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Posts posted by Shakesbeare

  1. I'm in the process of making a tool for calculating effective health, health scaling, armor scaling, and other useful stats without the complex formulas that are seen on the wiki (well they're there, just hidden). Currently, it's very basic and has limited functionality, but I've gotten to the point where I think it's safe to share as a proof of concept. 


    Essentially, it will display a lot of customizable options that will provide you with key information depending on what weapon or ability you are attacking with. In the final version, I plan to have it display:

    -Time to kill

    -DPS of your weapon

    -General effective health

    -Relative effective health

    -Stats after scaling:





    On top of that, you will be able to mod your weapons (and eventually warframes!) to more accurately represent a weapon you would be using. Essentially, you select your weapon, throw on the mods you want, select their rank, and the tool will spit out a bunch of useful information based on what enemy you have selected. 


    The actual functions that are required to do this are fairly simple and don't require a lot of effort or time compared to the behemoth of a task that is filling in the database with all of the information from Warframe. Basically, I need to know every enemy's shield strength, armor value, and health value, along with having base stats for every weapon in the game, and having base and ranking stats for every mod in the game (at least those that affect damage for now). This is going to be a ridiculous amount of work. 


    If you would like to contribute some time into working with me to fill in the database with this information, email me at berint.moffett@gmail.com, message me on the forums, or message me in game, my IGN is Firake. 


    Feedback is also welcome and I would love to know what people think of this. 


    You can find the tool here:



    I would also like to thank Krett (who technically doesn't play this game I don't think) who made KrettCalc for Smite, which this tool is heavily based off of. You can find that here: 

  2. Thanks for the Sunika fix, but even now I still don't have unleashed in my mod inventory. Was the fix for getting other kubrow's mods, and you always have to find the second mod, or did you just not update the database for the affected players?

  3. So my problem has been fixed! To fix the bug you must get a new weapon/warframe and put one of your existing mods onto it. (Not exactly sure if this is what fixed it, but it's worth a shot.) Happy Warframing!

  4. If a host migration happens while in the dojo,you can jump down from the obstacle platform and find that they won't get pulled back up to the platform. You can now proceed to run around and parkour on the platform bases to try and get back up. 


    Screenshots coming...

  5. I did my transmutation after the 9.5.1 hotfix was released. It seems that the mission after the transmutation acted normally, I gained mods and all that. And after that mission I was able to fuse and sell mods with no penalty. However, the following missions I have been receiving no mods just as reported above. After a bit of testing, it seems that I can keep my weapon builds for the mission directly after I put the mods in, however, after the mission, it reverts to it's old state. I have been able to receive resources normally, and my gear seems to remain unaffected by this bug.


    Most of what I have said has probably already been posted but I was just hoping I could add some clarity and information to this topic. Does anyone know if weapons gained through crafting will be reverted?


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