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Posts posted by Nebu1ous

  1. bullet jump impossible on a controller!?!?!? are you serious?!?!? everything is easier with a controller now since 2.0, what the hell with this post, doesn't even make sense

    This is a bug report section... he obviously isn't talking about how easy they are to do. He seems to be experiencing some sort of glitch.

  2. Was this really necessary? They never "set" a date for Update 17 to release, they gave an estimate which they couldn't meet because they wanted to release a polished product instead of a buggy one rendering the game unplayable.


    That's entirely fair, disregarding the fact that the release will probably be unpolished anyway and require at least two patches within the next few days after.

  3. I really hope you're being sarcastic. This would only make melee weapons even less useful in the eyes of many, during a time when people are actually calling for melee to be buffed a little more.

  4. Perhaps we should wait until the changes are made to complain? No? Okay. 


    Hey. DE chose to show us a preview of their new parkour, and most likely intended to get feedback from it. Otherwise, what's the point of showing it so close to release? If the parkour animations do end up being changed or refined, then good for them. They either listened to the feedback or had already planned to do so all along.


    Either way, there's no way they couldn't have expected this type of response. What's the problem here?


    Anyways, I have to agree on the silliness of the animations. Granted, everything we saw looked extremely... rough. I actually don't expect them to use that animation upon release. If they do, people will be thoroughly disappointed.

  5. I've learned not to trust DE with ingame balance. It's like they literally don't care to adequately balance a game. Synoid gammacor is a good example: They released it, buffed it, then nerfed it so hard that it's now arguably worse than it was from the start, and now functions completely differently from the normal gammacor.


    While perhaps a change or two needs to be made with excalibur's ult, don't expect it to happen in the ways you're suggesting.

  6. I don't care about parkour speed. I just want them to make the animations look good, and perhaps raise sprinting speed for all frames by 5-15% based off of the frame's current sprint speed. I've done almost everything in this game and it's getting to the point that the game itself is a race to MR19 to me. The only other things keeping me coming back are PvP, the clan I'm in, and the next major update. As a result, when I do play the game rather than idle in clan chat it isn't to take the scenic route.

  7. You've touched on a lot of the problems surrounding this game, provided sound enough arguments, garnered enough attention to make a 5 page discussion, and it doesn't seem as if the developers care in the slightest


    DE acts as if they have a good relationship with the community, but in reality they just have a good relationship with the parts of the community they like.



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