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Posts posted by M4g1kz

  1. For posterity this is WAR-98208


    We believe this might be related to the Parry upgrade mod. We're investigating.


    The quick fix you guys did earlier did something a little different.

    New error resides in where if someone uses Reflection, it will cause the host to crash instead of the user.


    Posterity WAR-99842.

    (Another user sent their # for submitting purposes)


    Confirmed with the same mods as before.


    Please keep informed:

    This has been tested with/without Sentinel.

    Can be repeated without failure.

    Will eventually crash all members of the Conclave.

  2. I have a hunch that it has something to do with the new mod "Reflection," or another mod working along side with "Reflection;" regardless, whenever my friend and I run Conclave Missions and are using our block (while running reflection), have tend to have a very high tendency of crashing (mind you I nearly have a clear crashing record).  We tried our Warframe's Upgrade-load out in multiple conclaves and the crash pursues.

    I opened this topic for the sake of possibly other people having near the same issue, or further clarification as to where this crash is coming from?


    I'll upload my load out in-case that helps out as well....and yes I've submitted and linked this topic for my ticket.


    Arsenal Screen


    Rhino - Upgrades


    Orthos - Upgrades


  3. I can't seem to join any void missions. I accept the invite and it just says please wait for a while. Then it finally says "session unavailable" 9/10 times. my ping limit is set to none. either it is a bug or my png is to high to join other peoples void runs but i have little issue joining normal random parties. Please help.


    Sometimes it helps to have the host and yourself on each others' friend list.

    See thread for further details: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/100846-failed-to-join-session-because-session-is-full-quick-fix-thread/?p=1152108

  4. When i log in and click a planet it says Could not join. The game session is no longer available. and i cant go back to the solar system map or if i click a mission Titania for example nothing happens and if i log out i can see the back, zoom out and invite buttons and cant log in again what should i do?


    This was a small bug for a while where if you didn't succeed in getting a party within roughly 10seconds, you would be bugged at the mission screen without any control.  I recommend hitting your "Esc" key to go as backwards as possible and trying to relaunch your client.  If the bug persists, submit a support ticket at the support area.




    My friend started warframe recently and he can't join my sessions. At first that's not a problem because I can join him and then choose a mission, but the problem comes when I try to host my void keys. Every time I try and invite him, he is stopped by a "Please wait....." screen that stays there for 5-10 seconds and the another screen claiming "Session Unavailable". I tried Re-installing the game but it doesn't seem to work. Do you have any suggestions?


    This sounds like a Strict NAT issue which is more than just common, it's nearly unanimous among the community.

    Go to the thread specifically about Strict NAT posted by [DE]Glen.  


    If this does not help (meaning that you took time to read through a lot of the updates, etc.), I suggest you wait till they fix their Server Software.  Or do some research on fixing your NAT (and what NAT is).

  5. So my Lanka is currently decked out to do an output near 34,000 per critical strike, but yet I'm only capable of hitting up to near 2,200...

    So if this was an intentional nerf, please post those on the notes; and if not...please fix the Lanka again.



  6. Jesus christ, read what the OP is saying rather than just spouting crap on your own topic: he's pointing out how bad the network code is.


    I've had this happen, in a clan team when we were all talking to each other on TS and we all got the host migrating message before getting dumped back to the start screen, even the guy who was hosting.



    Well since you're gonna blather out insults, I'll just simply reply in a summarized manner.  Host Migration is caused by the host leaving, so no #*@! he would end up at the Start Screen, the only reason in which it would do so involuntarily would be a sudden DC or connection failure on hosts said end.  Host Migration just doesn't happen out of the blue (though given their network code needs a lot of work), it's where the host can no longer host the session so it migrates.  If you really want me to spout out crap, get a better host with a better connection and stop hot-wiring your %#$& toaster.


    And like LoQui said, it could have just been a host bailing out, so no, he didn't say the network code was bad, you implied that yourself.  

  7. I apologize for quoting you twice, didn't pay attention to the Poster, more or less just the message.  If the Dojo thing is a reoccurring issue among the joining hosts, it is more than likely either a NAT issue or you're just too far away for your peer to peer and your bandwidth can't handle it.

  8. Great suggestions! I see in my minds eye a cross between a spider, a centepede, an octopus and a humanoid trapped in the mix.


