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Posts posted by xXDragonGodXx

  1. 12 hours ago, L115A3_XB1 said:

    This should be fixed however it must be coded like arcane arachne in thats its a universal damage buff and that also does not affect melee so maybe some code copying has went on without realising

    Yea, but this is not the first time I have reported this. And feel somewhat frustrated. So here we are 😅 and it's still not fixed after update 35.5.6 😏😉

    • Like 1
  2. 21 minutes ago, Ace-Bounty-Hunter said:

    I don't agree. Deep Archimedea is supposed to be a trade off where you sacrifice two of your Netracell runs for a mode with harder difficulty but more rewards. Removing that interaction defeats the whole purpose of it while simultaneously adding pressure to the player to do everything for that weekly lockout.

    How does the freedom to choose when to use the allocated and bought search pulses put more pressure on the player? It would let players choose themselves when to use them instead of having the FOMO-like mechanic that it currently uses... Also, you are sacrificing the two Search pulses now for a challenge, not a better outcome... If they had maybe increased the challenge a little and also increased the rewards twofold I could agree.

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  3. So after thinking about it and talking about it with a friend of mine, I came to a conclusion. With how Netracells, Deep Archimedea and Elite Deep Archimedea give somewhat the same outcome in terms of rewards a change to how Search Pulses works could improve enticement for doing any of the aforementioned game modes. As I have been looking at how the reward system for DA works I would love to be able to experience and do the game mode, but I don't want to be forced into some arbitrary restrictions for the maximum amount of rewards, rather I would love to be able to do it at my own pace. Hence why I think having the Search Pulses as resources would be a great way to do this.

    Essentially what I am proposing is having the Search Pulses be a buyable resource from one of the cavia NPC's  where it would cost resources from Albrechts Labs:


    1x Search Pulse:
    - 1000 Entrati Obols
    - 150 Netracoil's

    Purchase Limit to 5x Search Pulses per week.

    An afterthought hit me about this as well, having the limit on Netracells might be needed still.

    This way the ones who want to use all 5 that week can do so but someone that would like to save up and do it the next week can do that as well. The resources gained would not change for the players that want the challenge but you would be giving other players a way to gain the same resource every other week based on how they want to play the game. Only the way that you entice the player to do the mission. It would also allow players who have a hard time with the restrictions to do it at their own pace and gain the same amount of resources without taking away the challenge that you have given to the players that want to do it every week. You could alternatively also change it so that more restrictions give slightly better rewards to combat hoarding of search pulses and entice players to try and do the challenge run part of it. You would also entice players to farm the normal areas as well for the resources to buy the Search Pulses, and you could expand on it for EDA, where a separate Search Puls would be required that would need the player to use Voca.

    Now I might have explained this somewhat badly and understand that some players might disagree with this, but I do believe that this would be a good way to make this a less toxic topic and more of a positive area of the game. If you have anything to add or any questions to this, feel free to share in the comments as I can't exactly stop you.

    • Like 2
  4. 3 minutes ago, DragonManipulator372 said:

    The more vitriolic these responses become, the less I feel inclined to respond. There seems to be a general misunderstanding that I'm a "meta tard"? (Thanks for using a slur on an autistic person, by the way.) The fact is that I want to abolish the meta by having every weapon and frame on the same playing field. Rather than having Wukong or Saryn or Octavia dominate everything. Every frame could be as powerful as those three, but for some reason players insist that every frame has to be kneecapped, even when it doesn't work (Saryn has been nerfed more times than I can count and she still is incredibly OP.)

    First off, since when did I call you anything... I called out a part of the community that I can't stand.

    Secondly, making sure everything is on the same playing field, is the same as what the metacommunity wants in the first place so that they can eat Cheetos with both hands and use their third one to steer a slideshow of a game that they could have gotten the same level of entertainment from as if they where to play a mobile MMO RPG. To quote you; Don't be mistaken... don't be mistaken, I would love to have the game be a bit less all over the place too, but I also don't want the game to feel like a booklet for children with lots of pretty pictures, like how your suggestion comes off as when being read.

