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Posts posted by Here

  1. Really though, video editing is probably not going to make a difference at all. Most of the videos are unedited, and the ones that are are just montages/memes, which are not likely going to win. Some of the best ones are unedited anyways. On another note, video editing is incredibly easy (not sure if it's the same with freeware).

    I also recorded this with my non gaming laptop, so if someone like me with a &!$$ poor rig can at least enter the contest, the rigs don't matter all that much. If DE does a good job judging, it will be unique kills, not super pretty graphics.

    While that does sound ideal, I've seen a fair share of contests from other games and the winners are never from a person with a choppy video recorded from a subpar pc regardless of what they recorded. Do people really expect some 15fps video to be a winner? Graphics shouldn't be the deciding factor, but depending on the games, low end can look like a completely different game. Low framerates will be judged since it is part of the video they are submitting. What's more is that if they're already on super low settings, there isn't a good chance that they'll get good framerates while recording.

    As for unique kills, that's hard as I've mentioned in my first post. I'm actually thinking that the criteria is "unique looking kills" but that's just nitpicking words. The only ways anything can die by a Kogake is by steath, normal attack, uppercut, ground slam, wall melee, and charge attack. Anything else before it is just flashiness and has nothing to do with the Kogake itself. And who has the abilities to look the flashiest? That was basically a requirement even in the case that no video editing was done. The exception is if there were some interesting coincidences during a regular kill.

  2. I wasnt talking about yours, and Im not contesting your point, to me the whole point of the contest should be explore the potential of the melee weapon along with techniques, abilities and the tile set unique stuff you come around ingame.


    If I add flashy effects, music, and stuff, with a lot of cutscenes, its not unique, I just added many effects but the kill continues to be a normal kill, thats my point, DE set really any kind of limits, so thats given a big margin for people to do many boring videos with music, effects and stuff, they are just plain boring.


    Im tired of the Sparta quotes, the many dubsteps, and the ones with FF and slowmotion to make a simple roundhouse kick look better, but its still the same normal boring move, so if I do a super combo using something unique, but dont add a flashy effect, my video should be considered a less better kill than a montage?

    I only assumed you were talking about mines since you mentioned "you" in your post. And I have mentioned the problem with what you are saying.



    This means that regular 'E' Button mashing, jump slam, uppercut attacks, and charge attack videos probably would not have a chance. Keyword is regular here. Since these are something all players are able to do, one must do something involving Warframe abilities and/or the environment - gimmicks if you must, to have a good chance. But of course, in this event, not all Warframe abilities are equal as some of you should have noticed. Montages however, are a way of adding a bit of spice to regular kills, making it look nicer, but of course, this also requires that one knows at least the basics of video editing software.

    The problem really, was with the rules stated for the event. Nothing really concrete was stated on how the video should be made. Also, a few posts down on the first page, DERebecca did mention that editing was allowed. Because of that one statement, the bar was practically raised. Anything that isn't an edit would have looked too plain and not have a chance.


    If you are going to edit something together, that's fine too, just keep it under 20 seconds!

  3. I just think that the moment 2 people make a video with the same kill, it automatically isnt the best kill at all, it should be unique. And if by any chance there is a unique kind of kill that lets say 3 people did, award the first one, he was the "original" even if the others didnt copy, he was faster.


    I looked at many many videos, and seriously, most are the same thing. Edited videos with 5-10 kills are just boring, all the previous 18281737189 videos did the same thing. You added a nice track or some humor into the video? Your editing skills are good, but wheres the best kill?


    I do hope DE judges the videos by best kill, and not best editing, I know how to truely edit videos, have been doing it for some years already, and I will post a kill with no edits at all, thats the whole idea behind it, a different and awesome kill, not a edit to show off my editing skills.

    I in no way mentioned anything about my video nor was I trying to make it sound like my video had the requirements. I had a few clips and planned to submit an unedited kill but had another idea as I recorded more shots. The way you are replying to me was exactly the reason I was hesitant to post this. My video definitely doesn't meet the requirements I posted, and I could have tailored it specifically for the event, but decided against it since it would at least be enjoyable out of context of this event.

    Edit:Misread the 2nd quote. Removed.

  4. Joke title aside~

    Was contemplating whether or not to post this, but since I typed it all up, I'd rather not waste the effort.

    Disclaimer: This is not a rant or elitist speech and please don't take it as such. This is meant to be an informative post.
    Half of this post can apply to any other video contest so it's closer to common sense than being specifically for this event.