    The infested need more personality variety then just mindless zombies. I allso would like a unit more like a Hive mind. It is hinted here and there that this could exist, so why not a Elite support unit that when present boosts the stats of the horde around it and makes them "smarter"?


    If I can come up with some concepts to these ideas I will post them.


    Sounds awesome!  I'll be sure to make sure it gets on the forums and frequently make sure it's viewed.

  9. If the "Green" elevator is already destroyed and not replaced, then the "Red" wouldn't be able to move, other than this simple mistake this is a coding issue and you should submit a ticket ASAP, because nobody deserves a bugged Dojo lol.


    Edit: But just so we're clear, EVERY FLOOR HAS TO BE IN CONTACT WITH THE MAIN FLOOR.  If you're obstructing this one rule, then the tiles will say "NO.  So if your "Green" elevator is currently under destruction, you wont be able to touch the "Red."

  10. Greetings, though I am no DE, I am here to give you guys some quick-fix solutions as to how to fix this if you are a party leader!

    • As party leader you have the responsibility to make sure everyone can connect, or to have someone else host your teams Lobby.
    • Occasionally after missions or after some individuals leave your party, the game is still tracking their NET-ID in your party, which will give you the same error message as the title.


    The contact screen/error message states that you have "Failed to join session because session is full."  This solution applies only to this, and nothing related (Dojo joining, Void Mission invites).


    Select where you have selected your game type (Online, Private, Invite Only, or Solo), and either select another temporarily and then selecting what you had previous, or-

    Re-select the option you are currently using, by just clicking it again.






    Some other issues very similar and simple:


    • Can't find (then invite) my friend online even though I'm talking to him over Skype/TeamSpeak/etc!

     - Please make sure your friend is on the "Online" status. 2cx926r.jpg


    • Failed to join, mission has been completed.

     - This mostly happens among friends who are trying to join each others' Defense Missions and the explanation is, that after a reward has been proposed to the current individuals playing in that Defense have chose "Battle," the missions therefore is considered complete by the servers (unknown if they plan on modifying this). Though 'Host Migration In Progress' does reset if people can join in on said Defense!


    • The session you attempted to join is no longer available.

     - This message will primarily show up when you try to join already time-out alerts.  Saying, if someone was hosting an alert which already ran out of time, you wont be able to join after the original time is done, even if someone is hosting that game and currently in a session where the mission is incomplete.


    • I can't seem to accept the invite of someone hosting a Void Mission! / I can't invite some members into my Void Mission!

     - This isn't a 100% full-proof quick-fix, but it does help occasionally due to how the matchmaking works with Void Missions.  True sometimes you can invite randoms to your group without issue, but normally you use the chat command /invite {said user}, and it works 99% of the time; otherwise, when it's a friend you are trying to invite or be invited by, make sure you are on each others friends list, it normally clears up inviting from the Contacts List. 



    Please post small joining bugs and if I have any answers I'll upload them regularly.
    Also if you know any solutions to minor bugs such as this, please message me and I'll add it to the board.
    (Mind you, your submissions must be confirmed!)

    Hope this helps both you the community and the DE's for fixing!


    If this thread helped you, post your thanks to help keep this thread helping others!
    Edit: Pictures!

    Edit: Update- Other mission bugs.

  11. Common mistake among the community!


    To be invited into a Void mission, please make sure they are on your friends list!

    -This is not manditory but it makes joining 100% possible!


    -Hope this helped!


    Edit: And make sure you are on their friend list too!

  12. As the title has started, I have a couple friends where when they try to invite me or when i try to join their session, it says that it's full. i don't understand this because on the vent. they keep telling me its not. there's only like 2 of them in the lobby but for some reason i can't join sometimes....help will be greatly appreciated.


    OP - Easy solution that I've figured out during too many months of Warframe.  Whenever you get the bug that party is full, a quick-fix is that you switch your lobby hosting from "ONLINE," to any other selection, then back to "ONLINE," or whichever hosting lobby you're trying to form.  I've found that these actions normally clears the Net-ID's that have been bugged into your lobby's registry.


    -Hope this helped!

    >Am not sure when they will fix this or if anyone else has posted this solution in the past.



    we started a new party and even relogged. doesnt work at times...

    it still continues today. except in a different way. now my friends can join my session but they can't join eachother's.... im like the medium they use to connect to eachother on missions besides the dojo.....


    unintended necro'ing, but this problems still hasnt been fixed and new issues have arised....