  5. 3 hours ago, DragonManipulator372 said:

    In the early days of Warframe, as I've come to understand, the game was far different. The focus was on stealth, because back then, you weren't very strong or durable, so the key was taking enemies out as quickly and stealthily as possible, before they could kill you. I must admit, I would have liked to play the game back when that was the original concept. But the truth is, it isn't, anymore.

    What do you consider the early days?

    3 hours ago, DragonManipulator372 said:

    My suggestion: open the floodgates. The state that Warframe is in now, it has become the ultimate power fantasy. We are void blessed kids, given incredible powers to control creatures of pure power themselves, with a whole host of abilities that many would kill to possess. And despite the bumpy road it took us to get here, we're here now. I would like to propose that we ditch balance altogether. As this is somewhat of a controversial opinion, I'm going to outline the changes it would take to make this happen. For starters, support frames such as Harrow, should be reworked to be more offensive. The focus of the game should shift from supporting each other in a squad, to becoming a team of special forces exterminators. As it stands, many frames, despite repeated nerfs, remain overpowered and dominating. And I, among many others, have come to ask myself why that is. My theory is that DE is actively resisting the current that the river of the playerbase is producing. But I'd like to point out, that this isn't an accusation toward DE of any kind. It's understandable that they'd like to try and keep some difficulty, if this were a different game. But again, it's not. This is Warframe.

    What you are misunderstanding about DE's way of handling balancing and so-called "Nerfs", is that this is at the end of the day a GAME. And because it's a game it should be enjoyable by the masses and not catered to the meta tards that plague the community. It's about giving the players the tools to be creative, and for them to be able to make cool builds that can either take the original premise for the warframe further or make the warframe into whatever the players want them to be through this wonderful thing called pLaYsTyLe...

    3 hours ago, DragonManipulator372 said:

    Picture, for a moment, that every weapon is viable. Every frame is "overpowered", every weapon is "broken." These terms aren't ones I'm fond of, but we'll use them for now. Imagine that the focus of Warframe shifts from tactics and coordination, to pure, unadulterated destruction. That every frame, every weapon, every companion, is there to cause as much chaos and mayhem as possible. That we can go into a mission and utterly destroy the enemy, using these godlike frames we've been given.

    Honey... THEY ARE, everything in this game is overpowered, as the Warfarme by definition is a Power Fantasy set in a Sci-Fy Supernatural world... as an example of this has already been given to you by @MBaldelli where he talks about a weapon called Kestrel. It is meant as a lower-tier weapon that is not meant to be possible for use on SP or higher-level content like MOT, but here we are making it blatantly do more damage than a hate-filled Nikana Prime.

    3 hours ago, DragonManipulator372 said:

    I'm not saying that, in PVP play, there shouldn't be any balancing. But we're not fighting against other players 99% of the time. We're fighting AI. And AI isn't going to come to the forums and complain that we're too powerful (at least, not yet.) The Grineer, the Corpus, all the enemy factions — they don't care. Warframe is about PVE. It's a power fantasy, like I said before. I can't tell you how many times I've come home, tired from work, and was able to just sit and relax with a Tonkor or a Torid, wrecking shop on everything around me. It's an incredible stress reliever. Which is why I'm proposing that DE stop fighting the current and flow with it. Lean into the true power of the Tenno and the warframes, and open the floodgates, letting them run wild on the origin system. Make every weapon viable or overpowered, make every frame an efficient killing machine. Rework support frames so that they, too, can join in the fun. People often complain about Warframe's balancing, but to this day, I still don't understand why. Warframe isn't hard anymore. It's been eleven years. I propose that the ones complaining that things should be nerfed are a vocal minority, and the majority are players like me, who want to feel overpowered and feel like they're unstoppable. The world around us is hard enough; shouldn't we be given a reprieve? Games are meant to be fun. They're a way for us to kick back and relax when all the work is complete. For other games, balance is fine, I'm not decrying those systems. But the way warframe is now, it should be praised as a game where you truly are the most dangerous thing in the origin system. That you have complete control of your environment, and the battle bends in your favor. Not the favor of faceless mooks.