    Not all contests are fair. The only ones that are somewhat fair are raffle ones.
    Believe it or not, this contest comes with a barrier to entry - that is at minimum, you must:
    -Have a decent rig
    -Know how to record and render with decent quality to prepare for upload

    That's the starting point because regardless of what idea you get, anyone with the same idea but better quality will most likely have a better chance at winning than you. Another note is that embedding videos on forums is not the hardest thing in the world, yet people figure out to make and upload the video, but not embedding. Personally speaking, I do not think that those who did not bother embedding their videos bothered to make a decent video either as I've viewed a couple of them and they all look the same. It's essentially a filter but it's DE choice whether or not they're going to view them all in new links. I wouldn't. With that said, the next thing is to actually have a good idea. Warframe being the game it is, melee weapons only have a certain amount of animations and limited amount of ways to kill enemies.

    The description of a "best kill" is actually pretty vague since different people have different "best" ideas. Keep in mind though, that the judges are actually DE and not you, so you have to keep in mind of other people's tastes and not just your own. On this note, this is seemingly another requirement that one must have an aesthetic sense that would appeal to the general public.

    This means that regular 'E' Button mashing, jump slam, uppercut attacks, and charge attack videos probably would not have a chance. Keyword is regular here. Since these are something all players are able to do, one must do something involving Warframe abilities and/or the environment - gimmicks if you must, to have a good chance. But of course, in this event, not all Warframe abilities are equal as some of you should have noticed. Montages however, are a way of adding a bit of spice to regular kills, making it look nicer, but of course, this also requires that one knows at least the basics of video editing software.

    Volts and Vaubans have an advantage due to how their abilities can manipulate their movements to the extremes. Just imagine any other warframe in their place doing or trying to do the same thing. It just wouldn't have the same effect. One could argue that everyone could make those warframes but not all players have enough slots or have farmed all the parts (especially vauban), which limits this to those who main those frames or have bought platinum and obtained more warframe slots.

    Based on the rules taken literally, most of us at this point (including me) already think that there is one volt video that is a definite winner. Of course, this disqualifies montages if it was meant to be a single kill - which is probably around 1/3 or 1/2 of the total submissions

    To sum it up, you are a guaranteed(IMO) winner if you
    -Have a decent rig
    -Know how to record and render with decent quality to prepare for upload
    -Good at editing (RAW videos still have a chance depending on how well the cut is filmed)
    -Have an aesthetic sense that would appeal to the general public (probably not the overused meme clones)

    --Have the skills to pull it off

    ---Used Volt(Speed) for it
    -Embedded your video (minor point really, but yeah, it's like adding "have experience" to your resume)
    -Did not make a montage (if rules meant 1 kill)
    -Have friends - the more the better. Add a Frost(Freeze) / Rhino(Rhino Stomp), Mag(Pull) / Loki(Switch), and Vauban(Bounce)(Vortex) before the killing blow to any video and it will look infinitely better. (DO IT NOW BEFORE THE EVENT ENDS)

    Pretty sure most of the winners are going to be volts unless DE reads this post and agrees with my points then decides to go all anarchistic cause I said those things - in which case I would be right anyways. Of course I'm just assuming how people think in this post so forgive me. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attribution_bias

    I'm not trying to hate on or promote anyone's videos. Just using my own standards as a standard to explain what I think are the standards.

  5. Press 1 to fire semen.
    Press 2 for condom skin.
    Press 3 for a sticky puddle cc.
    Press 4 to fire semen everywhere.

    Couldn't help it.
    I know everyone is thinking something like that.

    Just change my word choices and it'll be rated E.

  6. Well, after scanning up to page 11 on the look for some answers, I gave up with all those reserve thing and I will try to do something with the information I got form both of the posts made by Rebecca. I am still not sure if we can put more than one kill on the video, but with 20 seconds, I will assume we can.

    Hopefully I will have enough time left to do this, just one day left... It is a nice contest and gives me a break from doing endlessly endless defense missions...

    Let the punching and kicking begin!

    As a side note, I would really appreciate a button to get me to the last page of the posts. The only way I can get there as far as I know is going 2 by 2 from the buttons below or at the top...

    Click the double arrow on the left or right of the numbers. '<<' First, '>>' Last.


    Also realized the respective arrows won't show up if the first or last page is actually one of the numbers you can click on.

  7. Just tried to make the video more relevant to others outside of this event so I won't include anything about the event in the description and title, but this will be my submission nonetheless.

