (65), average health and mediocre shields.

    This presents the risks when you use Mesa: do high damage to focused areas and be vulnerable to attacks. Before you preach about Shatter Shield's damage reduction and reflection, the reflection and reduction are only applied to projectiles. Explosives and melee attacks will still deal their full damage, though melees can be handled by Shooting Gallery. To add to this, Peacemaker's fire rate and power ramp up as you shoot increasing your DPS while trading off your AoE and possible survival.

    Lastly, and not least, is the fact that Peacemaker scales off Weapon Mods. This makes presents an entry barrier for Mesa users, as her full potential lies in the amount of Forma you've gotten on your secondary and warframe. And let me tell you, having 7 Forma on your Secondary and 4 on your warframe isn't really noob friendly. So it's not like everyone is hitting 25k per shot late game.

  10. 2 hours ago, PikeOrShield said:


    Firstly, while inside the bubble you can't shoot out, which includes beam weapons, hit-scan and projectile. Secondly, being in the bubble DOES NOT nullify damage. If the enemy were aiming at you while you're inside the bubble and the path it takes from outside to the center of the bubble ends up hitting you, you will take the multiplied damage provided by Magnetize. Explosive weapons can also have the multiplier and can effectively kill you.

    Your arguments are null.

  11. 39 minutes ago, PikeOrShield said:


    But resigning yourself to the fact that anything inside the bubble can kill themselves is silly. No other ability can inadvertently kill the user or their team mates, it's one thing to have the ability to be able to kill yourself, but to remove the any sort of control? That doesn't support healthy gameplay, nor does it support how they're trying to make Mag usable aside from corpus runs.

  12. So a big update came to us in 18.13 and with big change comes a big wave of tears. I've tried those affected by the changes and I'd like to give some feedback, but first off I'll start with what toxic or broken gameplay is.

    Toxic and Broken Gameplay/Design



    Warframe is an interactive 3rd Person Shooter that involves gun-play and utilizing the abilities of your Warframe. A Warframe's kit involves abilities that follow a specific theme and/or a type of playstyle. Good example of a Warframe that meets this criteria is Saryn (Post rework). That isn't to say that this Warframe doesn't have some issues in her kit, but it does mean that they followed a theme and playstyle and pull it off. Saryn has the identity of being a poison frame, with the ability to spread her toxins to waves of enemies and her rework has accomplished meeting that identity.

    Pre-rework, Saryn was a "Press-4-to-win" Warframe, with many people (including I) building for negative duration for her Miasma. This presented a problem with Saryn: she was broken. Saryn was broken because the current builds at the time promoted a type of gameplay that was non-interactive and did not suit her identity. The fact of the matter was, that at the time you could completely remove Saryn's basic abilities and leave her with her Warframe Ability -- Miasma -- no one would give a damn, which prompted her rework.




    Mag, pre-rework, presented similar problems to that of the old Saryn, but with the added bonus of being better at being broken than the old Saryn due to mainly 2 things: Polarize scaled and it only affected specific factions (Corpus and Orokin). This severely limited gameplay and was not fun at all to play in any other faction, which is why Mag was reworked to make a more cohesive, usable and balanced kit. With that being said, the rework has shown the potential for a much more interactive and fun gameplay with some adjustments.


    Energy Pool: Mag is a caster frame, but unlike other ability based frames, she has a low energy pool. With the rework, Mag has a lot more incentive to cast but little means to do so. This can simply be fixed by increasing her base energy or by removing the increased energy orb drop chance on kill on Pull and adding it to her passive. The way I see it, this helps promote active gameplay (killing enemies for more energy) and by differentiating her from other casters that have high energy pools.

    Passive: Decent passive, doesn't exactly add to her gameplay, but fits with her theme of being a magnet and allows the user to go away from using the ever so loved carrier (prime). Could use more range, but it's fine as it is right now.

    Pull [1]: Not much to say here, basic ability that was kept pretty much the same as her previous iteration. Though I'd like to see more synergy with Magnetize. What I have in mind is that enemies affected by Magnetize don't get increased damage from pull, but instead become the origin of Pull itself instead of Mag when aimed towards a Magnetized enemy. Same effects apply: The Magnetized Pull requires line of sight and instead of being an AoE cone becomes radial again.

    Magnetize [2]: Believe it or not this (Bullet Attractor) was the original reason why I picked Mag when I started Warframe, but was severely disappointed in the ability when I had started reaching end-game content. This current version feels a lot better and in my opinion has become Mag's core ability. Though there are some issues I'd like addressed. The bubble can actually make certain projectiles spin around in the centre of the ability and actually kill your or your team mates. Not only can you get killed by that, you can also die by shooting away from the bubble while inside it's radius (Sentinels can also kill themselves). Magnetize also needs a form of remote detonation, as Magnetize can block off an entire hallway from your shots as you have to wait for the duration to run out. Probably just make recasting Magnetize on a unit/corpse already affect make the bubble explode on its on.

