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Posts posted by .Juger.

  1. 1 minute ago, Frosthaven83 said:

    I do. Actually, the whole reason I made this post was that I hadn't run into this before (I mainly play Saryn Prime with quick thinking). I was under the impression that warframes don't get damaged while in operator mode - is that false? For the longest time I'd use the operator to bail out from a dying warframe so that it can safely regen through some method (regenerative molt, or on other frames pet heals etc).

    So what exactly is the mechanic at play with quick thinking that causes this? Warframe stumble?

    Yes, your warframe still takes damage while in operator mode but is reduced by 90% and only if there was an ability active, not every ability causes this but Shatter Shield is one of them just like our friend here says 


    28 minutes ago, xD_1712 said:

    Your Mesa has the 3rd ability active so while youre in operator mode you have 95% or 99% damage reduction and your frame has 2 hp and gets damaged and that forces your operator to vanish back to your warframe.

    @Frosthaven83 your warframe did not die because of quick thinking but should have died

  2. Normalmente eso pasa con los logros en steam cuando ya tienes una cuenta, tendrías que esperar a que agreguen mas logros al juego para que se sincronice con STEAM( a menos que exista otra forma que desconozca).

    Respecto a las horas que dices solo son las que has jugado mediante STEAM, si checas tu perfil en el juego veras que seguirás con las mismas. 

    PD: Este foro es para Inglés, existe un subforo que es para español C: 


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