    Again... it's a game, and should be treated like a game, not your little battery-powered girlfriend/boyfriend. everything needs drawbacks for the player to find ways around for anything to be fun. Else you're not going to make sure you have tried a majority of what the game has to offer, and you're certainly not going to try to use different setups for different missions, because in what you are describing you could brute force everything with the saying of "beat it until it DIES". For the love of the bloody void, if you are not a game designer or a professional game critiquer with lots of hours in the game, with a core understanding of its mechanics and how parts of the game interact, then stop making baseless suggestions that fall on deafer ears than the man in the walls.

    3 hours ago, DragonManipulator372 said:

    Make no mistake: this is a controversial take. I don't expect everyone to agree with me, and I respect that our views differ. But the fact is, Warframe is about having fun and stomping baddies. Balancing serves as a roadblock. I'll simply leave you with this quote from the best Cephalon out there:

    Balancing serves not as a roadblock, the biggest roadblock is baseless suggestions and improper thinking that creates these suggestions that you and a majority of the community are coming up with. Now go and give me and the rest of the community a proper example of why this suggestion of yours is so good, using something from the game, instead of your own morning wood thoughts as the entire bloody argument.

  6. 14 minutes ago, Berzerkules said:

    I use too many melee to list but you can check anyone's profile in game by typing /profile username and sort by used and check kill count/used and compare that to their playtime to get a good idea of what they use and how much they've used it. 

    I know xD but thanks for telling me xD

  7. 5 hours ago, Pakaku said:

    I'll stick to my guns. Tennokai is a failure as long as it's random, I'm not going to be saving my heavy attacks for just any random enemy, and melee is still boring beyond compare as long as the combat is so basic. They gave it a good try with Duviri, but that style of combat can't translate to the regular game. It just seems like a dead-end.

    I can understand this sentiment only if you are a run-and-gunner, as you will most likely not see the tennokai symbol activate as often if you don't focus more on melee. And it being random does not make it a failure... it's very good, and needing to wait a couple of seconds to have it activate is nothing in the grander scheme of things.

  8. 11 minutes ago, Berzerkules said:

    Like I have a RDD riven with -100%+ CC and I routinely hit 9k+ kph solo with it and have topped 13k kph on speedva. High speed, range and status weapons are really good right now.

    Don't know what you mean by RDD? But with a 9k+ KPH as you word it, you would be looking at 150 KPM which is good. I haven't done any Speedva Melee builds yet, as I find her somewhat squishy solo SP.

    14 minutes ago, Berzerkules said:

    I think you are trying to build for OHKO instead of death by a thousand cuts. I look at most melee as aoe damage not single target burst dps. I prioritize speed and range to maximize my ability to apply status effects to as many targets as quick as possible. 

    This is what I'm also thinking that he is doing, but I don't really agree with melee as an AOE, but that's just playstyle. As my playstyle is more aggressive than anyone I have ever actually played with or seen, in the sense that I will actively look for groups of enemies, instead of killing whatever comes to me or whatever shows up in a given area. I do wonder what melee weapons you are "maining" or using actively tho. :)

  9. 7 hours ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

    Perhaps I wasn't clear but you don't understand my post. Not interested in clarifying since DE won't do anything anyway

    No, as a melee main, I could understand your frustration perfectly well. What you don't seem to understand is the fact that you have a plethora of melee weapons to choose from that aren't slow. And if you want to do swordfights at the speed of a Jedi then you can very well use mods, arcane's or different Warframes to do so. Whining about it will not make DE change how the melee system works to benefit 1 person's gripe about it. And just saying that you're not interested in clarifying, regardless of DE making a change or not, tells me everything I need to know.

