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Posts posted by Feynt

  1. 16 hours ago, Zilchy said:

    You also use cosmic crush and fighter escort for killing vomvalysts during Terry healing phase and you need Itzal for teleporting the loot. You don't need energy that's what pads are for and Harrow gives a crit buff as well. This is when you are trying to do as many per night as possible. Amesha is then a complete waste of time.

    Only void damage can kill vomvalysts.  If you're using only itzal drones and crush, you're making life harder for your team. 


    Harrow's crit buff is irrelevant because of the other ways to mitigate a lack of crit, and teams can (and do) work just fine without him.


    Trinity gives plenty of energy, and with amesha you make it so nobody has to retreat to maintain energy or worry about mag wave damage at all.  Trinity is considered a requirement to maintain lure health, so it's fine to have her negate damage as well on an amesha.

  2. 5 hours ago, Zilchy said:

    You say you mastered Tridolons but you brought an Amesha to it. That doesn't add up.

    Also: Host migration in progress, connection lost. *dumped back to your orbiter*

    Amesha trumps bringing a Harrow.  3 makes the entire group immune to the mag pulses, 2 heals the group and nullifies all ranged attacks, and 4 gives you infinite energy.  You can also use 1 on a target to ensure they don't get hurt by the next 10+ attacks.  I figured this out recently and it drastically increased my group's kill times. 


    You use itzal to teleport to an eidolon maybe twice per outing, and maybe use the ability to vacuum up all the drops, but it's a waste of resources when you can make your team invulnerable.

  3. 22 hours ago, leadwolf1 said:

    well as you can see a lot disagree with you, only those who speed run want all frames to have  all mobility move. the game is not designed just and only for speed runs, other wise mobile defenses and regular defenses and excavations would not exist, It would turn into another reg rpg basic single player. those games already exist. I did read that you want him more mobile with his abilities, but like everything else every frame is suppose to be different and not so much alike.

    A lot of people also want Mag to one shot corpus again, and think Nidus is entirely balanced.  ~.^


    I don't care about Oberon being a speed runner, and in fact I like that Hallowed Ground is not an aura and is instead a field he places on the ground.  My proposed changes don't make him a speed runner at all though.  They actually make him a more sedimentary frame by making Hallowed Ground a greatly beneficial skill.  You'll want to hang around the field so that enemies will wander onto it and lose armour.  HG's central mechanic becomes armour manipulation, which greatly affects the rest of his abilities.


    My fear against energy regen/refunds is everything proposed has the potential to make him an infinite energy gainer.  Quick Thinking/Rage already makes him basically invincible when he has Renewal going, but what's being proposed basically says "We don't want Rage, we want to use another mod, let's make it so that when we hurt things we get energy!"  Does this not sound broken?  If Oberon restored 5 energy per enemy that got hurt on HG, he'd have infinite energy in a defence, survival, or extraction mission.  If he gained energy from radiation proc'd enemies, or for enemies that died on HG, he'd basically always be running a radiation proc weapon and would be full energy even when speed running an exterminate.  The only suggestion that makes sense is Reckoning having a chance to drop energy orbs from enemies killed by (or shortly after) Reckoning, because it's a) not a guarantee, b) using a mechanic that already exists and just reflavouring it (health orb drop code is copied and swapped for energy), c) is easy to rebalance (adjust the drop chance), and d) requires the use of his most expensive power to possibly get energy.  This means he can kind of fill the role of Trinity for team energy giver, but falls short of it (like he's supposed to as a jack of all trades).

  4. 3 hours ago, MarrikBroom said:

    I urge everyone who has an active account to post in the Oberon thread. Please be polite, be very clear in this. One TINY push. That's all that's left. There are many MANY things I would still like, but at the same time this is the most important.


    Ideas I've either seen or suggested:

    • Allow Zennurik/EV Trinity/Energy Siphon to work either in full or at a reduced value while renewal is active. Equinox apparently allows this behavior so why not Oberon right? While this is tempting, as it appears easy to implement, I have low confidence here as 'what if trinity gets nerfed? What if zennurik changes?' Also I feel this one is too 'I don't have to do anything' which seems to be why they've lengthened the chain on the ability dependency rather than outright removed it like many people (Myself included) have called for. I only put this here for the sake of 'it's been suggested.'

    • Change his passive so anything within x meters that dies with a radiation proc refunds a small bit of energy. 15 meters was suggested, I feel 20 would be slightly better since that puts it in smite's default range. Either way I feel this is a good idea since it wouldn't matter where the radiation comes from (Smite, Hallowed ground, reckoning, weapons,) Or how enemies died (rad procs, you, your team, the hostage with borrowed akstelletos, etc) Just so long as they suffer radiation, and die around you.

