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Posts posted by hanross

  1. On 6/15/2016 at 3:37 PM, Alma_Elma said:

    I'd like you to complete 3 sorties with your following criteria. If you can't, do a T4 survival run for 60 minutes (40 if you're gonna do it solo).

    1. No damage boost mods on your weapons. Physical or critical. Multishot can be included, but you can't mount ammunition mods to simulate your ideal "double ammunition" idea. Because we can't simulate your elemental idea; you're allowed to use LV2 elemental mods or dual stat elemental mods as a substitute.

    2. No efficiency mods or Trinities in your group. Get other frames do to your healing or use life strike. And they must be meeting the same criteria as above.

    3.Video you and your squad trying to complete the challenge I've laid out.

    4. If you manage to win, I'll take your ideas seriously. Otherwise, have fun getting wrecked by the Eximi by the 20 minute mark/second sortie because of this game's unholy scaling system and see why a certain level of cheese is needed in this game to progress.

    Totally agree with u

  2. Void Boss yes friends that mission is needed but how if it will unlocked via one story behind it.


    well then I think I am not the only one who thinks like that


    the brand new void boss should be Orokin couple (was in the statis same as tenno was for all these years)


    it will unlock following things 

    • the syrum which can be use on the operator so ralays can be full of walking operators instead of big big armored frames
    • unlock the trigger for unlocking moon boss 
    • unlock new powers 
    • permaenant assassination mission of void
    • unlock the location of sleeping orokin scientist so they can be awaken and can help tanno in various way


    Now first of all what should trigger the quest ?

    There are a key needed to unlock the secret chamber of void 

                                      Ingredients for making the key is 4 key-gemstones (which will drop from random bosses including all 4 fractions ,greenier , corpus , infested and sentient fighters) 

                                      and the blueprint from the stalker

                                      when any of these part player will get then the quest will trigger.

    through the quest player will get notified by lotus that there is the secret place in somewhere T4 void missions (not including defense) where something is hidden by orokin masters (The main council members of void)


    when the player finds out the secret place (make sure the key is crafted and equipped) . The room full of stoned idols of corrupted will open , when tenno enters in the room the idols get back into life (as the same level of sortie enemies ) the room will crowded with corrupted when player defeats them then the secret gate covered with deadly lasers (one touch and player will die )will appear and outside one insignia will revealed which has place of 4 keys (in order to open the gate all 4 players must have keys) 


     At the second room corrupted vor , corrupted (lephantis or juggernaut) and corrupted alad v(or any corpus boss) will appear. in order  reach to the third gate player mus have to defeat all 3 of them and then their energy will convert into the portal which will take tenno to the sleeping chamber of two orokin council members (one male and one female)(appearance not confirmed but I think they should be looks like human and should be double in the size then operator model)


     By killing their 3 guardians of the door tenno disturbed the balance of energy of the chamber so they both will awaken and tell tenno about that orokin council members have thought about attack of rough tennos so they made these hidden chambers for saving themselves but not every council memeber got a chance to reach to the chamber into the talk they revealed that they make same chambers for those scientists too who conducted experiment on the operator to give them special kind of powers but in the process they paralyzed operator's body but if they are succeeded to reach to the chamber there is still a chance of the serum that can cure operators . but only one the one condition they can help the operators if tenno serve them again and leave lotus

    well now everyone know how this will end fight fight and fight ....

    In the fight those two orokin masters can get any two random tennos's powers and can use them into the fight (thier powers can not be changed during the fight they will get at the start of fight for example if one of them got trinity's powers then his form will be changed into trinity's armor and he/she can bless them both)

    there is big and long fight ... after defeating them tenno find the another chamber like that awaken the scientist  get the syrum and yes finally they do justice with orokin masters they make them paralyzed (there will be still this last part of the fight can re-playable through void assassination mission)

    well guys if you like my story then I have another one for moon boss the sentient.



    • Every time we start any mission then enemies are just waiting for tenno as they new already that we are coming . I mean they should not waiting for us they should do their work till we don't alerted them via our presence , like if they are mining or carrying the container or something to somewhere that should look some realistic 
    • All I mean is after watching them it shouldn't look like that they are doing nothing there but just roaming around and waiting for us.
    • we can enter then mission observe their path of patrolling or if they are mine workers then we can see observe their work area so it could be easy to play with stealth.
    • and in every greenier mission there should be some corpus prisoners and in every corpus mission there should be some greenier prisoners , whom we can release and they fight from our side.
    • if mission has some high areas then enimies snipers should be there. 
    • in void sabotage mission there should be one commander there , only after killing him we can charge the portal generator.
    • Infested needs more new  type of enimies which behave like with mind and can control low level infesteds.
    • everyone have different thinking so my fellow brothers and sisters if you have any good ideas join with me. 


