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Posts posted by DeadKrypt

  1. Grineer crewship made it into my drydock and started firing on my railjack. I had just come back from an anomaly mission that went smoothly and had no glitches otherwise. Completed mission and returned to dry dock. On fast traveling to the railjack maintenance terminal I noticed the crewship just parked, firing on my ship.

    Picture of crewship in drydock

  2. Looking in the logs, I'm not sure if this is related but I found this line repeating:


    417.943 Script [Error]: Script Error: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value: In VoidMode(1144) originating from /Lotus/Scripts/OperatorVoidMode.lua::VoidMode with owner CombatOperatorAvatar27

  3. Operator void abilities seem bugged for me after hotfix. Voide Mode does nothing other than make the operator pose differently. Void dash still moves the operator but no energizing dash field. I've restarted the game multiple times. I've de-activated void abilities and re-activated them. It happens in every mission I've tried.

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