    • Enemies on hallowed ground giving fractions of energy while on hallowed ground. This would fit with their push to make hallowed ground a centerpiece ability. However I fear it would mean people, myself included here, wouldn't want to cast hallowed ground unless they can fly trap enemies on it. However you're already encouraged to use hallowed ground, and it now makes armor stripping completely viable. The downside is ideally enemies wouldn't stay on hallowed ground long enough to refund much energy.

    • Enemies dying on hallowed ground refunding energy. I have suggested this one, but as pointed out elsewhere this incentives 'you gotta make sure enemies die on the ooze pile.' However you're already encouraged to use hallowed ground, and it now makes armor stripping completely viable.

    • Make Reckoning have a 25% chance to drop energy orbs if an enemy is hit and dies within x seconds. I like this one as it fixes what I feel is the worst offender of Oberon's kit clunk in that currently reckoning has an on kill mechanic, but reckoning isn't designed to kill past low levels, nor do I really want it to as that would make Oberon's 4 'press 4 to win.' Additionally this mechanic now works with the armor strip since you're already encouraged to strip armor out so the goal is to murder the thing quickly.

    So, one last push. Will you help the goat out?

    I personally can't agree to most of these things.  Here's my thoughts on them:


    • Oberon's healing is better than Nidus' (under a good deal of circumstances); and is dare I say it, closing in on Trinity's.  It's at least in the same general area now, he can see her on the horizon from where he stands with a pair of really strong binoculars.  So being able to regenerate energy while giving his regen and armour (which can turn squishy frames into tanks) is kind of a bad thing for his state of play.  He will get nerfed if that goes on.
    • See above for why energy refunds are bad while regen is active.  Out of Renewal being in play though, I'd actually be more in favour of the later change with another modification (see Reckoning below)
    • Again, see above.  My push for Oberon's Hallowed Ground to be a centre piece is for it to apply armour to allies and debuff enemy armour per damage tick all by itself.  It gains synergy with Smite in that case, while giving the same synergies to the others without the gating mechanic.  You then want to cast Hallowed Ground all the time, whether you're casting Renewal or Reckoning or not.  Renewal becomes a heal on demand/top off on demand, its primary function, with the armour buff (which is timed, similar to how it is when you apply it now with Renewal and then end it) aiding it.  Reckoning likewise can have other adjustments to it without feeling overloaded, and benefits (as Smite does) from the reduced armour (which is mellowed out since it's per tick rather than a large boost of damage).
    • Again, see above.  Worse, this makes it so you either have to stay in one (admittedly now larger) area to gain energy, or spam an energy hungry skill to gain energy?  These both run counter to what the community wanted Oberon to do (be more mobile while doing his thing).
    • The Reckoning change is possibly the only one that makes sense, but what I suggested in another thread (on reddit, the weekend after his release) was that Reckoning apply a debuff to affected enemies that caused them to have a decent (unmodifiable) chance at dropping either a health or energy orb if they died within the next few seconds.  They go up, they come down, light shower of energy/health orbs.  This sounds reasonable without being overpowered, because anything that didn't get killed from the first toss can still be gunned down easily for healing.  


    I've been saying that Hallowed Ground thing everywhere I can.  This last update is really close to that, and it made me happier, but it's still gating the mechanics you want behind a (now less) useless skill.  Once the armour buff is applied I still don't feel compelled to use Hallowed Ground again unless I have to recast Renewal.  The armour strip combo with Reckoning is extremely expensive, and my gun can already shred armour (not to mention any number of other frames who can do the job, like Ash), so there's no incentive for me to perform that combo that costs more than half his base energy.

  5. 9 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Oberon Changes



    • Oberon’s Renewal Armor buff will be applied to allies anytime they step on Hallowed Ground while Renewal is active on them as opposed to them having to be on Hallowed Ground when Renewal hits them.


    • Oberon’s Reckoning Armor debuff is now based on the target's base Armor instead of current Armor (meaning no more diminishing returns).


    Almost there.  At least the Hallowed Ground change makes it more likely that you can apply the armour buff to allies.  I had suggested making the armour buff/debuff fully separate of Renewal to remove the gating entirely, but this is at least helpful with the expanded range.

  6. 1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

    As this thread has increased in size and conversations have drifted, many suggestions/concerns have been submerged in the depth. In reviewing this particular thread we just wanted to drop in that we're still reading the discussions to see what sparks any next steps for Oberon. 

    Your constructive feedback, as always, is appreciated! 

    Good to hear, since I've been posting this little tidbit on reddit and only now thought to bring it to the forums.


