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Posts posted by Matovelhos

  1. For what i have experiance with parkour 2.0 is:


    -Double jump its ok only the animation its wrong or too much basic for a ninja.

    -Bullet jump its the best thing in parkour 2.0 its stylish and usefull.

    -Roll its longer and slower making us roll over some small spaces in conclave maps and also in platforms in some tilesets bring back the old one.

    -Aim Glide its wrong it should be only Glide why not the option to glide without zoom should be like holding space mid air and u glide then u can shoot use skills aim do wtv without the zoom from aiming.

    -Wall latch nothing to say about it its ok

    -Block doesnt make sense reducing damage if we defend the bullets with the sword why we take damage??? old block was better

    -Zipline run amazing option sly couper feeling also very ninja.

    -Alt fire is something that we must get used to also u can respeck ur keybind for what key u want so its ok also.

    -Enemy jumping very very hard to land and when u land it its not satisfying i would like better if u remove it and make a air execution or something.

    -Wall Hop worst thing ever soo much useless and a bad decision from DE, i cant wall run shoot enemies must always controll my aim its stupid, put the old wallrun remove the slingshot boost Please.

    -Chopter removal i like the chopter removal but pls put the stealth kills stronger with small weapons coz right now big weapons are better in everything, multi hitting, big damage, big crits coz big damage, big executions coz big damage i hate going with ether daggers full modded and dont kill a level 50 grineer with 1 stealth finish

  2. Feedback from a veteran player regard the stream

    1-Greedy Pull Nerf- For me the problem it was never from greedy pull but from the pull itself since mag exist pull went from single target ally pull spamm joke that wasnt used at all on enemies to launching enemies flying to the deep space spam hammer. If we play with a mag player and he just 1 and its extremely anoying coz u cant do nothing just run to the end of the level not killing anything ruining the game for others. My solution that i see and should always be like that is the exact opposite of banshee push, make them drop to the ground and move only a bit its cc not kung fu fruit killing machine.

    2-Parkour 2.0- since the video i saw the old video i had a major big smile on my face and my mind bursting with ideas on making another warframe with style video for youtube but then i read about "wall running gone" rly? only hop and jumping? now i thought how will be life playing warframe without wall run and with all that jumping...


    We love ninjas and ninjas wallrun, ninjas jump on enemies heads, ninjas stand on the walls but double jump and all that hops will make the game stupid what i want to say is like "Hey Tom u see that secret place up there? i will teach how u get there,but needs hard work" - Tom says "ahn there i just press space and get there". Also ninjas hopping walls takes u the cool factor of the wall run it soo much love. You guys even though about that jumping and hopping in pvp? its already fast enought and hard to shoot to each other as it is in pvp without that hopping around it will kill the capture the cephalon and the pvp will be soo anoying. Jump on enemies, wall run control, wire breaks and transfer directional jumps i agree but those small hops and the double jump looks bad and makes the game too much damn easy.


    This recent dev stream parkour 2.0 video broke my heart, nothing in warframe makes u more feel more ninja than the wall run and if that is gone, for me its not a ninja game anymore and i will eventually lose the love for the game.


    3-Shotgun Gore- The more the better YES PLS

  3. i have the same problem

    i have sunika kubrow ranked him to 30 and now i want to imprint it and cant

    tryed to build more genetic codes, unistall all the mods, restarting the game completly, unequip it and nothing helped

    i choose to imprint then it ask if i rly want to do it yes or no, i press yes and nothing happens window closes and he stays there looking at me trolling with my face.

  4. Well first of all i must say i play alot XD... and there were problems from the beggining of the game but i overpassed them and kept playing, started alone, got like 2 friends with me, we played more, we got a clan, we filled the clan, we upgraded the clan even to storm rank, now my storm clan has like 5 ppl active.

    I asked them why they left. Majority said its too boring, always same lvls, same monsters and its like a path of exile thing, farm farm farm.

    i feel the same but i like the gameplay soo much that im waiting for updates everytime.

    so here are my abilities feedback.


    Ash-1- i like it as it is now. 2- it should be able to use it mid air maybe with another animation. 3-should be faster animation to land. 4-amazing and cool but it should be able to stop at some point for example: "hey im dead help." ash says " i cant im ulting". it should be like press again and it stops or something.


