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Posts posted by (PSN)LEONARD_LEONE

  1. By the time the spores ramp up and kill stuff you could very well just shoot all the enemies manually with any half decent gun assuming your teammates with stronger/faster acting frames don't kill them before you.

    Real enemies don't stand around like they do in simulcarium; they move spread and shoot at you with aimbot reaction and accuracy, some like detron crewman will 1 shot you even at fairly low levels, so at the level where the "scaling damage" becomes relevant and by the time it would climb anywhere up too a useful level the enemy usually stompes your face or objective into the dirt unless you resort to other cheese tactics to stay alive that long.

    Saryn is going to be like mag now; another warframe that gets outperformed by 3/4 of the roster with half as much effort or risk.

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