    You're in the wrong thread sir, if you re-logged, this issue doesn't pertain to you in the same degree.  I'd believe that's a connectivity issue amongst peers.

  13. What I personally would like to see is a Chemically enhanced Boltor that the Tenno got their hands on, where the dart tips of the bullets did minor explosions on impact dealing the difference in damage (between Tenno Boltor and Original) in tiny miniature explosions (3meter aoe).


    Some other Chemical ideas I also have considered:


    • Not sure what this would exactly entail, but I feel like it could possibly fix a lot of community complaints as well...Miners Pack, where literally instead of wielding a gun you get a backpack?  Bear with me, but you would place a small series of mines similar to Ziggs from League of Legends, where each mine would be unique (to be fancy and stuff [or not]), and it would allow you to place mines as you speed ahead of your teammates if you just happen to be ahead of your squad, therefore giving them help to let them catch up or reach the end safely.



    • The last is similar to the Boltor idea but incorporating more hand-to-hand combat in the game (where it lacks good content), is: either a minor explosive version of the Furax with a Tenno mix design or...a design where when you punch, a small device toward the wrist of the gloves will push forward releasing small heated blades.


    Furthermore, biological weapons become much much harder to implement due to lack of technology with the infested, but we do want to see more poison damage (Since it was exclusive for so long [saryn]).  Someone in the Fan Concept thread suggested an infested shotgun that shot their volatile vomit, and the design had spikes which lit a good idea (don't hate me Halo fans) where we use the 'Phorid' missiles as a weapon that will seek out the nearest enemy.


    Another idea I had on the side would be where we have our first grenades! [secondary]  It would be more of a single target stun, but it would be a very neat concept for the infested have the best stunner I've ever seen in a game before.  Those darn crawlers can spew on you for what feels like several days, and this grenade would have a similar affect on it's enemies.  Where you would take one of the grenades out of your pouches attached to the same area as our Kunai/etc. holsters, and throw (stick) it to an enemy and after a (.5sec?) moment it would lock them down with a concentrated line of toxin.



  14. A switch between styles would be the best solution... i like them both btw


    The only issue with this is the size of the tiles, they'd have to totally remake one or the other, though this could be fixed with a huge server maintenance, but your wish would have to endure that maintenance time to redo everyone's Dojo (Similar to the clan splits for the 1001+).


    Edit: Also, since I first started playing in Closed Beta, they never liked keeping people away from the game content with closed updates, but the amount of hot-fixes that would have to be implemented....let alone any bugs that insure....sounds more like a headache even though I'd love to see a "Theme Selection," for the Dojo's.

  15. I love this thread, and therefore will input something nobody seems to be worried about.  In Warframe we are very limited to Infested enemies!  I know you guys want more interesting bosses, but think of the ordinary infested enemies, they have feelings too!  You propose Snipers for Corpus among other things, yet the only unique enemy the infest has is the Crawlers and Ancients.  The atmosphere of an Infested one can be quite fearful and creepily-ambient, and such should be portrayed upon a diseased mess of various factions!  Thus we should increase not only the fear-factor, but reasons to be scared.


    So now I release the idea that even got DE_Skree to change his IGN to DE_CeilingSkree, is the wall/ceiling dweller for the infested.


    How we should feel/see when the enemy appears:



    How we will be approached by such terror: (From a terrifying Japanese children's book)



    Of course I imagine it more of a elongated enemy with several appendages that allow it to move somewhat 'smoothly' across the ceiling if you will, but of course from a distance all you'll see is the eyes for it will blend in with the infested growth on the walls/ceilings.  The creature would not lift you up like every-other ceiling dweller, but try to give you a high intensity toxic-infestation (resembling the initial virus) which will stay on you for long periods of time and of course ignoring your shields.  Lastly, we get DE_Skree to voice the scream as it attacks you (lol).


    SECOND is a slender like monster proposal that will be more similar to the crawlers, but focused more on the appendage/creepy factor.


    You may think of it as a centipede or a millipede, but a infested creature of what would be a 'neutral' being of that time (or in this case Skates or soon to come neutrals), of just enemies that can crawl anywhere and when attack, they can restrict your mobility severely (making them deadly due to infested hordes).



    The following design could be implemented toward either ideas.


    I'm no artist but if you guys have better concept arts you'd like to replace these I can make a re-post of this somewhere or just update this if you message me your concept!

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