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Posts posted by Vanrythzx

  1. On 2019-06-29 at 9:11 AM, George_PPS said:

    It took me only a week to get used to this melee 2.999, and it has been GREAT.

    Fast Switch? It makes the game play and switching between melee and guns much faster. This has also produced some new synergies between certain guns and melee builds. 

    Holster mods? It's like given a free holster mod on all melee, What's not to like?

    Automatic blocking? This makes all frames more tanky if one is in melee mode in air and moving. It's great too.

    As for next, I hope DE can retain the best parts of melee 2.999 like all of the above and also improve on combo key bindings. And keep the effectiveness of slide attack. 


  2. On 2019-05-27 at 9:49 AM, Walkampf said:

    Please use paragraphs.

    This Wall of text is to unconfortable to attempt to read it.

    instead of writing a useless comment like this, maybe you should try to be useful in this discussion because hes completely right. melee is dogS#&$ right now just because we can't configure it like we want to, the combos, this automatic S#&$, its absolutely awful, in my opinion. i dislike it very much and it ruins the game for me. 

  3. please give us the holster back, fûcking hate this change, it's so sh!t i don't even play anymore and certainly wont play in the future anymore. just give players like me the option to switch it back to how it was, like you do with other stuff too, it shouldn't be too difficult, everything else is pretty neat but this change is absolute dogsh!t for me. 

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  4. i never understood the people which bothers to wait for a frame/weapon, you farm something different in the meantime anyway, if something is done, level it up, bake more, if that's done, repeat, only lazy and impatient people rush things, there is literally so much S#&$ to do, that the waiting time should be the least you be worried about. 

    as a new player it may seem like p2w or lazy design, but it really isn't. 

  5. 1 minute ago, Phyrak said:

    I think a lot of people are wanting her to be Hela of sorts - particularly with the advertised picture of her from the Dev stream.

    I enjoy creating synergy within a Warframe. Just check the last few topics I have created.

    Internal synergy is a little joy of mine 🙂

    yeah synergy is the key and makes the gameplay just more fun and engaging. I may do that!

  6. 6 minutes ago, Phyrak said:

    A forest of bloody spears - certainly more Vlad than Vlad...

    The shield is nice but not elegant in the slightest - give her a robe or cloak of blood with mechanics similar to Nezha's shield.

    With said shield, perhaps a way to heal or boost its health by using the 1 on enemies rather than just once for it.

    This could also in turn generate multiple blood orbs to use in combat - maybe effeced by strength for how can be had

    Sounds good. we need more ideas!

  7. her 4 should be like some kind of big blood explosion that leaves the surfaces with a bloodpool and anything that gets in the pool, will be getting a viral procc. 
    her 2 should be something like, blood spears erupting from the ground, piercing(puncture) everything in range and leaving a damage over time on them, cuz they are bleeding, i think they really shouldn't be CCd by the spear, too similiar to nezhas. 

    her shield and selfdmg buff are neat, just some tweaks needed, i guess. 

  8. On 2018-09-06 at 11:54 PM, peterc3 said:

    Can Volt get a self-heal? I mean, bullets hurt him, so he should have a way of healing, right?

    Life Strike is still working great, put it on your melee. Healing Return. Healing pizzas are in the game. Hirudo itself. There are lots of ways of healing beyond frames themselves.

    i love rage + quick thinking combo(the knockback can be annoying tough), makes some frames almost invincible,health based frames can make great use of it as well, preferably high energy pool tho. 

  9. 6 hours ago, tripletriple said:

    Nidus needs some buff, but this is not it.

    what would you buff about him? hes pretty well done in my opinion. i think the idea to having im permanent is kinda nice but will not happen, its just a pity that no one will see the skin for helminth most likely because no one uses him. 

  10. People think that they are now overpowered because they destroy everything in a small tileset in a short time, because the spores can spread much better, the opponents are all on "one pile" so it is clear that the spores are much easier to spread. 

    Its OS what makes saryn seem to be OP

  11. 1 hour ago, Maka.Bones said:

    Yeah... i'm kinda like a crack addict though... but it's for energy, instead of crack xD. I keep it on, because it's useful to have a huge pool in case of accidental nullifier dips. Or when you get those eximus leechers and suddenly your energy is dropping. 

    I'll try switching it though, just because you recommended it. I'll see how it works out. 

    i know what you mean, everyone has his own preferences, but i dont really struggle at all with the energy pool, see how it works for you! x)

  12. 19 minutes ago, Maka.Bones said:

    That's kinda what i've been doing since the last changes. 



    My problem was that I had too much power str, for enemies lower than lvl 50. Killed them before new enemies spawned. Pretty hard to keep up spores  if everything keeps dying lol... kind of a good problem to have though. 

    you can switch out primed flow, its not needed on saryn prime, she has a big energy pool already. im using intensify or whatever you prefer

  13. On 2018-05-18 at 11:18 PM, IfritKajiTora said:

    Build for Overextended, sadly overextended is still the only meta with her.

    you can actually switch it out with augur reach, using reach and cunning drift, so you still get 90% just without the -60% strength from overextended!


  14. why are the zones not randomized? why am i playing the same tilesets over and over again? its always, the same. i think once people are done with getting the stuff they want, its gonna be aabandoned, their is literally no point in playing this mission, only for focus maybe or leveling up stuff, not even the enemies are diffcult, even normal level 50 hydron mobs are harder than 120+ mobs in onslaught.. why? makes no #*!%ing sense, ELITE MY ASS

  15. does anyone realise that people who are doing those very long runs, are also equipped to the teeth? how long did they grind for the stuff they have, until they could go this far? they put no effort in the game right? just bought the frame and gogo, right? this thread is pointless. 

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