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Posts posted by (PSN)Fefo-M

  1. Hey!

    I was wondering if it's possible to add a "forma refund/item reset" button at the cost of x amount of credits. I figured this would help with the constant frames and weapon balancing (which I agree with even though I might not be the biggest fan of some of them since it's for the better good of the game) and interest fluctuations on said frames and weapons.

    On another note, are there any news on the arcane/cosmetics topic. I figured a new item or the the recycle of arcane distillers, with the ability to be able to equip up to a maximum of 2 arcanes per frame would be an appropiate solution since right now we are able to equip one arcane set across all frames, 2 sets of the same type of arcane on the same frame (but not the exact same set) or simply different type of arcane sets and said new system would meet the same characteristics. Consequently, I feel like this will revive a little love lost for raids and encourage newer players to learn and do them. I believe this would be the next step to the removing the statistic bonuses being tied to aesthetic items since the removal of arcane helms.

    Thank you for your talent, dedication and above all, thank you for bringing us warframe.

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