    I'm mostly good with Oberon's rework, though it feels like damage wise he's dropped off (for what little he had).  Ignoring that though, the real issue for me is the gating.  Scott said it was synergy, but Hallowed Ground is nothing but a gate for the effects you want out of the other abilities.  Rather than major changes and reworks though, here's very simple change in two parts: 

    • Hallowed Ground can apply a timed armour buff (as it would with Renewal when Renewal is dropped) which refreshes when players touch it.
    • Hallowed Ground reduces enemy armour (as it would with Reckoning, though toned down slightly) whenever enemies take damage from it.

    That's it.  Synergy enforced, and Hallowed Ground gets an identity.  Right now I feel like I must cast Hallowed Ground to get any good use out of my other two abilities.  But if HG actually did these things by itself I'd be casting it a lot more and liking doing it.  It also rounds off the edge of his energy hungry nature by not requiring chain casting of abilities to get the effects you want.

  7. I guess you guys don't read reddit too much.  I've recommended a change for Oberon a lot there.  Take the gating away from Hallowed Ground.  Make it apply a timed (refreshable) armour buff every time allies step on it, and make it reduce armour of enemies every time they are damaged by it.  This makes it synergetic with the rest of his kit without forcing the requirement down the player's throat.  Hallowed Ground has an actual identity and a reason to cast it on its own.  Best of all, this should be a super simple code copy that takes an hour or two tops to move and test.

  8. Please note:

    This is the second of many hotfixes to come. We’ll be here throughout the weekend keeping things together. We’re actively reading, logging, and experiencing the issues first hand. Lots of keyboards working away on the next set of fixes.


    Can you fix a long standing Zephyr thing (from a little while after her release actually) where if she uses Tailwind repeatedly to stay in the air she gets amplified gravity until she lands?  I want to fly with my flying warframe, not just air dash once.  >/

  9. I actually like this idea quite a bit.  In another topic I suggested that Tailwind from the ground could just make you fly up and hover for 5-10 seconds, and while airborne you can use it as normal.  Dive Bomb maintains its straight down effect as well.


    The idea of combining Tailwind and Dive Bomb into one skill (where you zoom into something and AoE) is actually quite good.  Tailwind becomes a sustained flight ability, either hovering or noclip fly mode (speed would be faster with levels and possibly power strength?), while Dive Bomb becomes a directed 3D Rhino/Slash Dash which does an impact effect if you hit terrain.  Her fly through damage would need to be reduced slightly, because it would make flying through something and into the ground even more damaging with two separate packages of damage in one ability.

  10. I do like the way Tailwind and Dive Bomb work right now, but I agree hovering needs to be a thing with her.  I was thinking, if she used Tailwind on the ground, maybe it can make her hover/noclip fly for 5-10 seconds (power duration enhanceable) before doing her slow descent.  5 seconds is plenty of time to line up a Dive Bomb, and also plenty of time to rain death on your enemies.


    The other thing, Tailwind needs to be fixed.  Each use of Tailwind exponentially increases gravity's hold on her to the point where aiming straight up on the third use barely gains you any altitude and you plummet like a stone.

  11. I walk away from a mobile defense mission in Eris with 6699 nano spores and zero neurodes.  I farm Vay Hek on Earth or Phorid on Eris dozens of times and only get energy drops from time to time (no blueprints, no mods, nothing).  My friend has made comments about the horrible luck I'm having with finding these.  I need 28 neurodes to build things, and as a consequence of farming bosses or mobile defense missions I've gotten 50k nano spores over the past 24 hours (now up to 84k).  Neurode drop rates are most assuredly broken right now.

  12. For the most part the course is fine, however there are three parts I take issue with and think needs fixing.


    1.  Top of the list, those pillars moving side to side in ever increasing speed are BS.  We never see terrain like that in any of the levels, and they don't behave like any other terrain where you can grab the edges or wall run up the sides of them.  I can handle the rest of the course just fine with a nice pace, but those things just ruin the whole flow of the course.  They have to go.


    2.  The wall run into wall climb/flip course is fun, and it needs to be extended I feel.


    3.  Over the area with the rising pillars, I managed to vault over one segment and then tried to vault over the other segment and died as a pillar came up underneath me.  I...  Died...  In the dojo...  Outside of a dueling room...  That needs fixing.

  13. I lost a reaper prime blueprint myself earlier.  Sadly my friend was far too impatient for me to find my EE.log file to save and upload to support.  I submitted a ticket anyways, but without proof, who knows if they'll accept my claims.  >/


    Upside, my friend got his void key back.  Downside, on the rerun we got a second reaper handle.  >.>

  14. My take about Disruptors:


    - Make their "disrupting ability animation" way more noticiable (sometimes they just attack without draining but there's no difference visually speaking)


    - When disrupting let them drain ONLY shield OR ONLY energy at a time, not both together


    That's it, they still be 1 of the most dangerous enemies but at least not so instagib

    It's far from instagib.  It's just horribly debilitating.  You lose all your energy and can't regen anything for a while.  If you get hit in the middle of a mob, well, sorry but what were you doing in the middle of a mob?