    Polarize [3]: New Polarize is great and though I'll miss the original ability, this version is a lot healthier though can be kind of useless at times. First off, the damage on this ability only affects shielded and armoured units, which makes the infested pretty useless except for the times mobs are affected by the swarms from the Tar Mutalist MOA's. In my opinion the shield depletion and armour strip should have an additional percentage on top of the flat strip, but have the damage completely separate from the debuffs. Maybe even make enemies with higher shields and armour drop more shrapnel, to at least create incentive to cast polarize at the higher level content, since the armour strip can be pretty negligible. Main issue though is that, like some things in the game, X4 Corrosive projection can completely make this ability null, since from what I can tell no damage is dealt to targets with no armour as well as not create any shrapnel.

    Crush [4]: Fun ability, but doesn't have much uses aside from it's augment Fracturing Crush, though it's a shame the armour debuff works on duration. I'd like to see more on this ability, like create more shrapnel or draw shrapnel to do more damage, etc. Heck maybe a permanent slow due to all the damage that's been dealt to the enemies skeletons and machinery. This ability, like most of Warframe, should not rely on augments to make them feesible, since that promotes unhealthy design.

  13. Actually, I think the mod gives you a 90% chance to gain 100% crit for that slide attack... I've seen red crit with weapons with a base crit <10%. If it added 90% to your base crit for slide attacks then you wouldn't be able to red crit with anything less than 10%.

    My I digress, yeah slide attacks are weird... the animation will show a slide attack but the mod doesn't count it. Needs to be changed for consistency issues.

  14. The new infested weapons are interesting! Played around with them and put a few forma for some and here is what I'm come up with.

    Mutalist Cernos:

    Interesting mechanic to add to a bow, but as its predecessor, it's underwhelming. It's a mostly impact weapon (widely known as the worst physical damage type), with low critial build potential. The poison AoE seems only to be affected by base damage mods (serration and heavy caliber) and not elemental, which severely hinders it's potential. It would be nice to see the damage from the AoE in the stats menu, akin to that of the simulor series displaying converging damage and Alt fire damage. Also seems that the thunderbolt mod's explosion cancels the homing toxic AoE effect (bug?).,

    Suggestion: I believe that the Mutalist Cernos should be buffed and be focused around its AoE mechanic; turn the bow into a pseudo-torid.This will help fully differentiate itself from the bows and allow it to be viable.

    Dual Toxocyst:

    Of the weapons we got, this is by far my favorite. The mechanics and aesthetics make them feel like a BAMF. But as great as they feel, they are not without faults. For a mastery rank 8 weapon, they seem underwhelming. It's base damage is lower than some popular sidearm, such as the Vaykor Marelok, which sits at a higher base, base ROF, critical chance and ammo reserve. Not to mention the syndicate effect. Having to aim for head shots can be a pain sometimes and is only really optimal against humanoid and certain Quadra-pedal enemies, so the buff should feel a bit more rewarding.


    Similar to my suggestion for the Mutalist Cernos, is to emphasize it's buff/mechanic. Reduce base damage a tad, but during its buff period It should gain substansial base damage increase on top of the fire rate buff and turn from semiautomatic to auto(eg: Base damage staring at 60 and a dam age inctease to 120). Counter this with the buff timer, reducing it from 6~ seconds to 2-4, but be refresh-able during the buff time. This will make headshots more rewarding while making players actively look for head shots. 


    This one was done pretty well. High base and status and great attack speed. Not really much to talk about here, other than being a pretty great polearm, but being an outlier either? Maybe the least mechanically complex of the bunch. Still kind of unsure on its conditional buff? From the looks of it, looks like a slight attack speed buff.


    Not much to suggest here, it's both satisfying and disappointing. Satisfying for the sheer dps you can get from this weapon on top of status procs, but disappointing in that it's pretty standard as a polearm and not a staff like it was teased to be.


    Overall DE, great release this patch. Great to see developers exploring new content and mechanics. Thumbs up for 18.5!

  15. 55 minutes ago, Desperado14 said:


    I agree, I said this earlier in one of my posts. Stop comparing similar things Warframes have when the Warframes themselves do different things.

    1 hour ago, swizzybeatzjamz said:


    I don't feel that Ash is defined by Trickery/Shadow Step. I don't run Trickery on Ash since I've been pretty lazy to finish my Trickery set and too lazy to buy my set to completion at a decent price, but I do perfectly fine without them.

    You've even stated yourself that you're a selfish player, and I don't see why a rework on a Warframe should emphasize selfish playstyle when the game is co-op . You use those outside buffs to help your playstyle and in no way defines the Warframe, but your own playstyle. Don't take this the wrong way, this isn't an insult, but an observation.

  16. 16 hours ago, xLordKogax said:


    I don't know why you're acting so hostile. Yes, I've I read the idea.

    Do I think it's cool? Totally.

    Do I think it should be implimented? Not really. This augment completely reworks the ability rather than augmenting it.

