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Posts posted by (PSN)frosthawk2815

  1. Please forgive the roughness of this concept, humanoid figures are not my strong suit. I much prefer drawing animals.

    My idea was to intergrate celtic art motifs into the druids design, including taking inspiration from bronze age celtic gold work.

    While this sketch is colourless the emissive energy would be on the face marking, the backs of the legs, the interal cape markings. The internal surface of the skirt would be metalic and reflect the light emitted from the back of the legs.

    The final note is that I wanted to depict this oberon with the antlers of the largest deer therefore he has moose antlers here (Canadian game bonus), however as an Irishman I have to argue for the Megaloceras based design for the antlers. id leave that up to the community as weather to go with the largest living deer and Canadian or the largest extinct deer and Irish 

    Heirloom Oberon sketch  

  2. I appreciate the solution given here given the prior commitments to people who already purchased the collection.

    The purposed of the heirloom skins were to celebrate the aniversary but also to give old primes a more modern do over given how the original primes were more subtle with their prime detailing, kind of like umbra and this is just a suggestion.

    To make these a big celebration everyone can participate in. Make these heirloom skins into umbral frames that all players can earn via a special alert, 1hr in a void survival (for mag) or defense (for frost) with steel path levels and modifiers. Those who purchased the skins can apply them to base or the prime and can keep the halo exculsive too. The alerts also being time exclusive, just using the released heirlooms as an example. A big community event, doing something nostalgic that players who can stay in a mission for that long can appreciate since theyre likely veterans who remember the void towers before relics were introduced. 

    We want to support you DE and I get that is what sort of like a founders pack two but that did eventually become prime access with prime gear procurable in game. Maybe this wouldnt have stung so hard if I wasnt such a big frost enjoyer (I know shocker) but not being priced out of this celebration would have been nice I suppose.

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  3. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1qWOiimmDHlZHp2TmpoZmZ5Tmc/view?usp=sharing 

    name : Mori 

    weapon type ; primary 

    Faction ; Tenno 

    description ; this weapon doesn't fall under either any true class however it would fire like a tigris shotgun.The rope that holds the two harpoons together have more useful that it may first appear , The gun has innate punch through. The harpoons are projectiles and have flight times. Although it is not depicted (as i wasnt 100% on it) the ammo would kept on the back like arrows of a bow .I dont want to recommend stats as i have no idea how balanced a weapon like this should be.



  4. 2 hours ago, Winter_Born said:

    To anyone else reading through this thread for whatever reason - TLDR=Space Magic and Development Constraints. Unhappiness with this answer does not change the truth....

    Space Magic and Development Constraints.

    I hate that we have have to use space magic as an excuse but it's really the only way to explain it,even tough it has kinda been set up that the tenno are the only ones with actual space magic. It doesnt even make in continuity sense becuase if Lotus wanted us to end corpus interference on venus we would be targeting these towers. So ye I would have to agree

    Hey if anyone on the DE staff looks at this thread maybe consider having someone in the office or a trusted member of the community to check over some of your stuff for scientific plausibility .Cos to be fair the best science fiction is often the most obtainable and stops it from being outright fantasy  

  5. If your comfortable saying space magic that's fine,but that doesn't work for me 

    Most planets actually dont have varied environments ,geology sure but not in the way your implying.In fact ill go through them 

    Mercury;a mostly iron ball bathed in solar radiation and craters 

    Venus; Imagine hell just without the demons and that's a good idea of what it looks like underneath those clouds 

    Earth;the exception to the rule due to the presence of life and liquid water on it's surface and a strong and stable magnetic field

    Mars;A frigid desert with C02 ice caps

    The gas and ice giants ; Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus & Neptune ; NO LAND TO STAND ON ,NO OCEANS THAT YOU COULD REACH OR SWIM IN ,if you were to go there the only difference would be the colour of the sky around you and the strength of the wind and lightning                                                          

    If that doesnt satisfy you I could go on about the dwarf planets and moons but I think i've made my point .I accept it is a sci fi game and liberties can of course be taken because it's art ,But if your going to tell me this takes place in the future and then show me some drastically differed stuff from the present and give me a reason that I dont find plausible i'm going to point that out

  6. ye and it wasn't really a good excuse either .How the hell is it supposed to work you cant isolate an area like that and not have the outside move its way in .Venus is hot because of its atmosphere there is literally no way of doing that so that you have isolated pockets of cold on the surface.TBH terraforming the entire planet would be far easier 

  7. The planet Venus the second planet from the sun and is infamous for its high temperature's commonly reaching 462 °C; 863 °F  so why is the cold corpus tile set used for it.It makes no sense ,Im going to propose a few solutions.

    Venus has an atmosphere that is around 90x thicker than that of Earth,it is so thick in fact that real life scientists have proposed creating a floating colony in the sky's of Venus. the colony or station would not need any special gases or equipment in order to float either. Of course a floating corpus layout sounds familiar to all but the newest players. I'm recommending adding the Jupiter tile-set to Venus.

