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Posts posted by Waltharian

  1. How about a survival where you don't have to defend a pod or anything but there will be some really hard to kill enemy's within the constant stream of mobs so your team has to change positions since they cant just burst these mobs down. They should be slow moving and there should always be one of these mobs on the map chasing the team however the longer the mob is on the map the faster it gets so you will have to kill them regularly before they get to strong.
    Another thing for the defense would be if every race would get a mob that nullify ability's like an area around them that makes them immune to ability's however these mobs should all have a week point that is always at the same spot not to easy to reach but doable. Greener and Corpus should get the ability to shoot through Frosts Snow globe with 50% damage or so else you would die to fast in high lvl Waves (above 30).
    Mobs could be 
    Infested: infested Greener shield guy Huge shield that protects him from frontal attacks (more or less). 
    Greener: Heavy units that carry a device on the back that makes every unit in its vicinity immune to ability's and the unit carrying it could melt the globe with here bullets weakening it so that  others can should through. 
    Corpus: A small walker that got a buff beam like the shield drone and can use a beam to weaken Frosts Snow globe.  
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