    Banshee-1- usefull, in my opinion doesnt need a change. 2- interesting use of it but too hard to execute properly in a team, need bigger marks since sometimes it targets the feet or hands and ppl just shoot the head instead, or even a nova just ult and everything dies, needs bigger marks and maybe a secondary use like slow or ragdoll effect when enemies die doing more damage aoe, like this maybe more rewarding using it. 3- no use i think 3 is just a waste of ability slot, redo it.

    since it is banshee and uses soundwaves maybe use an aoe soundwave that makes enemy fall down. 4- i think its cool right now but even with natural talent it takes time to do anything so, its ok but in my opinion i rly wanted banshee too pull the force of sound and then blast it out killing and knocking enemies away doing damage like an amazing scream of death. muahahah.


    Ember-1- ok 2-liked more the old one, were she imbued her body with flames and gain damage reduction, since she is squishy was a practical use to combo in high lvl, right now is more situational. 3- cool amazing just needs to be a little more transparent or lower fire coz ppl like to spam it and we cant see a thing. 4- it was cool before and it is cool now was good ether way.


    Excalibur-1-ok. 2-usefull. 3-ok. 4-just model animation needs to be changed while we do in air is little strange.


    Frost-1- make him launch 3 ice bolts dunno why think it would be cooler. 2-ok. 3- u guys nailed it on the last patch invincible, then absorving, then vulnerable very good indeed. 4- i liked when it was slow exploding ice, were it freezes them doing damage then keep the alive froze and exploding at the end.i think right now they explode too fast, was the balanced of dmg and cc.


    Loki-1- make him able too use 2 clones not just for extra use but to keep enemies in 1 place so when 1 dies the other is already there and they switch target to them. 2-nothing to say it was ok since the beggining. 3-also again its the best bug savier eva. 4-always was ok


    Mag-1- this skill passed through so many changes since the 1 pull single target even to allys XD to blowing them up like popcorns, there was 1 that i liked and rly made the name it has pull, were she pulls everyone at her feet knocking them down i think that was the best pull ever. 2- its ok zanuka killer skill. 3-ok 4-cool still lags the game but its very usefull and cool looking.


    Necros-1- the ragdoll thingy still not visually works. 2-ok. 3-ok. 4-ok.


    Nova-1-make the balls punch though, make them faster to shoot,make them ricochet, like that i think its more rewarding to use. 2-ok since its op but takes time to use it its good risk vs reward. 3-ok. 4- sry nova lovers but i like her too and i think that this skill is a fun destroyer, skill is too damn op, what whould i do to the skill? well i would remove,not completly, explosion damage and leave the doble damage and slow making it an enemy debuff so u could use the 2 safely and dont spoil the fun to other mates. but this is just my opinion of course.


    Nyx-1- its ok but needs to make target bigger or something for team to spot on and dont kill it or even give the mob a buff for more hp like trinity 1. 2-i would say its ok but she needs a dmging skill so i would like some more base damage on that or even more shots fired. 3- good has it is usefull and relyable. 4-its ok if ppl think its too slow to explode there are ways of making it fast so in my opinion its ok


    Oberon-1-its ok. 2- needs a low slow but rest is fine. 3- when there were slow balls it was fun to run away from them the entire lvl but now its more usefull its ok right now. 4-ok


    Rhino-1-ok. 2- too op i know its rhino supposed tank but with this skill he is just superman, use the same formula on frost 3, make it invulnerable for some time then absorb damage and after shield gets vulnerable like that its more viable in late game and balanced to the rest. 4-ok


    Saryn-1- needs more dmg, needs a slow or even doble dmg to marked targets. 2- nice as it is right now with the dmg and proc. 3-ok 4-ok


    Trinity-1-ok. 2-ok but needs to make pet not target it. 3- very good but needs the come back of ally shooting at us and transfering the damage with the link even if it is less damage makes it quite usefull on bugged mobs. 4-ok but more bosses need to remove the buff, like alad v, making bosses much more bosses XD and even some corpus prova hitters remove the buffs turning trinity not just a spam 4 and making players more aware, carefull and active.


    Valkyr-1-spider woman on the house, its ok. 2-ok. 3-ok 4-its much like ash needs a way to stop it.


