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Posts posted by (PSN)wonderwoman814

  1. 1 hour ago, Generalsherman said:

    The sheer amount of "Priority targets" for the Corpus is just out of hand. I'm supposed to focus the nullifer, the shield drones, the bursa, and the shock eximus all at the same time? This was taken out for a reason! It wasn't an "Ancient bug!"

    Just by saying all that your starting to sway my opinion bursa alone is a handful.

  2. 8 hours ago, Hekovashi said:

    Just now was testing inaros in t2 surv 30 min, 4 times mine energy was drained dry. Yesterday i was empty several times after meeting those too, while playing rhino, with iron skin on.
    Are you freaking joking DE? I wasn't even able to imagine that you can fked up so hard in balance...oh wait, i can, hello nullifiers.

    I kind of disagree it's a good way to stop people from depending on powers too much like hysteria and invisible loki. But than again the update hasn't hit us yet .but I do think de needs to do something about people who depend to much on godmode.

  3. 12 hours ago, Uvogins said:

    OP has like, a 5 forma kubrow (i know this cause we play together)

    Watching his kubrow repeatedly rush into a sapping ospreys mine just to go down 2 seconds later over an over again is a feat to behold, even with 2k health. And then fear/howl at one enemy and not the whole group that is shooting at it. Priceless.

    OP also doesnt use carrier. Infact idk if he even has one.  The ONLY sentinel he uses is shade; without attack precepts. 

    All he is pointing out is how bad the AI is for kubrows, seeing how the recklessly charge into battle and have no care for their well-being. Kubrow costs are not the issue, its that they don't do enough to justify their overall costs.

    First people complain plain about they don't attack enough now you people are complaining about they attack too much -_-. First of all the little mines only kill the kubrow if your near them like I said where you go he goes . If your dog gets killed by them than more than likely you do too that's not the dogs fault that's the users fault. But by the time the mines do kill it cause they do its little after 50 mins. Give or take. I run triton all the time and belive me it's not that bad if the user is aware of them. 

    Anyway I speak by experience I'm not just talking just to talk. The OP is exaggerating is what I'm pointing out by the way.

  4. Ok where to start . 

    Ok huras overshadows shade . 


    I'm on console so there are no changes since the last time for me. But the AI did get worked on and did solve a few issues like it's more aggressive so they don't just stand there as much as they used too. Not sure on pc but on ps4 they don't get stuck in walls anymore unless your camping . I never camp so that might be why I don't have that issues. Retrieve mode...unless I agree it's why I have disarm all the way . Now as your were complaining about Chesa not disarming everything . It's limited to one person at a time does it need better priorities yes is it terrible no. I run late game alot so when your shooting down a level 150 gunner and Chesa comes and says NO GUN FOR YOU its a life save and it happens aaaaaaaaallllllll the time once you pass an hour since you don't just instant kill heavies anymore. Now they will charge into battle when you do so if if attacks enemies head on that's more than likely what your doing as well. Where ever you go he goes . 


    OK when it comes to late game carrier dies little after 40 mins unless you detached shotgun or are camping  or actually die and revive but after an hour it will die immediately.   OK now my chesa takes about level 150 to finally go down sometimes 130 depending on my frame and team but in the most part he's fine . Your experience sounds like you might not forma enough or didn't rank up mods enough . And if it does goes down guess what... you don't need to die and revive to get him back. 


    Ok kubrows are for vets not for newbies carrier is king for newbies. Vets don't have a problem with credits . At least they shouldn't.  Now changing kubrows if your a heavy kubrow user like me you don't really change them you stick with one . I used to go with raska but Chesa with out retrieve is amazing late game .

    I'll end this on this note if all the other Sentinels were as good as you say why is carrier king? 8 times out of 10 when you meet a seminal user it's carrier but when you see a kubrow user it's random raska being the most popular but you will see a variety .

    Anyway that's my 2 cents .

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