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Posts posted by Zdeadfallout

  1. Just now, (XB1)A happy Bambi said:

    By the looks of things the efficiency of exalted blade (energy per second) is affected by duration. The higher your duration the less energy per second is used. This doesn't seem right.

    When did they change this and why? Is it even supposed to be like this? 


    This change or bug. Which ever it maybe meaning that fleeting is of no use on Excalibur if you want to use his exalted blade build since taking away the duration will decrease the efficiency but the increased efficiency that comes with the removed duration on fleeting will overall, make no change to the energy drain.

    Just wondering if this is a bug or not since I had no idea this was in the game.

    Thank you.

    nah it is normal, energy drain abilities are also affected by the duration mods  

  2. 23 minutes ago, Beggining said:

    I believe OP's saying that General Discussion is generally better at helping players than Players Helping Players.

    Honestly, that's generally because most players like to hang around General Discussion and/or doesn't know about the general existence of Players Helping Players. Generally.

    So it is like the Larunda relay that I got banned from 

  3. 1 hour ago, Sovyul said:

    The kickbot is a really weird thing though, I got away with things that easily could've awarded a suspension many times. I think the magic around it is being subtle. It detects words, and if it matches the one on the blacklist, it reacts.

    I guess I found a pic for kickbot 


  4. 52 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

    If you were using it in a derogatory manner I have no sympathy for you, joking in a public setting is irresponsible. In your own clan/alliance/squad chat, do as you see fit and as the clan/alliance allows, but in a scenario where anyone who joins can see, making jokes about things people find very sensitive, you deserve the suspension.



    not really, I'm just kidding 


  5. 1 minute ago, JSharpie said:

    This is one of those "Better Safe Than Sorry" situations. Gay isn't a dirty word at all, but because it can be, DE blacklisted it.

    To be honest, I think it should be whitelisted and that it's less productive towards the LGBT community to blacklist words like that.

    The thing is I was having fun with these players till I got suspended 

    it makes me feel more lonely than how I am 

  6. So it was just another day, I was at Larunda relay doing my stuff (as a loser tenno) 

    When I was there, I found some tennos that were having fun and joined them

    Here is the thing, while we were talking, I said the word G** (not gonna say it cuz I don't want to get a warning) (ooh and I said that cuz I was referring to something)  

    so here is a thing...Since When Is The Word G** Was An Offensive Word ??? 

    And even if it was that offensive, why wasn't it simply censored if it was that offensive ?????

    I'm trying not to be offensive right here but why ? 


    try not to be offensive when you tell me why ok...be Defensive k :3


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