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Posts posted by Deed-gheth

  1. Same issue with Titania Prime only, with any weapons and any place, quite frustrating because I often use the lateral dodge in combat and even more in parkour.
    The dodge animation does play but the lateral movement is near inexistant(very slowly sliding on ~1 meter), so you're kind of stuck while the dodge animation is playing, making you an easy target

  2. Long-short Story on my first Lich kill :
    - Going into mission with a friend to make it spawn, because I known all the requiem mods required and their exact order.
    - My Lich spawned, but in the meantime my PC crashed (technical issue on my side , not warframe related)
    - Logged back and re-joined my firend still in mission , get into a sabotage mission (when I was sure it was an extermination but can't prove it)
    - The lich spawned once again (was kind of surprised) and we fought it
    - Get to last health bar, pressed X next to it to trigger the choice.
    - When X is pressed, my lich cloned herself , there was one doing the animation and the other just standing still behind it, I think the animation of my frame was buggy too.
    - I choosed to kill her, triggering the execution animation on my frame but the lich didn't follow causing some kind of mess (sad because the animation looked very cool)
    - Got no confirmation in mission that my lich was killed , and the clone (without the Top Boss HP bar) started to attack me.
    - Fought her too, but each time I was trying to press X to interact with her the animation didn't played.
    - When she came to the last health bar, I pressed X to trigger the choice, but it made the host game crashed ( -> my friend) causing an host migration.
    - Hosting successful, I see a Parazon icon saying that I can do a finisher where the lich was - because the lich clone isn't here anymore.
    - Pressed X, got a back-breaker from an invisible being.
    - Decided to leave the mission to see if I could get a chance to kill my Lich properly
    - Got the kill confirmation in mission, don't know if my stolen ressources are back.

    I was using Mesa Prime and my friend Rhino Prime , lich was at state 5 with nothing more particular

    After that : 

    - I was doing the Excavation mission for grendel system, situation was pretty hard then my 2 friends lost connection to host (me) and my lich , who should be dead , came to help

    Hope all those details help

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