    Personally I'm waiting for them to have their own model and animations. I think part of the problem is the stretch armstrong move they have now is too hard to dodge. It's doable, but just a bit too hard to be fair.

    That said I do like OP's suggestions and wouldn't mind them as alternatives.

    It actually isn't hard to dodge them at all.  When they sprint at you, you run by them and do a dodge roll.  They will miss you 100% of the time.  At any other range where they will do their long punch, simply circle strafing will produce the same results.

  15. STOP TAKING AWAY FREE STUF and the dificulty in solo is extemely frustrate

    They haven't taken away free stuff.  They're just making it so that you have to spend time to get free stuff.  This is in line with every F2P game in the past 6-18 months.


    And this is supposed to be a cooperative space ninja game.  What part of Massively Multiplayer Online Game do people not understand?

  16. wallrun tests 8 and 9.. out of place. i  mean there is no location in the game when you need such acrobatics.


    hacking test was good though. i want such riddles in actual game. which also will make ciphers useful.



    need no, of course not.


    However there are many many places where such techniques permit you to traverse the maps far more quickly, and more importantly with style.


    I would have to agree.  I haven't encountered any places where you need to do wall running and aerial assaults, however there are many places where being ninja is far faster than simply taking the stairs/elevator, once you know the trick.  Some places can take 20-30 seconds off of your total run time if you know the short cuts.  Also who doesn't like wall diving at enemies with your melee weapon?  It's a very difficult skill to learn, but it's stronger than a sliding melee slash.

  17. Naturally some door types can be disabled based on the number of players.  Currently two man doors open for one person in solo, if they show up at all, so likewise the code could be in place to prevent the timed doors from appearing altogether in solo.  Or give them some additional time so it IS possible to reach the door in time, if you're not distracted too much.

  18. I think the idea of "poison disruptors" makes a lot of sense.  Hitting you would drain chunks of energy and huge chunks of shielding, but just being near them scrambles your systems and makes you lose energy like a toxic ancient would cause you to lose health in close proximity.  Maybe hits can also disable skill usage for about 2-3 seconds as well.

  19. Specifically, we need more door lock types.  Currently a door is either open, sealed, or a two man lock.  One doesn't slow any pacing, one exists because the level objective isn't that way (yet), and one just seems arbitrarily spawned when the level is created.


    Some examples of door types I'd like to see are as follows:


    1.  Keypass doors:  One of the enemies in the room (probably a heavy unit) has a key which opens the door and needs to be defeated before it'll open.

    2.  Locked, "hackable" doors:  The equivalent of lock picking, the door is "sealed" but can be opened by some sort of mini-game (not the current rotating tiles).  This makes engaging the player a priority and breaks up the endless killing a bit more.  The attempt to break in should have a timer, but not be a failure condition.  Merely, the timer is how long it takes before a lockdown is triggered and enemies are put on alert, causing a wave of enemies to spawn and rush the door.  A lockdown would put an additional layer of difficulty over the hacking attempt.

    3.  Timed switch:  A door may only be openable by way of a switch in a nearby room, but will close before the triggering player can make it through.  On the other side though is another switch to open the door again (with the same restriction).  This promotes team play to complete objectives, as someone needs to stay behind to open the door for the team, and then the team needs to open the door for the remaining member(s).

  20. If you slide at the last possible moment, you get a speed boost which is usually enough to get you through.  The melee slide also gives you a speed boost, but it's over a longer period, so it's easier to get through the lasers with that.  The slide is inconsistent though when you're not the host.  Particularly if the host is lagging hard core, sometimes your perfectly timed slide is actually off by a few hundredths of a second and you run into lasers.


    I think turrets need to track better and be more of a threat to the single player running off on his own.  I also feel overall that if the players get too separated the level should adjust dynamically by placing double open doors in front of the lone players to promote more team play.  It's just a speed bump, most people won't notice it but the single players in the team coop games.

  21. I'm going to side with the people who agree that the tests are fine.  So far I've breezed through 4 levels of testing first time because I practice all these things in game.  Think of it as the test results telling you how much of a grasp you have on the game.  Can you kill a bunch of enemies in the time allotted with a pistol?  Can you pin point shoot a bunch of connected targets without missing?  Can you hack a series of terminals quickly?  It's all incentive to get better at certain areas of the game.  Can't whip around and shoot that target all the time?  Practice non-iron sight killing.  Can't hack those terminals fast enough?  Try hacking every terminal you can before the timer goes under 10s, break windows if you have to.  Practice killing while wall running as well, it makes you feel like a bad &#! and it's a test later on (according to the wiki).

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