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Posts posted by Krios

  1. You couldn't get energy for ex blade from EV even before 18.1. Almost all channel abilites can't gain energy from EV/siphon/energy restore plates/zenurik passive, only through energy orbs and balls in void, if you are prime.


    EDIT: Talking about pve ofc, dunno how it was in pvp.

  2. May be nice. Also we had something akin to this. "Good job, we have the target, now get to extracti-- Oooup, change of plans, kill all 200 mobs"

    But this kind of things may be expansion to assassins and syndicat squads hunting you.

  3. You can hide forever and win. There was a time when for leaderboards timer wouldn't stop even if you're all out of oxygen. People with nothing to do would hop in valkyr and then sit there till nex wednesday, when new patch will roll in, so they would have to restart the game.

  4. Touche. However, I'm banking on the Corpus and Grineer not being dumb enough to build torpedo sized holes that lead to parts that are sensitive to being torpedoed. That being said, we are able to infiltrate the ships rather easily, so...

     But, b-but they already did. I mean Balor fomorians. We took out the shields, flew in and blew up the "core".

  5. When fighting jug in sorties: no CC like blind and stagger and so on, lust use nova. NO BLADESTORM!!!!111ONE, seriously, after hitting it with bladestorm once, you should already see that it just staggers it for 18 hits doing 200 whooping damage, just prolonging wait till his wunerable phase will arrive. Use something that can deal incane amount of damage in couple of seconds. 


    And last but not least! Just don't summon it, if you see that your group is not fit to fight level 80-100 jug, stop killing and wait till it goes away.

  6. Now, this was explained to me before, and I forgot, and now I'm writing this...... 

    It has something to do with something, I'm shure of it!



    EDIT: It might be that on low settings multicore rendering was turned off or something. As before, I have no clue.

    EDIT2: Apparently system allows more power to vidocaard on higher settings. So may be it.


    P.S. Still waiting for a pro to explai this.

  7. Even though I killed him ~20 times since U18 (Stalker've been stalking me like crazy), I mostly get stuff like fire mods, heavy trauma and so on. But still this is RNG, and you just need to deal with it, there's no way around that. Everyone has experience of running 100+ keys to get the part you want; and the more you want it the more unfair it seems that you are not getting it.

  8. Excal build aside here's waht you should do with weapon mods:

    - do not use physical damage mods (buzz kil, and so on), even +120% event ones. Because your ex blade damage consists of 1000 dmg evenly dispersed between 3 physical dmg types, one elemental +90% mod would benefit you more than one +120% phys dmg mod.

    So dump that buzz kill for elemental mod.



    P.S. http://goo.gl/Ga47dC (swap redirection for whatever surv mod you like). This is as pure Ex blade as it gets.

    You cut through everything. Also you need carrier to compensate for no flow mod.

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