    Vauban-1-ok. 2-ok. 3-ok. 4- this skill had some problems but right now has it is its working great.


    Volt- 1-ok. 2-ok. 3- i think that a movable shield was better, make it a little bigger and make it toggle and use energy while on activate and move slower but with the shield always in front of u. 4-ok.


    Zephyr-1-ok 2- needs to be fixed of that damage underground but i think it will be great. 3- i think it needs better animation and if it gives an aura it should show on other ppl too. 4- good op but less rewarding since all drops get scattered around the map so i think this is ok.




    Carrier-1-most usefull pet skill ever ok.

    Death Cube-1- usefull but needs a incentive to use it over carrier like giving u a dmg buff when vaporizing an enemy

    Djinn-1- redo it make him act like the turbulence on zephyr and redirect shots to him absorbing it and transfering to ur energy pool in some cases i might actually pick him

    Helios-1-good codex link but ppl still want to go wiki and check all stats and comments maybe when codex is overextended and gives some kind of reward for scanning or something, also it still needs tweaks like can speed and only scan what missing right now it is useless. the weapon too needs fixes like good that fires to the head but more fire rate or some homing ricochet stuff to compensate his fire rate but again guns are not attached to the sentinel.

    Shade-1- its all good i think its usefull and it has a place in the upcoming stealth missions

    Wyrm-1-i still think his skill is good but why would i use this sentinel if i have more usefull ones? maybe get a charge animation so ppl can prevent and jump to the middle of enemies.


    Here are my general thoughts

    Thank you





    PS: sry for my english

  5. Says the 1200+ hours gamer to the 200 hours gamer.


    1200+ hours gamer: hey man look at this weapon if u played this game earlyer u could get this, but i spent alot of time and boring event procedure to gain it 100 runs but since there was like nice rewards from corpus and potatoes and stuff i had to do like 150 just to get this weapon.


    200 hours gamer: oh that weapon i just do 2 missions in normal mode dificulty with strangers and i got stuff and then i went to the forge and now i have to w8 for 13h or 23 hours to get it.


    1200+ hours gamer: hmmm -_-... :-( 

  6. So i spent countless hours doing the event knowing i will get a unique weapon and now it just implemented ingame drop of it.

    i know that the potatoe and slot they gave along brakk worths it but still it is giving away the weapon.

    So being a rank 15 player with 1200+ hours of game im still thinking, WHAT IS THE POINT?

    im rank 15 and i feel i didnt get diserverd reward for it and now 2 event weapons are given away.

    if thats the case of next events, me and other long time players must demand the attention of DEs and that all other event weapons given away like snipetron vandal, braton vandal, primed chamber, excaibur prime, etc etc etc.


    Rly im very optimistic with digital extreme's work but im very very very disapointed with this.


    Sry for bad english i think XD.

  7. Do something with nova because she kills everything with 4?

    Well, My rhino with corrupted build can stay in center of newest grineer defense pod map and ... just spam 4, killing em all even before they get out of spawn rooms... fun eh?

    Then what about Saryn? its also 4 to kill everything around frame.

    and while we at it, Excalibur radial javelin? corrupt your build and youre as good in aoe/dmg as mentioned above...

    Not enough? Mag pull nowdays can OWN hordes of enemies, and its her 1st ability...

    i honestly can give you any reason to nerf any frame, In some way ALL of em are OP, while at other hand, all need buff.


    Mag prime and helmets? Same applies to Frost prime and Excalibur prime. 


    Random generated maps should be as random as possible. make you actualy less boored runing these maps over and over again.

    More randomness there plz. (with new even and ships coliding into eachother? sexy!)


    Duplicate mods are already gone from loadout/equip screen, now if you have for example:

    rank 2 ammo drum x5

    rank 4 ammo drum x1

    rank 7 ammo drum x1


    You will see only three mods in your equip mod screen

    rank 2 ammo drum x1

    rank 4 ammo drum x1

    rank 7 ammo drum x1


    Yea many of them can just spam 4 and kill everything and i know that they are always changing and improving the gameplay but if all skills had a cooldown would be better not just to balance the frames but also to get more team coordination.


