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Posts posted by Kylareth

  1. I have also had this happen but its never been on a specific planet. I have also noticed that it often happens when I am in the middle of reloading and get knocked down by some enemy heavy attack or my own explosive weapons


  2. I have had a similar issue on and off for the past year. Sometimes it will save some of my colors and other times only a couple will be left. The only colors that I can get to stay are the darkest black on the Smoke color pallet and a variant shade of purple from the Lotus Pallet. If this is a bug it has been present for a while. I have even tried a complete uninstall and nothing was fixed so I am at a loss for what to do now. 

  3. While out on the plains I noticed a rather large friend decided to stay out and enjoy some fresh morning sunshine with me. 

    It was fully interactive except it could not move, though it did have subtle idle animations and the only attack it could perform was its aerial burst tracking shot.   

    I'm sure it just got lost on its way back to the lake, but I'm worried it might get some sunburn. 

    Note; I was on the plains during the night/day transition, so the plains never did a full reload before I found it. 





    Not sure if this bug is directly related to the Chimera update.

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