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Posts posted by LazyFrost

  1. Can we have a button in the Dojo that allows us to contribute to ALL decorations that are inside of the room. Because who want's to go through like 500 objects and contribute to them all one by one?

    I bet most people who worked on Dojo decorations has thought of something like it, because spending time decorating is a thing that some people do for fun. However floating to every. single. one. is a straight pain. Especially when you have different effects. Those tend to use up a big chunk of the space around them.

  2. It has been going on for a while now and this is the point where i got tired of it. So when i want to launch the game, the launcher looks for new content to download, it goes up to around 30mb and then it just crashes. I tried verifying the files, but it crashed during that process as well. I tried turning off "fullscreen" "directx 10-11" "64bit mod". Also yes, i tried to uninstall the game and reinstall it, but im still writing this, so you guessed it, it did not work. Currently im waiting for the Support to respond.

    This started happening a bit before Fortuna arrived. Since Fortuna is here, it just getting worse.

    If anyone has experienced this recently and knows a fix to it, i'd be really glad to hear it.

  3. There are so many people relying on Zenurik, to solve their energy issues, that it's gotten to a point where you can almost count that focus tree, as a fifth (if you are playing in a squad of 4) team mate. Same with the energy "pizzas". The fact that everybody can solve their own energy issues, is slowly but definitely ruining teamplay and a need for a proper team in general. Sure when you are playing with random people, you don't and won't get a notice that, "Hey this group is playing with these frames" so, you can't really figure out on what to bring. However when you are playing with randoms, you usually just do a "run" proper missions and longer activities require a normal set-up team. That's where Zenurik and the energy consumables come it. I guarantee that there were thousand of times when people rather brought said energy providing methods, rather than a support frame like Trinity.
    In the long run this method of thinking annihilate teamplay.
    Also on the other hand there is the health restore consumables.....now you can wonder why we don't have a sudo Energy dash, but with health.

  4. So there should be a new "relic system" where you wouldn't consume your relics after using it.

    Now on Sunday it worked very well for me.

    But yesterday i loaded the game played one relic mission and i didn't consume it. I used the same relic again then after i completed the mission it dissapeared.

    And yeah im having the same thing today too.

    So is this a bug or we won't get this new system?

  5. So with this new update now you can play with a relic multiple times. Yes yesterday it worked very well and i was very happy about it.

    But today as i logged in a played one Lith mission and i could keep my relic again...then when i used that relic again after i completed the mission it vanished.. like in the "older" system where you consume those relics. After then i tried it with my otehr relics.. the results are the same. They dissapear.

    I would really like this new "endless" relic system.

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