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Posts posted by (PSN)Mewing_Raven

  1. Thank you all.  Turning off Bloom, Motion Blur, and Color Correction, in conjunction with making my effect color Black, has allowed me to play Archwing again.  The effect is still somewhat uncomfortable, but it doesn't seem to worsen the longer I'm with it, and it doesn't seem to make me shake or feel nauseated anymore.

    I still think the visual effect could use to be reassessed, but I'll be able to handle my archwing quests now, and use my Odonata.  Thank you.

  2. I'm not sure when, but apparently, the animation for Energy Shell has been updated.  It is causing me problems, and I would hazard a guess that it will cause similar problems in anyone prone to motion sickness or migraines.

    Formerly, the animation was just concentric circles radiating outward.  This was fine.


    Now, in addition to the outward radiation, there is a wave-like motion that circles the effect.  Also, it seems the circles are more dense, but this may be an illusion of the mentioned wave-like pattern.

    This now causes the Energy Shell animation to very closely emulate a visual distortion common to migraines and motion sickness, a form of tunnel vision.

    I didn't notice the animation at first, just that I was feeling dizzy and nauseated.  When I was able to place the source of the discomfort, it got worse.  Two rounds of interception had me shaking.

    Changing the color to deep black helps some, though I'm not sure if I'll be able to "get used to" the effect, or if that will simply prolong the onset of severe dizziness and nausea.

    The Odonata (prime) is, by far, my favorite archwing, and I would very much like to continue using it.  Any attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated.

  3. well, then your warframe would be holding a longsword in one hand and a slightly longer longsword in the other, I just think that that would kinda look wierd.

    We're faceless, naked space ninjas.  One of the guns we use has a tongue.  We have a sword with literal teeth.  There is a jet-powered sledge hammer.  We have chainsaw fists.  Comparatively, a couple of long swords is pretty tame.

  4. First, I like the idea a lot.  And you wouldn't really have to shorten the model.  The Broken War uses the half-pomel of the War as it's handle, so the other sword could just be a bit longer, implementing the original handle as the grip.



    Well, there's your first problem. In order to obtain Broken-War you need to complete the quest, which can currently only be done one, or a War and blueprint. In order to obtain War you need a Broken War and blueprint or 695p to buy a bundle. So at a minimum you'd need to do the Second Dream quest, spend 1390p to buy one War and a spare, find a Broken-War blueprint from Stalker and craft one of the Wars into a Broken-War, then find the hybrid blueprint. Sounds a bit extreme for a single weapon, even by DE's standards.


    Sort of? You mean ハイブリッド, which is just the English "hybrid" written with katakana? Also, Stalker doesn't have any Japanese influences. Dread, Despair, Hate, War. None of those are Japanese in any way.

    Thank you!  It is a personal pet peeve when people think that english words pronounced in japanese dialect and written in katakana are completely different words.  It makes me feel nitpicky, and I usually don't say anything, but I'll happily support you on this.  :-)

  5. Problem is that Kama is more of a sickle than a scythe. And sickles are used pretty much the same way as machete.


    The argument isn't about realism, it's about common sense. If you downscale a sword to ~4th its original size, it basically turns into a dagger.

    Thank you.  In practice, a Kama is much closer to a machete than to a scythe.


    To all people who write "find a group,play with clan whatever" I DONT CARE


    So, if you don't care, why should we, or DE?


    This is a social game.  It is designed with group play in mind, and has a robust friend and clan system.  It has built in chat and voice chat.  It is meant for people to play together.


    If you, for some reason, feel that the game should cater to granting you your "qualified" random team mates, maybe you should find another game.  Probably something single player.


    The rest of us, we have met people through this game, or play this game with other friends.  We queue up for void missions with people we enjoy talking to.  Maybe we gamble in recruitment chat, but the good ones, we tend to add to our friends list, and run with later.


    You want a qualification test?  Run a sortie with people.  If they are good, maybe FRIEND THEM, and run the sortie with them, again later.


    If you can't be bothered to meet people, learn to run the thing solo.


    DE has already done everything to give you the mechanics needed to find suitable team mates.  If you refuse to use them, That's entirely on you.

  7. Not sure about you, but Sentients make me pull out a lot more parkour tricks than basically any other non-boss enemy in the game. I'd love to see them get some more advanced AI, don't get me wrong, but they're far from just bullet sponges.

    They do?  They just make me find a corner to hide behind.  Shoot a bunch, duck lasers, shoot a bunch, duck lasers, repeat, repeat, repeat... am I missing something?

  8. So, PS4 Tenno!  I'm certain you, like me, often have trouble getting everything on the controller in such a way that it is all there, and all usable.  So, let's post our custom keybindings!  I know that with the Focus power, and the prevalence of jumping puzzles on the moon, that I'm going to be tweaking mine.  I figured that some shared ideas might give people some tools to make this all a little easier.