    I said mag prime coz frost prime doesnt have any gold on the suit so if u change the helmets they dont seem like they are wrong in there but mag has gold all around the suit and its unchangable and the suit is white if u change the helmet u see helmet in grey without any type of gold in there


    Random generated maps arent soo bad but needs a bit of improvement maybe u dont understood wel, since my english is bad XD, what i said in another example is getting out of a window breaking corpus room to a corridor to another window breaking corpus room. but they are changing and already put some more doors and stuff so i guess they are working in it.


    Again u must understood wrong what was trying to say was that i want to rank up my blind rage and i want to use all the duplicates so i have to pass though all other mods and carefully select the duplicates so was much better just to go to duplicates tab and use them, like fusion cores.


    This makes no sense at all. If the Novas were killing everything then you would have EQUAL experience on your frame, your primary, your secondary, and your melee. That's the way affinity from teammate kills is split. Ability kills, weapon kills, whatever, doesn't matter, it's all split 25% to each. If you end up with more xp on your warframe it's because of something you did with your abilities, not anything anyone else did.


    Yea i forgot the words "they" get 50k exp on warframe and "i get" 8k on weapons, and it was just an example...


    If u kill something with a skill and gives u 100 exp, 100 goes to warframe

    If u kill something with a braton and gives 100 exp, u get 50 on braton and 50 on warframe

    if a teammate kill something with skill and gives 100 exp, he gets 100 exp to warframe and u get 25 warframe 25 rifle 25 pistol 25 sword


    imagine a nova kills 360 mobs with skill and everyone is 100 exp so it makes 36000 exp on his warframe and u get 9000,9000,9000,9000

    this means i have no choice what i want to rank more since its all equal and if i was only ranking a primary 18k exp was lost at least for me

    also all fun is lost instantly.

  8. So i know that they are progressing in a super boost speed of improvement, but still i want to leave some small suggestions and fixes i would like to see done.


    -Time stamps on chat- How many times u went check the chat and someone is inviting for a void tower that u want and u pm him and he say oh man that was 3 hours ago.


    -Void Lobby- "oh i got the key but i cant host" this sentence is said alot within my friends, so what about a lobby were someone who can host can create a room and others enter it and can pick from their key list the key they have and want to play.


    -Cancel button on foundry- u craft like a forma and right next to it a potato alert comes out and u need the mats, so i think it should have a cancel button.


    -Full description on the weapons and warframe- if u check balistica u see that info is minimum, were is the charge damage and the charge crit and charge critical damage, always going for wiki...


    -One handed weapons should use left arm- for god sakes it is just ugly shooting it with right arm super still, aiming, and the other balancing. My suggestion is to put just like the police uses them, with the 2 hands or even twist more sideways so the left arm stays at the back.


    -Stealth attack damage scales with charge attack damage???- was trying to do some stealth and the best weapon for stealth is galantine??? is this ok so silence attack with a super big heavy sword...would make more sense make it always red crit and scale with critical damage.


    -Do something to nova- i know it will be pretty hard to work on a warframe that everyone love coz she just 4 and 4 and 4 and kills all but i go, for example, cyath to rank up my weapons and i go with a vauban so i can cc and kill them with weapons but i get 3 teammates and they are all novas, best thing is that they are all spamming novas and they are in a battle for kills, in the end they get 50k exp on warframe that is on rank 30 and i get 8k on weapons (just an example)... just saying put some cooldown on her ult for god sakes.


    -Mag Prime and her alt helmets- u get mag prime and its cool lets put my favorite alternate helmet, boing, color is super diferent and its 100% bad looking...so get the suit colot on helmet pls.


    -Dojo needs more love- all rooms should be able to switch to the new look without the need to destroy them, emblem decorations, more decorations to put on the walls and ceiling, the new wall run can get me in the dark roof of death in some dojo rooms most of them the big rooms, we need more capacity some rooms with all the decoration full still look very empty, some decoration with designs we cant see the design before it gets done and we need some more dojo activity.


    -Set reminder- u put like loki set A with farming mods and B with hardcore mods and u play normally with B when u switch warframe it defaults to A again it should remember that was B last time, same applys to appearance.