    My second way to solve the issue would be to say that Venus was terraformed by the Orokin or the infested or both.To terraform a Planet you would need permission from most of the Orokin executors ,at least four of the seven .Venus is an inhospitable place and being Earth sized is full of resources including metals coating the surface so cooling it seems like a viable thing for keeping a solar system wide empire supplied.To show this would be the case in game all we would need is a paragraph written and placed similarly to the cephalon fragments or at the most a quest about it.

    Look im just spit balling and I know not everyone cares about accuracy in the portrail of the system but I know there are a good few who do care.Thanks for reading if you have.            

  8. While I agree it would be novel for a few hours you'd get just as sick of it as you probably are with the current system ,it's just to much work for to little reward if that wall ever comes warframe will end it wont go open solar system like your envisioning for the reasons put to you by Rehtael7 .However Steve said we will be leaving the origin system at some point so you have to look forward to atleast ,although its a long way off probably


  9. Ye your abilities were basically what anyone who thinks time manipulation jumps to .Plus I was playing around with the concept of space and time as the two are interconnected you cant manipulate one without messing with the other and that is more realistic than selective time distortions and ''time bubbles'' but im not going to fault you for it cos the game isnt meant to be utterly realistic and artistic license with reality needs to be taken in fantasy like this. But I will say this your ideas are fine their just not very well thought out and if the dev's ever decide to make a time frame ,apart from their own ideas ,the fan concepts is where they will go and I cant imagine your generic ideas aiding in their creative process's .Sorry if I seem a little harsh but saying your ideas were better while completely missing my concepts point and then reading yours and all of your concepts abilities are almost exactly the same as each other , just look up general relativity after you read this (that includes anyone else after too who is a little confused about my concepts power set) it might warm you up to my concepts abilities especially the 4th one.                 

  10. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)Kamranos said:

    You pumped up base stats toot much for it to be viable. There needs to be balance or it will be over powered out of the box. Try dropping health down to a base 100 to give the frame a feeling of actually being in danger with its 450 base shield and armor. 

    1st ability, give a maxed rank damage it deals as "biological targets are killed after 3 seconds" wouldn't really be reasonable against even level 40 enemies.

    2nd ability, what is the proposed boost? 10% or more? Anything over 30% would again seem over powered as it is an ability that is a straight damage buff rather than an ability that adds elemental damage. DE tends to shy away from things that are a blatant Buff without it being a 'adds elemental' or has another function like causing weapons to jam.

    3rd ability I like it. give us a base maxed duration. maybe add something like 'if enemies is killed while in reverse time, a 500 damage radiation proc in a 10m radius'

    4th ability sounds cool. for a proper concept try giving us a look at what each warframe's interaction would be. Avoid things that mimic current warframe abilities, like your vortex suggestion. If you mimic another frames ability usually doesn't leave the drawing board. That's one thing the design council is told to avoid when giving concepts for augment mods. Give us a base duration.

    Keep in mind to make the stats and durations viable and something that would actually be found on a warframe. You can't over power something without it having a big drawback. High damage frames typically have less survivability and tanky frames often times aren't as damaging but have crowd control. Obviously with a concept you can think outside the box, but just be sure that others can see how that frame would work within the game. I run across tons of concepts where people put 400 armor, 400 health, 350 shield and 400 energy but the problem is no frame is that high all together. Some have great shields but lower armor or energy. There needs to be give and take. The same goes for abilities, too high of damage and its OP, too low and the CC needs to be there. 

    I like the concept, I just would like to see you flesh it out a little more and really get into the time and space theme of it. Nice work.

    Thanks for the advice ill definitely think about it and add some more info


  11. Chronos is a time themed warframe, his powers revolve around the manipulation of time .or at least it mimics it.  

    50 Armour , 450 shield(at max rank ) ,150 health (at max rank) ,450 energy (at max rank) / no mods 

    Chronos has a passive of increased duration time ,this passive is buffed with power strength mods to a max of double duration 

    Ability 1 ;Tunnel / Chronos pushes the target through the fourth dimension , the target ends in the vacuum of space biological targets(non robotic corpus ,grineer and infested) are killed after 3 seconds ,each second removes a third of the enemies health,robotic targets like moas ospreys and sentients are not damaged anything that survives has a radiation proc applied.The ability is affected by duration mods and without lasts one second   

    Ability 2 ;Warp / Chronos gains a weapon damage speed inrease and 10% boost to damage without mods at max rank by manipulating space time around the melee weapon ,secondary weapon and primary weapon /projectile weapons gain an addition 10% boost

    Ability 3 ; One step / enemies affected are manipulated so that they move backwards in time in an area of effect ,this has a base range of 35 meters

