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Posts posted by -dicht.nomoreraiding-

  1. Ash's Bladestorm rework is a masterpiece.

    1) The old bladestorm used to generate 3 clones. Now we only have 2 - I suppose one of them lost his way in Conclave.

    2) We were promised increased damage to compensate for the change to line of sight. 2 years on - not only that the damage is still sitting at a 2000, the finisher damage is now changed to slash without being documented in the patch notes. How to rework a ninja frame? Stealth-nerf it.

    3) Ash is unable to tag new enemies while his clones are stabbing away. We cant even move away to locate new enemies as bladestorm tags get removed once a player moves beyond the ability range.

    If I could clear enemies faster using my weapons, I would be using my weapons, not bladestorm. You might as well skip the rework so players wouldn't actually have to waste energy on teleport after casting bladestorm to get that 50% increase in clear speed.

    A round of applause for a truly wonderful rework not falling short of expectations - Ash players can now enjoy the stabbing actions by his 2 clones from a third person's perspective. Looking forward to the next joke, I mean, rework 2 years later.

  2. 49 minutes ago, CrazyCortex said:

    They are about even. This would be a case of which you prefer more: the second one in the op for high level bow sorties, this current one for basic runs just to see how high your red crit is.  

    Nowhere near even - a 53% multishot basically means 53% more independent dmg AND 53% more status. Put split chamber on an unmodded dread and see it for yourself.

  3. 3 hours ago, Chipputer said:

    Your most used frame is Ash Prime. Now just pretend I made some snarky point based purely on that and insisted that you're an EZ mode scrub with your 3100 hours and 18% of it used on Trash Prime.


    Baited like a kitten - I was wondering when someone is gonna start stalking my profile and comment on my favourtie frame. Sorry scrub - I guess the only loadout you have for Ash is 200% PS Bladestorm, if you even use it. Shall I recommend the best solo frame for sortie - which also includes smoke shadow for rescue, and seeking shuriken for 100% boss armor removal. Sorry if this might come as a divine enlightment for you - there are some players like me who prefer to solo assasination sortie with Ash in 7 mins, rather than sticking with a 4 CP meta.

    Player's stats isnt related to the validity of argument? How are you suppose to put forward something reasonable while having no idea about the context? Wow, I should start seeking medical advice from folks who get kicked out of med school instead of qualified doctors, since they all went to med school, dont they? Imagine the host of a celebrity show trying to be the the President of the United States, LMA - Oh wait.

    And no, forum monkeys are reserved precisely for people who spend too much time on forums talking about things they have little experience on.

    "If you're going to participate in a topic, the least you can do is a bit of reading on the situation before you ask basic questions." Questions!? I asked none and have been rebutting all these time. Shall I recommend a pair of glasses as well? Just because a sentence ends in a question mark doesn't make it an enquiry per se.

    "Wanting a stop put to macro spammers who literally run through the entire mission as a big energy tornado of death" - Problems lie in the macro, lets nerf the weapon!

    P/S: All frames are trash if all you know is spam 1 button, dear darling Chipputty.





  4. 4 hours ago, WhiteCopain said:

    That's.... not true. The stats from it are rather high compared to plenty of weapons, giving it plenty of advantages compared to other melee weapons.


    If it was already "Eh" as you seem to claim, answer me this, why has it become so popular? You can make up whatever goofy thing you want, but it wouldn't be the weapon that anyone who can have it, has it. Tt's being sold and bought more then any other item for a reason.


    Hell, if you really didn't care for it compared to the other ones, you wouldn't care. You're not going to whine if they nerf the Skana. You're whining because they're nerfing the weapon you already use and you're trying to make an excuse for it.

    Oh look - it is one of those guys who came trottling on a horse again.

    The stats of it are rather high? Tonfas have one of the worse attack range/quick melee animations in the game - when was the last time you see people walking around with one before the telos was introduced? OH WAIT - sorry my bad, guess it is beyond you with that 325 hours in-game play time.

    Since when has he been making an excuse? Wake up, dear John - dude was asking for an reason behind the cries for nerf.

    And no, not everyone is crying over the the most recent fix. The problem lies in * like the OP who literally sat in forums all day stalking multiple threads on telos asking for various nerfs - poor soul is really desperate for community reputation.

    Oh, and why is it so popular? 