    -Random generated maps- some times they are soo random that i go to a big grineer room that u have to run up to the top, into a door with a small room to a pipe, were u go to another big grineer room and u run to the bottom to another small room to another big room to run to the top of top, etc.. should be a limit of next to each other big rooms coz right now some of them are separate from a pipe sometimes.


    -Syandana phisics needs a look- when u run too fast it just looks like it is slapping the camera.


    -Nyx 4 kills sentinel- tested and yea it kills sentinal so i cant use the 4 since it will kill the sentinel.


    -Animation wise- seems that it will be some screenshot contests more often coz one just ended and another comes now so more animations to take pics, or even a camera on the esc menu so u can go solo, get a nice spot, pause the game and go with the camera to take the photo.


    -Alerts 2.0 seems the same alert system- a long time ago they put alert 2.0 but i see the alerts always repeting same as always and others just appear in some times for example until now necro alt helmet just appeared one time and was for me at 5 am, vespa nyx helmet i lost it already 3 times straight coz they all were from 2 am to 6am gmt+1 btw,

    I liked more when it was all secret, u want to know? u need to do it. And it need more alert content like put single colors in it or large energy/life/ammo/shield team auras,etc.


    -Duplicate tab- in the mods menu sometimes i have soooo many duplicates that i use them to fusion but i have to go through the not duplicates so wasnt it better to have a duplicate tab were there were all rank 0 duplicated mods?


    Thank you for reading and keep up the amazing job on warframe guys

  9. its a matter of opinion and in my opinion i think it is ugly, small and weak.

    i dont like the pistols that use only one hand and the other is just balancing, hate it.

    also dont think it fits in warframe ninja style thing.

    for me its just another craft-lvl-sell it weapon still w8ting for a katana with some charge cool shockwaves, or a nunchakus with some nice animations, some big throwing knives were u throw and pick them up from the bodies, etc etc etc...

    for me a crossbow should be a big primary weapon.

    quite disapointing for me.

  10. hi guys i dunno if i can customize the image to be valid so here it is a customized on




    and the original one




    and one with the player window open




    Players: Matovelhos





    Hope to win XD


    Thank you all and warframe keep up the good work

  11. Well the game itself is getting boring coz there are no events and im tired of polarize and always lvling up stuff, there are no alerts that i have the will to do unless its a potato or forma.

    I rly need something to keep me playing.

    Put single colors on alerts or even an event that the reward is a plat discount, put something new on alerts or even a big &#! event

    The prime time helped me to stop for a while and have some fun.

    It was great im amazed with all the artwork shown and MEGAN IS REAL AND HOT and Rebbecca voice is in my dreams but its too late the time is hard for me to try to win 1000 plat, 1 hour earlier would be perfect.


    Keep the good work.

  12. if banned until January 2035 it seems you got caught by DE anti-cheating protection.


    Fill up a support ticket

    Funny i dont cheat but i had some problems already with some games that refuse to work with my Razer N52TE Nostromos Gamepad hope its not the case.

    but i sent the ticket

  13. So i was playing normally, and just got banned i think. First time this happened to me so im a little lost to what to do.

    I log and appears that im suspended until 2035.

    What i want is to know why i was banned??? Since i didnt do anything wrong.

    This never happened to me before and im 1 hour waiting for a response from the ticket i sent.

    I know that you guys are busy as always but im on my free time and wanted to get this fixed before im not.

    sry for my english i know im not that good XD

    hope this speeds up the process


  14. I dont usually post anything on forums and i even dont see streams.

    Until i started playing warframe and wanted to keep updated.

    Some questions.


    1- Will small clan help come anytime soon? since i have a clan with my friends and we are like 6.


    2- There are too many alerts of credits credits and artifacts artifacts artifacts im still waiting for some reactor or even vauban helmet blueprint since i lost that one like 4 times already.

        Can you guys make more alerts that everyone must stop what they are doing to "just have to get that" feeling?


    3- Can you say my name "MATOVELHOS" on livestream? like the "70000 units are approaching"


    Congrats to all the team you guys are doing an amazing job and thanks for the game and service you all giving to us.


  15. Some friend said " Hey come play warframe is fun " and since im glued to the game i made a nice video some cool compilation mixed with normal gameplay.


    Im speaking in portuguese in the gameplay part coz was an occasional fun game and friends are portuguese.


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