    Ability 4 ; Chronos uses time to siphon powers from other warframes around it ,for example chronos gets a massive sprint speed boost around volt , when limbo uses a power around chronos while the power is active a miniature black hole is created sucking in enemies dealing damage , around ember chronos manipulated the time around her fire increasing damge as it burns more intensely with speed up time . All effects last for the duration of the ability .I was thinking either base 15 second duration or possibly energy of a set amount of energy  

    Quest idea      So Tenno con came with the realization that the quests are not in chronological order ,so a basic idea around ive come up with is that chronos will correct the time line meaning that quest from that point on will be in chronological order and will allow replaying of quests due to a funneling of his power

    Im not sure if this theme has been tried before but I felt i had to but it out there just in case it hadn't ,If the idea catches on with anyone with a more artistic streak feel free to do a concept drawing . I would love feed back and thanks for reading    

  12. On 6/20/2016 at 8:38 PM, Cyborg-Rox said:

    Congratulations, you found out what everyone else already knew about.

    Seriously, if you've ever bought a Prime Accessories pack on Day 1, you'd know that the 90 day boosters expire just as a new Prime Access comes around. That's why they're at 90 days.

    Yes I knew that I was just putting the frames in order cos I had not seen that done anywhere and I don't think many realised at the current rate prime releases would go to the 2020's. Also if you look anywhere it is not always 90 days between releases it's between 90 and 120 days , I used 120 for reasons explained above, or did you just look at the list and not read anything else? 

  13. Ok so I am just speculating but I think I have figured out the prime release schedule,given that the status quo remains unchanged by the umbra's or any unforeseen rework also the releases usually come every 3 or 4 months so to give DE the benefit of the doubt I will be using 4 months for everything past nekros as to go any further with the 3 or 4 will end up with every date under the sun so these will be the latest possible months based on past releases.

    Nekros Prime - August or September ,2016

    Banshee Prime - January 2017

    Valkyr Prime - May 2017

    Oberon Prime - September 2017

    Hydroid Prime - January 2018

    Zephyr Prime - May 2018

    Mirage Prime- September 2018

    Limbo Prime -January 2019 

    Chroma Prime - May 2019

    Mesa Prime - September 2019

    Equinox Prime -January 2020

    Atlas Prime -May 2020

    Wukong Prime -September 2020

    Ivara Prime -January 2021

    Titania Prime (fairy frame) - May 2021

    Nezha Prime -September 2021

    Inaros Prime - January 2022 

    This list is probably The list of all Prime Warframes as it ends at the 10th year of the game and if Warframe lasts that long I'm all for it but its most likely not going to get that far without a full release and future mod support like Skyrim or Fallout Four has personally cant wait for Valkyr Prime and Oberon Prime ,good luck DE and to the future Tenno myself included trying to farm all of these and the regular frames that come out in the mean time    

  14. So ill start by saying i started warframe with the second iteration of the star chart and I am really liking the look of 3.0 however I do have a few issues with the star chart as it stands and I haven't seen anything in the new star chart that is attempting to address the issue  

    My biggest problem with the current star chart is that there is so much wasted opportunity heres what i mean there are far more moons and dwarf planets for DE to expand upon for example Jupiter has 4 large moons (the Galilean moons) and only one europa is in the game .I find this problem a little more frustrating when i see nodes on the planets named after these moons like enceladus on Saturn .I think everyone has noticed that frames are being made difficult to obtain because of a lack of assassination missions well this is the long term solution add these new places like all the moons of the outer planets ,pluto's moon charon ,the remaining dwarf planets like makemake ,take some creative liberty with the recently theorized 9th planet and obviously have something in solar orbit that one is staring us right in the face literally

    my second issue and this is minor and doesn't have alot to do with the star chart but tile set improvements I am going to use mercury for my example here.I think were all familiar with the mercury tile set but what if i was to tel you mercury's surface is far more interesting.while there is no open lava flows on mercury the night side has aurora stretching into the sky from all points of the horizon and the day side i shouldn't have to explain but it would look amazing in game regardless.I have the same issue with Mars , Venus , Earth and Jupiter  all have very unique and interesting locations and weather that would be a serious waste of an opportunity not to explore and expand on. 

    and my third and final issue Pluto needs change DE had creative liberty with it before we knew what it looked like but now we do and I would either like an in game explanation as to what happened to it or have it re-skinned to look more like the dwarf planet its based on.

    Thanks for reading and please share your thoughts on my ramblings id love to hear other opinions on the matter           

  15. thanks although I dont think they could get away with it legally .thats kind of why I said I didnt want it in the game but you know might give DE some ideas about new frames and weapons that are like those of super heros. 

    Also i didnt put it in cos it didnt really fit but I would love to see a shield melee only that acts like a glaive you know bascially Captain Americas shield  or maybe doing something like mjolnir (thors hammer)

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