  3. On 4/2/2016 at 5:02 PM, (PS4)IrSchm33 said:

    the gamacore , saryn and mesa's peacemaker , wer all in massive need of the changes they got. the gamacore was more powerful then any primary at the time and could more then likly still beat them out how it was , peacemaker had a never ending aim bot that had no work put into killing , at least now u have to look at what your shooting ( somewhat ) mag got what the players gave her , players couldnt stop abusing Greedy pull , it got what it deserved , the mag rework for her skills is a better mag then has ever existed b4 , boohoo i cant ultimate corpus kill anymore , get over it she is easily 3x better, all of the things u say they nerfed was over powered and most players would agree it needed it 

    most players but not all ,,

    everyone must have right to choice

    and well I still like to play with saryn she is still awesome with 4 forma I love her to use cause in old saryn i was spamming 4 and now I am spamming 1 love to do it

  4. On 2/15/2016 at 0:30 AM, (XB1)Xn N7 said:

    These 2 warframes have died out among the community of warframe on the xbox one!

    Any Planet, Node, Void Or Relay Neither Of These 2 Warframes Are Ever Seen Or Used.


    1.) MESA! Yes Mesa! How Op she was....With her ability to kill in a 360* rotation...


    Ruined - Now you must point and shot - half the time not even shooting because the point and shoot doesnt register

    so you end up holding down the RT to shoot and it doesnt shoot u just stand there as if you didnt even hit the RT. Shame!

    No one plays on Mesa anymore on the xbox one. Thanks to the nerfs on these warframes. Its now just one that is leveld up for its mastery and either deleted or left in inventory to never be used again!.....Shameful


    2.) Saryn - Yep Pretty much! - Her Ability to Nuke everything in the map! Oh what a good day it was!


    Ruined - Now it only does DOT damage with no possible way to increase the dmg over time of the ability.

    You can increase its total damage but not its overtime. If anything else this warframe needs a new mod for

    all warframes that increase inital dot dmg. Just some food for thought.


    So far these are the 2 oldest used to be popular warframes on xbox one....Now they are the most unfavored amoung

    us players on the east and west servers of warframe. You can run any node, any planet, any relay, and u will not see

    1 mesa or 1 saryn. Because everyone would rather run ember prime or nova prime since them to havent been ruined yet.


    I am not posting this to complain. I am posting this to give yall feedback from us older more advanced veterans of warframe on the xbox one. Please put mesa back to the way she was. Or Bring out a prime version of her and put her character back

    to its former glory. And omg please for the love of warframe. Do not release saryn prime with the same nerf yall put on the regular one. Would like to play on it instead of just saying great another wf to get mastery rank from and never use again.


    Thanks DE For Listening - Mr 20 - Tenno Of The Lotus




    Also Need to change the energy drain on mesa. Even with the 175% cap on efficency the drain is still around 5ps....makes using efficency mods pretty much usless. Id like to see this part of her if overall be a amount of energy required for the ability rather then a drain.


    Saryn needs a aument mod that increases dot dmg stacked ontop of what the powers strength of the warframe already has. Because no matter how much PS you got. Miasma is crap now cause u cant increase its dot. I think this ability needs to be set to scale with enemy levels since a dmg increase isnt possible

    actually thses two don't need rework just need old ones before they were when they were not spoiled

  5. On 2/28/2016 at 4:37 AM, YasaiTsume said:

    I would like to suggest to DE that we are able to set Kubrows to "Sit mode" or "Stay mode" while in missions, similar to how we have the "stay position" command for allied NPCs.

    Then we are also given a "Dog Whistle" item in the inventory that we can activate at any time to call the Kubrow up from the "Sit position" and they will reunite with the player after a few seconds.


    On 2/29/2016 at 10:00 AM, (PS4)DBR87 said:

    I would be alright with this if the button that positions allies (reload for PS4, which is square) is not the button we use to control our Kubrows) I hate it when I am reloading or opening lockers and than move through the level to realize I accidentally told one of the syndicate dudes to stay put.

    Another thing, when you mark an enemy, the Kubrow should attack that enemy and treat it as the number one priority.

    both of you , this is really superb idea 

  6. Just now, ----Fenrir---- said:

    No, people are not to harsh. Saryn is a comparatively bad frame. She is worse than Banshee and Banshee is already a frame almost no one plays (according to DE's statistics one of the least played frames in the game). Saryn spends most of her time using low DPS weapons like Hikou Prime or Ignis to spread her spores which do not do much either. Time frames like Rhino or Nova for example can use to do some actual damage and killing after using their abilities (Roar and Molecular Prime).