    Augment: to make something better by adding something.

    It's arguable it's adding things to the ability, but in reality it just makes the ability something else.

    You talk about crutch? Well your idea for an augment presents the case where you will ALWAYS want to use the mod. If that isn't a crutch, then I don't know what is.

    So the solution is either rework Ash's kit drastically or to rework that augment idea to keep current mechanic but add an aggro drawing Decoy that opens enemies to finishers.

    Edit: I don't know why you're calling me a selfish Ash player. I have 3 builds:

    Bladestorm build to cheese armor and physical augmentation sorties.

    Smokescreen augment with duration build (yes I used this begore seeing it on this post, but a bit different)

    And a balanced build with the Shuriken augment for solo play.

  17. 2 hours ago, Epsik-kun said:


    Well, there is the augment that does a good job of this. I forget the name but it increases the damage of Melee by a % per enemy hit with RJ. As most augments go, I'd assume thus buff is affected by strength and duration.

    The combo counter discharge is interesting from what I read, but doesn't really suit well with Excalibur. His Exalted Blade only gives counters for those hit by the actual melee weapon and not the waves. Since most EB users just mainly use the waves, a discharge would be I'll fitted in his kit, but that's my opinion.

  18. RJ was originally Excalibur Warframe/Ultimate ability, but was buffed and moved over as his 3rd ability when reworked. RJ is fine as it is, being an AoE damage dealing ability able to clear a room with the added benefit of a stun. RB is pure utility, and as ability trends dictate, the higher costing abilities usually are damage abilities.

  19. 2 hours ago, xLordKogax said:


    Well,that's an interesting augment idea and potentially fun to use if implemented. Basically a Switch Teleport + Decoy + Molt thing going on there. But this is where I disagree, augments shouldn't be band-aids to things you see needs to be fixed. They should enhance a certain playstyle or an aspect of the Warframes already existing skill set. Some examples of augments that achieve this is Eternal war, emphasizing Valkyr's melee and killing focus as a berserker; Hushed Invisibility, allowing the use of Invisibility by Loki to be more offensive without drawing aggro with weapons; Chilling Globe, improving Snowglobe's job of making its "AoE of no damage/enemy zone"; and etc.

    Yes Rising Storm is pretty useless since Body Count, but first take this into consideration. Body count is an event mod that, as of right now, have a limited supply in current trading. As supplies dwindle, prices increase. This presents an issue of accessibility, especally to new players and those who play cadually/don't buy plat. I also believe that Body Counts effects on Bladestorm simply went unnoticed rather than have been intentional, since the Acolyte event mods do not effect any other Exalted weapon (Though I haven't tested Ivara's Artemis bow). Anyhow, there are a lot of augment mods that are pretty useless, Ash isn't the only one (eg: Nova's Nullstar Augment, Mesa's Ballistic Battery Augment, etc.)

    Teleport has drawbacks and I'm fine with that, what is a Warframe with out drawbacks? It's an OP one. Anyways rolling is almost reaches 6 meters, with the added benefit of being free and, like other parkour moves, reduces enemy accuracy. Why are you trying to supplement his mobility and survivability when that isn't the problem, which is streamlining his kit and defining his archetype past being a ninja frame (I mean, look at those abilities).

    Also, there's gotta be tradeoff somewhere to people's suggestions. Since damage and mobility is usually traded with fragility and utility, etc

  20. Ash doesn't need a complete rework. I mean, some frames need to be basic for entry level players and honestly, I don't like making exalted weapons so mainstream. It's great to have unique defining abilities among the Warframes.

    Shuriken is pretty much as basic as abilities go. Imo all it needs a straight line Shuriken with punch through on top of the homing ones. This makes it less brainless without over complicating things, as well as allow the pin mechanic.

    Smokescreen is a neat ability and really shouldn't be compared to Loki's invisibility. If you look at the ability by themselves you would obviously say Invisibility is better than Smokescreen, but when you look at the kit? Ash is meant to be offensive and Smokescreen allows Ash to rush in then unleash his fury on unsuspecting foes. All it really needs is an actual smokescreen to fully differentiate it from Invisibility, but in a different way from your iteration. Make the smokescreen decrease enemy accuracy shooting inside and into/out of the cloud. Hell, add a blind mechanic to it when enemies enter the cloud, allowing stealth multipliers to those afflicted.

    Teleport is fine as it is. Maybe add a QoL change to it, like teleporting to an enemy automatically has you using a finisher on them. This makes it less clunky. Having a free aim teleport seems... not needed? What with parkour and Smokescreen being able manuveur and close the gap, and kind of takes away from the offensive ninja thematic.

    Bladestorn is pretty toxic as you said. There is too much reward and little risk to ability as well as halt game interaction as the ability is casted. I won't give any recommendations since there has been talk of DE reworking bladestorm.

    As for a passive, I'd like to see him complete finishers at an increase speed, since it suits his gameplay so well. Like finisher animations are sped up by 25% or something along that line.

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