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Posts posted by Collector_John

  1. It's no lie that the newest upcoming warframe is uninspired to the point where all of her skills are basically just re-skins of other warframe skills. 

    Firstly let's list out her uninspired skills: 

    She lunges at an enemy slashing them to kill them the same skill posterboy does and created a shield after same as volt

    She puts an enemy on a spike similar to what nezha does

    She spins around and does insane amount of damage to those in range same as revenant

    Honestly her only unique skill is the one where she reduces her own health to gain a buff... OH WAIT INAROS ALREADY DOES THAT


    See those blade wings tenno?


    Do you notice how incredibly deadly they look? Do you wish she could utilize it more at the same time still keeping her blood and gore theme? Well here's a number of things Devs could do to make her more appealing IMO all of which revolves around only 1 of her skills:

    1. She could throw her wing blades and "tag" multiple enemies within an arc forcing them to bleed and when they die guarantees they'll burst into chunks of flesh this would work well of there's a loot nekros in the party

    2. Blade spires Garuda jumps up (or can be used mid air) and places her blade wings either in a line or in a circle, enemies who pass through or gets hit bleed and while bleeding gives Garuda health

    3. Blood bombs (charge to create, tap to detonate manually) amount of bombs created is affected by str, each charge consumes a chunk of Garuda's health, when they explode they send blood spikes and blood blades in every direction either impaling enemies or slashing them.

    4. Razor wings, literally just exalted blade wings similar to how Archangel from Marvel Comics uses his

    While I do agree my ideas might use some work themselves, but at least IMO it's better than current Garuda

  2. DE can we please remove the ugly cloth in front of mags deluxe skin?

    It ruins the whole "Sleek" design of the skin

    At the very least let us be able to remove it when we equip a chest attachment

    Other prime parts like oberon p and mag p's shoulder armor are replacable, why not the cloth?

  3. Harrow before hotfix

    *Casts Thurible*


    *Looks like he's praying while swinging around the thurible*

    "Hey that looks pretty good"


    Harrow after the hotfix

    *Sad life*



    Worst part was i didn't manage to take a screenshot of how awesome it looked

  4. 15 minutes ago, Azlen said:

    Not bashing a new idea as all new weapons are always welcome in my book, but I do see a lot of these outlier weapon requests. It makes me wonder why people request them so much.

    I know everyone likes their own flavor of badassery, but I don't feel that asking for very specific, as well as non-unique weapons adds anything overly valuable to the game. I know fashionframe is at an all-time high, but for this example, an under-over double barrel in practice is essentially no different than a side-by-side double barrel. At least i doubt any substantial difference could be transferred in-game.

    Again, not bashing any new weapons because I welcome anything new style-wise or stat-wise. But if Destreza and Nunchakus are any example, just because people really want a weapon now doesn't mean its not going to get tossed in the bin for 99% of players within a month.

    I actually really like the nunchucks and the rapier it's just that (i'm pretty sure a lot of people would agree with me on this) the only reason why we don't actually take it to missions is that there are weapons that have higher stats than them and perform better than them making them obsolete

    But the style is there and at the end of the day that's all that matters

  5. 1 minute ago, --GOOLOO_GOOLOO_GOOLOO-- said:

    Well isn't the sybaris kind like this, except without pellets?

    Well yeah it is, but it's not exactly a shotgun

    Plus an over-under type of double barrel isn't usually a lever action

    I mean just imagine mesa with the falcon helmet reloading that type of shotgun. That'd be badass as hell

  6. Here's an idea i've had for a long time

    I know we already have the Tigris (which is a Sawed-off side-by-side shotgun) and all of its variant, but hear me out

    We have an automatic shotgun (which is the boar), a sawed-off side-by-side double barrel (the Tigris), a quad barrel (Hek), we're even waiting for the pump-action shotgun that DE showed off a couple devstream/primetimes ago, the only type of shotgun that we'll be missing after that is a over-under double barrelDD-4-web.jpg

    Just imagine the sleek beauty of an old school shotgun in a futuristic game.

    I'd deffinitelly want to run with an old school beauty such as that, but what are your thoughts?

  7. So when Mios was released it had this AWESOME animation with the twirling the whip around and everything

    but somehow now it's just a generic dual sword idle animation 


    All i'm asking is, is this a bug? if so will it ever be fixed? or will this post just be ignored just like 90% of the animation bug reports?

  8. so these happened all in a span of 2 minutes

    first this


    then this


    then this


    and lastly this


    Basically what happened was i was checking the idle animations for the javlok and i went and stopped at trinity cause when she was about to do the idle animation she became a T-pose and after that her head started freaking out



  9. I've noticed that some of the weapons without a holster options tend to bug out like orthos/p4DF64CC0C0BA131539D2171808DF2C0837AF099B03BFEC5AAACD17DEB3932BBC929E23B13F1DFE32And scythes14BEB753EB7F6D32296084EAA200674BE60EB1393669EBA164BF56B7EE5360A6332534BD420999D3

    Also putting other holstring options on prisma skana looks like someone stabbed you in the butt and it went all the way throughE0395F44C5AEFFF5797AA0C04745090AF2819146DFC137656B2D9AE8661FD2A714D6907CC099F39D

    Other melee holsters also appear to be floating away from the body, like this6A4FD98925EA59566BC87134E934022E520FB76B

    All melee holsters i've shown are in their default positions, will there be a fix for this?

  10. On 19/06/2016 at 7:43 AM, Genitive said:

    It is most likely a bug.

    I hope they fix it soon, i miss the blade and whip idle animation

    On 19/06/2016 at 7:49 AM, Shad0wWatcher said:

    It's been around for a while mate

    I know it's been around for a while but i'm just saying it needs a fix. That idle animation was by far the best idle animation on any melee weapon

  11. Whatever happened to the blade and whip idle animation when they showed it in the tenno reinforcement video?

    It was cool with the whole twirling the whip idle animation but now it's just a generic dual swords idle

    Can we get the Blade and whip idle animation back? Or will it forever be dead?

  12. to be honest the alert was pretty okay-ish not really that hard, just keep away from the ospreys and you should be good

    a trinity (or any frame that  can heal) helps too

    i went as a duration mirage with a synoid simulor and i had 0 problems (aside from the insta kill ospreys)

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