    1. Its new - players are tired of the old meta and would like to try something new.

    2. Its good for cache clearance and medalions hunting - so people can actually not be a simulor-spamming peasant.

    3. It is fun - crazy mobility, and u can now actually kill stuff with air melee using the waves.

    "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find" Maybe you should stop spending too much time on the forums and play the game instead - that total of 36/105 melee weapons used isn't gonna give you much credit if you are gonna give statements like "That's.... not true. The stats from it are rather high compared to plenty of weapons, giving it plenty of advantages compared to other melee weapons." Stats are not the only things that matter when it comes to melee - stances and attack animation plays a huge role too. Cos hey, its not a simulor where you just need to left-click one button and watch things explode.

    P/S: Please dont leave that skana of yours at Rank 8 - it's crying at the corner.

  5. 5 hours ago, Tsukinoki said:

    And therefore make the weapon strictly worse than any of the whips or the Orthos Prime.

    It's like you don't even understand that the spin-wave is blocked by everything(including dead bodies, boxes, knee-high barriers, other enemies, and even slight elevation changes let alone any pipes or anything else that clutter most maps) and only has a 9 meter range at base.
    Meanwhile the Whips and Orthos prime with Primed Reach have a greater than 9(Some whips have an 11-12) meter range and aren't blocked by anything.

    Its like you don't even understand that the spin-waves damage decreases the further you get away from the source.
    Meanwhile the Whips and Orthos prime with Primed Reach don't have decreasing damage.

    Its like you don't even understand that the spin wave doesn't benefit from combo counters or mods that work off of combo counters (such as Blood Rush or Weeping Wounds).
    Meanwhile the Whips and Orthos Prime with Primed Reach have their greater than 9 meter ranges get full benefit from all of those.

    Its like you don't even understand that the forced bleed proc only deals 710 damage over 6 seconds at the absolute most(And this is only if the enemy is directly touching you as the damage fall off for this weapon is quite harsh).  Which is utterly pitiful at higher levels wher enemies have thousands upon thousands of health.
    Meanwhile the Atterax with a decent status chance deals slash procs that deal tons more damage, and that can be further increased as the combo counter goes up for the Atterax.

    So please tell me:
    Why are you so dead set on making an MR8 weapon to be utterly useless and pointless compared to an MR2-3 weapon?
    Why are you so dead set on making the weapons on defining feature be that it has the worst spin attacks in the entire game?
    Why are you so dead set on taking away the one advantage that the weapon has?

    Cos forums monkeys - spend more time moaning on forums than actually playing the game.

  6. On 19/10/2016 at 9:45 AM, Chipputer said:

    "Newbs" and "Noobs" (which aren't the same thing, by the way) aren't the ones who are complaining about this weapon. Even if they were, they'd have every right to complain about their kills being stolen and not being able to play the game when some high rank player runs through their mission spamming room-wide AoE attacks that kill everything before they get a chance to see them.

    Kills being stolen? Wow, I am sure ember is not doing that, neither is a 6-forma amprex. Oh wait, solo mode doesnt exist too - god have mercy on these new players who are not able to play the game due to forced-matchmaking with high rank players. Every right to complain about white knights

  7. 6 hours ago, FAZZWARFRAME said:

    Spelling things out,

    Scenario 1 - tennogen sold for money:

    Every single person willing to buy the item paid and got the item.  Transaction easy to account for.  Creator, DE, Steam all gets their cut and everyone is happy.  You can argue for the potential market of people wanting the item and not willing to pay for it, but this is a pricing issue that can be handle via discounts etc., and not in itself a mode of distribution issue.


    Scenario 2 - tennogen sold for plat (as in store):

    People pay for plat to buy the item, or trade for plat to buy the item.  Transaction is slightly harder to account for because of varying dollar per plat factor.  Easier to do on console with less fluctuation of plat price.  At the end of the day, as long as they figure out the math, people get their cuts and everyone is happy.  This is the scenario where the common baby whine "but someone paid for plat at the very beginning even though I didn't" being a valid reason because A: purchase made through store sinks the plat out of the circulation and B: item sold through the store is restricted to single hand ownership.


    Scenario 3 - tennogen tradeble for plat (as in via tradechat):

    Single instance of a tennogen item can be circulated multiple times among players, despite their origination being either from scenario 1 or 2.  This is your classic used game market problem; the creator of the content only got compensated once on the initial purchase; and subsequent consumption of the content by other players do not benefit creator nor DE because A: plat used in the transaction merely got transferred from player to player, it remains in circulation to be used again and B: portion of the would-be first hand buyers are now buying the item second hand.

    + Holy moly - a text wall thats is actually analytical and reasonable on this topic .

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