    In most cases there is barely any noticeable difference between a Saryn in your team doing her stuff or just being afk. That's how useful Saryn is^^

    love u for so nice comment I m happy someone is telling truth like me

  7. 3 hours ago, ClinkzEastwood said:

    New set of skills=different play style. Some people still keep the old play-style playing the new Saryn, which results in some hilariously bad Youtube videos saying the rework is a straigth nerf.

    Other thing is while I won't say she's a hard frame to play, she's harder and different than all other frames in this game, which make her to be unpopular despite being very strong (equinox shares the same problem)

    Also min maxers and rushers only like using certain setups while doing missions: Excal trin for Draco, Blind Mirage for interception, 4-frames setup for raid, Ember for any low level content. This makes Saryn to be less appealing.

    Other people in the other hand like her because there are so many ways to build her you could talk about it for days.

    now he is joking , saryn was a master race before even she was better at 145% power strength to kill T3 enimies by just casting the skill and now at 212% strength enimies even can not stunned so her skills doesn't matter now cause she is now baby saryn , while diffrent play styles we don't have so much slots for put all mods on which saryn's power depends so there is no other thing to say about saryn : She is actually nerfed and so on saryn prime is junk junk and junk cause now it doen't matter she is prime or not she will never like she was before and now for god sake from now on please stop keep saying that DE reworked this cause We can actually replace the word rework with NERF in DE's dictionary and for examples list is : mesa rework(I hated de most for this) , mag rework , saryn rework , rework on synoid gammacore an.....d the list is still going on cause ash and mirage's topics(actually junk topic got replies 10 pages AMAZING!!!) are already on forum

  8. 35 minutes ago, (PS4)aiptekfanboy said:

    Do not pretend to speak for everyone!!

    I am real tired of nerf threads for frames, nerf threads for weapons hosted by a forum minority whos endgame is to ruin frames and weapons based on saying that they have a PERSONAL problem.

    If you are that upset and salty just select this secret option

    S O L O

    Other secret option RECRUITMENT PUB hosting sortie no blind mirages.

    Other secret option CLAN hosting sorties no blind mirages


    As far as mirage?

    1 second distraction on the blind and the raid or sortie fails due to the distracted mirage responding to a phone call.

    I run extended range avalanche with a good duration on my FROST.

    Everythings frozen as we play sit on a pad till the unlocks then on to next part.

    All I need is a good energy source from a trinity team mate.

    totally agree with u

  9. On 2/23/2016 at 3:17 AM, Chipputer said:

    I suggest hard-capping the range at which Mirage can blind enemies, or something, because, as it stands, right now I either have to deal with Sorties full of enemies that are literally incapable of fighting back in any capacity or I have to deal with finding new parties over and over just to even get some semblance of enjoyment out of the game. There are other frames capable of doing these things, but not to the heavy extent that Mirage is, with just one frame and one ability. Add to that, most other strategies that end with enemies that can't fight back require at least 2, sometimes 3 frames... yeah. It's highly annoying.

    Other possible fixes:

    Make the blind into a stagger (to imply the enemies are shielding their eyes for a short bit)
    Cause the blind to be a fixed, short duration, shorter than Excal's due to the way the skill works

    what a junk discussion is this . why everyone want to convert every good thing into bad if u don't like mirage please select the team without mirage but don't tell de to rework cause their recent reworks are sooooo bad they convert all powerful frames to powerless frames like volt , saryn , mesa and oh I forgot mag too

  10. On 10/4/2015 at 9:34 PM, Buzkyl said:



    She has both Shatter-shield and Shooting Gallery to protect her.



    Shatter-shields gives her 95% DR to all rage attacks and it's augments allows for CC  reflects while firing.

    Shooting gallery proctects her from close range attacks by stunning them, allowing her to have time to kill them.


    Both of these skills are positively affected by increased duration as well as power strength, coincidentally, both of these with the current change make peacemaker a better skill as  the drain rate has be reduced without harming her other skills.



    2 of her skills increase her suvivability while in peacemaker dramatically, when Mesa is no longer using shooting gallery she is vulnerable to melee attacks, before, now you simply turn your mouse and shoot them down.  It also leads me to question how much you know of her other skills when you say she can't be used to solo, considering her shooting gallery will remain with her for it's full duration.



    People who honestly believe this was a nerf are the very reason the skill had to be change, to discourage mindless play.If turning your moyuse is a chore, then you're being lazy, to put it simply. Nothing is topping you from turning your mouse around and having mesa fire at everything in a 360 degree radius.

    ignore this this is all joke ( Especially last paragraph)

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