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Posts posted by Snake_Eyess

  1. Whenever I interact with my Kubro, the animation plays of my frame scratching him, then it just freezes...

    It does not go back to gameplay, the music still plays and everything else seems to still carry on.

    I need to restart the game.

  2. So i was under the impression that with the new star chart DE was going to make us basically start from the beginning (because there were some story elements involved).

    This does not seem to be the case and I am a little disappointed actually, that and confused.

    Great we got a awesome new star chart... but i have no idea whats going on or where to even start. I was looking forward to some more story elements and starting from square one would have been awesome, but now I am just more unsure on what is going on

  3. I could be wrong about this and just missing it but...


    With the previous star map, you could see (roughly) how many players or groups were currently on that node when you hovered over them.


    There seems to be no such indication like that at the moment, so its sort of a guess if someone is in that node that you can join...

    any chance of bringing some indication like this back

  4. LOVEING what DE has done in Update 14.


    new ship, new interface... QUESTS!!! we need more of those quests please, I thouroughly enjoy them. NEED MORE!!!

  5. South African... Cape Town born and bred!

    I must say I'm LOVING the new update... doing those beginner story quests are AWESOME....WANTZES MOOOOOOOREEE!!!!

    Uhhhhuummm... anyway... someone have a estimate headcount on Saffers yet?

  6. On the livestream you mentioned that newer players will get missions to build up thier ships and get modules for the ship through missions.


    can older players also do this from the begining? and follow the story, or will older players need to get a new account just to get that experience?


    hmm... should have posted this in the devstream forum... sorry

  7. I wouldnt say a glaive that NEVER misses, just adding more to the chance to hit, like Kynian stated "crazy random" bounces.


    take into account the bounce toward... your first throw would need to hit then any subsequint bounce would go in the direction of an enemy, if he is moving or not in the area where the glaive thought he was before, it might miss.. another possibility on its mechanics.

  8. I have a few weapon specific mod proposals for Glaive, Glaive prime and kestrel (large thrown melee weapons)


    These mod ideas stem off of the glaive that Hayden Tenno used in Dark Sector.


    There is already a quick return/rebound mod and a power throw (punch through) so maybe these would add onto what those mods can do.


    seeker/heatseeker/blood seeker -

    in Dark sector you could actually control the glave with the six axis or analogue, now I know this is not really possible in warframe without re-writing code, so its not what i am proposing... what this mod does is maybe add a bit more agility to the glaive mid flight so it can make minor course ajustments based on level to direct it towards a target. furtheraway targets at low level are easy to corse direct to compared to closer targets, but as the mod levels that distance becomes less as the glaive is now able to make sharper turns/course adjustments.


    bounce toward -

    Another mod idea, that may actually be a variation on the above mentioned mod, is to add a definite target hit bounce. I.E. your first throw, if it connects with a enemy will automatically hit 1/2/3/4(ect) targets 100% depending on the level of the mod, before returning.


    Targeted bounce -

    This mod wil add a sort of "lock on" to the glaive. when charging one would hold down the melee button to charge the glaive, and then move their reticle over multiple targets (depending on mod level again 2/4/6 targets or something) that would make them a deffinate lock. once the charge is released the glaive would bounce and hit each target bouncing off walls and obsticles before returning.


    The quick return/rebound mods could add onto the effects of these mods as a after mod. I.E. lets take target bounce with quick return at -3.the glaive would hit its locked targets 9lets say 4) then bounce of 2 surfaces, possibly hitting any more targets, then return to player.


    Any comments welcome.

  9. would be awesome if the hud setup was modular.

    have all these options, but you can turn off and on and adjust opacity/colour of what you want.


    also... love the clip counter, something i want BADLY... just needs to be more transparent.

    what i think might work and be a little less distracting/obtrusive is if you have the bar that appears at the moment when you reload as your clip counter, so its full, then runs down and as it reaches a percent of ammo left (like 10 or 15%) then changes colour to a red or orange. then when u hit reload, it just fills up again

  10. Just a suggestion, but maybe add platinum to the login gift?


    I'm not talking a GIGANTIC amount like 50 credits or something, something small like 5 maybe 10 credits just as a small incentive. maybe with a 20% possibility of getting it


    this shouldn't stop people from actually buying platinum, or take away any cash from the developers as it will only be a tiny amount. maybe 5 credits is good as if you keep it and do manage to get it multiple times, then you can use it for something... otherwise it could be useful for re-filling revives.

  11. The current way  that the mod system works is a little clunky.


    when upgrading or fusing mods, you haveto first unequip the ones you have equipped.. hit an apply button, then go into the mod screen, do fusions and then haveto go back to your weapon or warframe mods and re add the ones you removed and hit apply once again.


    Thats seriously alot of steps just to upgrade.


    Instead of having to unequip mods to fuse them, why not just have them show up on the mods screen with a small E on lets say the upper right corner under the mods name, maybe in red or a different visible colour. that way you know which mods you currently have equipped and you remove an entire walk around just to improve what you have equipped.


    Another suggestion is that some of the mods dont seem to describe what they actually DO once upgraded. the ones with percentages do "percent up" but some others just have a description. Like area of affect increase (by how much?)

    some of the upgrade descriptions need a re-visit


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