    Ok, so, this was the one I was using for months:


    L1 - Aim/Melee Block

    R1 - Fire/Channel

    L2 - Crouch/Roll/Slide

    R2 - Secondary Fire

    L3 - Sprint

    R3 - Melee

    Triangle - Weapon Swap

    Square - Reload/Activate

    Cross - Jump

    Circle - Consumables Menu

    Dpad up - Power A

    Dpad left - Power B

    Dpad down - Power C

    Dpad right - Power D

    Swipe up - mark

    Swipe left - Quick Item 1

    Swipe down - Show Players

    Swipe right - Quick Item 2

    Press Touchpad - Map


    However, I recently tried a more melee-centric build, and Focus Attacks came in, So I gave this a shot:


    L1 - Aim/Melee Block

    R1 - Fire/Channel

    L2 - Crouch/Roll/Slide

    R2 - Melee

    L3 - Sprint

    R3 - Secondary Fire

    Triangle - Weapon Swap

    Square - Reload/Activate

    Cross - Jump

    Circle - Consumables Menu

    Dpad up - Power A

    Dpad left - Power B

    Dpad down - Power C

    Dpad right - Power D

    Swipe up - mark

    Swipe left - Quick Item 1

    Swipe down - Show Players

    Swipe right - Map

    Press Touchpad - Power E


    On the Moon, though, jumping puzzles are getting mean, so I'm going to try this tonight:


    L1 - Aim/Melee Block

    R1 - Fire/Channel

    L2 - Crouch/Roll/Slide

    R2 - Jump

    L3 - Sprint

    R3 - Melee

    Triangle - Weapon Swap

    Square - Reload/Activate

    Cross - Secondary Fire

    Circle - Consumables Menu

    Dpad up - Power A

    Dpad left - Power B

    Dpad down - Power C

    Dpad right - Power D

    Swipe up - mark

    Swipe left - Quick Item 1

    Swipe down - Show Players

    Swipe right - Map

    Press Touchpad - Power E


  9. I personally think he's worth it just to get the Deth Rifle, but this is a personal taste thing.  If you are running Carrier Prime, like a lot of us, you have to have an alternate weapon for when you would like to use a shotgun personally, or you have to have two of every shotgun mod.  The Deth Rifle and the Vulklok are probably the best choices for a backup weapon.  While the Vulklok does a pants load of damage, some might feel that it is wasted because the Carrier will only engage enemies in a limited range.  Either way, it's worth it for the Deth Rifle.

  10. Ah, a fellow PS4 Tenno!  So, fun thing, I'm not certain if the default control config actually has a power E button.  I wouldn't know, my controls have been horribly customized since day one.


    Go into your keybindings, find a button you don't use, set it to "power E".


    It doesn't need to be something you can press while aiming or such.  Once you activeate the power, you kinda go into a short lives invulnerable berserk mode, so stick it anywhere.  I remapped my "map" button to a swipe, and use "press touchpad" as my power activation.

  11. Ok, if that blonde moron Naruto gets to be a ninja, anyone can be a ninja.  Heck, anything can be a ninja.  Ninja sumo wrestler?  Sure!  Ninja $&*^ Cheney?  Rock that shuriken, old man!  Ninja cement mixer?  Even stealth assassins need nice roads!


  12. I think you could get away really cheap if you look at some of the older hardware, like the i7 920 which still has a lot of bang. Especially overclocked.








    What is the point of this post? You don't need to be on bleeding edge or the latest generation to build a pretty compentent gaming PC and it doesn't have to cost a small fortune either.

    ...?  The point is you asked how old my PC is, and it's capabilities.  And I'm familiar with how much it costs to build a decent PC, I've priced it out several times.  Why are you baiting?

  13. Please think about this... It is very easy to monitor 10 people in a ghost clan... That's 11 nintain.. Meaning that it would take 2 alerts to have wukong complete... In a moon clan it is increased times 100 percent, that is 1000 nintain... De is assuming that all of my 1000 members will be active and playing for the alert when that is practically impossible. That is the expectation of DE which beilive should be lowered. That doesn't just go for moon, but the same statistics in percentage race apply for mountain clans... The percentage raise is to high and it needs to be lowered

    First, DUDE, SERIOUSLY, FORMATTING.  Use periods and paragraph breaks.  This is not what ellipses are for.


    Second, if your 1000 member clan is, from what you say, 90% inactive, YOU NEED TO MAKE YOUR CLAN SMALLER.


    You aren't a large clan, you're a small clan with a LOT of leeches who like going, "Lookit, I'm in a big clan!"


    Either shrink down your clan, or figure out a way to increase clan activity.

  14. Wow, OP, your posts are difficult to read. 


    Look, ellipses (...) are not used to end sentences.  That is what periods are for.


    Your weird formatting "preference" just makes your post seriously difficult to get through.  I'm still sorting through them.


    As far as your concern, clans much smaller than yours are having no problems with the Wukong research.  IT sounds like your problems are internal to your clan, not with the game mechanics.


    But seriously, use paragraphs and periods.  Your posts are actually painful to read.  As in, I have a headache from reading your posts.  Please format in an acceptable manner.

  15. This game is kinda built around multiplayer.  You can absolutely solo, but it can get trying at certain points.


    If you want to be able to play with people, but don't want to have to deal with the problems with random players, you may want to consider joining a clan.


    As long as you do your homework, take your time, and join a clan that has people you get along with, you end up with a solid group of players you can rely on.  It really has improved my overall enjoyment of the game.


    If you decide to do this, go into the recruiting forums, and read around for a bit.  If one seems interesting, ask questions.  see what the general mood is.  See if they will let you run with them for a few missions, or even a day, before you make your decision to join.  Generally, if they won't let you run with them any before joining up, you don't want to be part of that clan, anyways.


    If you decide you want to run solo, more power to you,  Enjoy the game in your own way.  If you want reliable multiplayer, though, a clan is your best bet.

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