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  10. 4 hours ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

    Want to make melee better? Fix the speed. Im running along then I swing my melee and suddenly I'm slo motion. It's ridiculous. This is my main gripe. The moment you swing it's like you enter a slow portal, only you. 

    Faster weapons don't damage enough. Heavier weapons need quickening and berserker unless you have a unique frame like kullervo or sacrifice an arcane spot for melee speed which is conditional. The fact that melee needs two mod slots, an arcane, a possible volt spectre and an incarnon mode to be tolerable is ridiculous. 

    Additionally losing everything to a nullifier if you don't one-hit-kill it is annoying.

    i like melee but the speedometer fetch is offset too far on the slow side. A slight move to the fast will do wonders.

    Then compensate for it with mods, arcanes or warframes instead of whining ;) if your build has 0.8 attack speed.. then what are you expecting? to feel like the flash? Deal with the build as a whole instead of only looking at the damage numbers and this problem should fix itself...


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  11. It's funny cause that's not the crowd I usually see. I see this irritating group of people that CONSTANTLY beg, ask and demand changes, additions and everything else between Lua and the bloody void. It's not just Nerfing that they want it's a constant whining about something not being to their personal bloody liking. In the downtimes between updates and hotfixes is when it's at its worst.

    Come with cool suggestions sure, but anyone who comes with suggestions based on their own inability to adapt, read the abilities, wiki or forums, build their warframes and weapons properly to their own playstyle and so on can just stop whining. The best response I ever give to those people is "no" and "Git Gud" or "Read the wiki", "Do some testing" and so on...

    • Like 4
  12. Video to showcase this:




    So as seen in the video, it starts with me using a Paris Prime with no mods, shooting an enemy doing 710 damage on a crit. Then I activate lethal levitation and get a 50% increase in damage. The math I used for myself to see that it actually does what it's supposed to do is this: 

    710*(1+(0.5)) = 1065 
    which rounds up to 1100 or 1.1k as seen in the video.

    I then do the same test with melee and it does not add any extra damage, granted I write in the game chat in frustration in the middle of it and afterwards. But I made sure that there were no extra ways to add any damage any other way.

    As Naramon is meant to be the MELEE school... it's frustrating that the one ability that should let you up your damage a bit as a melee player with it, does not even work for melee.

    DE... Please fix...

  13. 16 minutes ago, _Anise_ said:

    Guns were given arcane adapters because they were behind melee in hard content _/

    Melee got better with hold to attack _/

    Melee have been given arcane adaptors because ... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Melee are now vastly superior in hard content _/



    ps:Guns with single chambers that need to be spammed still exist

    14 minutes ago, C11H22O1 said:

    The problem is that guns got way better than melee when they got arcanes and more mods now I feel like it's equal. Running a public mission still see people blowing everything with guns

    Melee has been and will always be superior to shooting weapons. regardless of them having the arcanes and tennokai. Saying that Guns became better after receiving some love and care or melee to be better after the recent changes and additions is not recognising that fact at all... so why complain?

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  14. 15 minutes ago, Darthplagueis13 said:

    - Two-handed Nikanas.


    - Dual Nikanas.


    - Machetes.

    These are the only ones I agree with as an Excalibur main. And the 10% is not insignificant. It's good as is, but sure it would be nice with some more damage xD

    I would have to say no to the rest of your post...

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  15. 3 minutes ago, Mazifet said:

    I'm disappointed on the nerf to exodia contagion, it doesn't feel that good to use anymore. Oh well, it was inevitable I guess.

    Wasn't a nerf, this was intended to be fixed some time ago, can't remember what update it was, but it didn't take hold and so they finally were able to fix it as it was an unintended interaction. :)

    Jim Bean Dancing GIF

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