    That corpus at 0:17 flew extra high because the uppercut from Kogake scored a headshot (200 damage).
    Wish I could have synced the whole song though.

  8. The purpose of Radial Disarm is to force enemies into melee. The Infested are all melee units. Unless that changes, Radial Disarm works exactly as intended.

    You mean damaging chargers and doing nothing to everything else? Because that was point I was trying to make. Chargers are already melee if I'm not mistaken. Why go through the trouble of damaging them when it can do nothing instead.

  9. tl;dr: TITLE

    Decoy either needs to have more hp or allow us to use more than one decoy at a time. (LIKE TESLA)

    As it is, it gets killed instantly versus higher level mobs, and one would have to keep spamming decoys in order to keep the enemies attention. Having multiple decoys out would allow one to set up a few decoys at a time and at least cause the mob to run to the next one after killing the first one - thus buying a bit more time.

    Radial Disarm needs to actually do something against other infested besides chargers.

    I wouldn't mind if damage to chargers were taken away in favor of another mechanic. The AoE range can also be boosted a bit, and the graphic needs a bit of fixing since it seems that it's not the exact range of enemies affected. The only use for radial disarm in infested is when there are a lot of chargers(which doesn't seem to happen much as it is always mixed with increasing amounts of ancients as wave numbers go up in defense, and happens even less in every other game mode). Against higher level swarms of chargers, it becomes more lackluster as it will require 2 or more disarms to decapitate compared to saving the energy for decoy+invisibility instead and letting teammates have the kill for 100 energy or less.

    The only reason I'm comparing it to a damage skill is because in infested, damage is the only thing it does, and only to a single variety of infested - making it effectively useless. It needs to have some disabling effect of some sorts; maybe a permanent speed reduction or disabling skills such as the runner's suicide, healer's heal, disrupter's disrupt, and toxic's poison.

    ~Not so serious:
    -Make switch teleport AoE, it'll see more use for sure.

  10. I PUG'd 4 rounds as a Loki and didn't have a Nyx for any of the runs.

    Only failed my first run(Grineer) where whole team was going hero mode(Varro like map) with me defending. Lost on the last wave because no one was near the pod except me and mobs were spawning in the back. Just wished Radial Disarm gave them a static Baton instead of a scaling one. They baton'd the artifact to death after instantly vaporizing my decoy. The team would have lost earlier if I left my post.

    In hindsight, I could have probably prevented the lost, but I decided to try something different. Since no one was near me, after dropping a disarm and decoy, I scanned around for a player to switch teleport with so that they can drop an AoE on the mobs. First target I found in range was the Rhino, and by the time I switched, the mobs were already bashing the artifact - 20% left. Then we proceeded to lose. Either that Rhino didn't have the AoE equipped, it was too low leveled, or he did not expect my switch and could not react to the situation. Well, that sums up PUGs, guess I expected too much.

    My other choice at the time was to spam a few decoys until my team got there since they don't even last 2s.

    The team consisted of Loki, Rhino, Saryn, and Excalibur.


  11. I'm not making any troll comments. Can't someone just post these days without people being a jerk and treating me like the enemy? I'm just saying what I said.

    As for the mods I use the other people asked - serration, piercing hit, speed trigger and the crit ones. i don't have split shot or whatever the rifle multi is. As for frames, I use the frames I like and enjoy playing.

    From what you've said, I take it you don't play defense or mobile defense much due to being solo?
    If that's true then I can somewhat see what your problem is.

    A lot of mods drop in defense and mobile defense - like 15-20+ each time and regular defense. If those 400 hours were spent doing solo raids, etc. Then you probably wouldn't have made much progress towards your gear. I only have around 130ish hours myself, but I am able to solo T2 voids with my Loki without using any abilities. I have all 3 types of multishots, but maybe RNG just loves me or I farmed the correct way.

    All stages are soloable depending on gear. Defense ones can also be solo'd, but would probably require a specific warframe or setup to do and only up to a certain level.

    Also, if those are your only mods, I assume you haven't used a orokin catalyst on it(who am I kidding? 400hours!), which is highly recommended. If you don't have at least 1 weapon with 60 mod points, all elemental mods, damage, and multishot, that's probably your problem - which stems from not doing defense or being very unlucky, but I assume it's the former. Regular defense also has a decent chance of giving the multishot mods as of the last patch. I have only found a single rifle multishot after 90 hours in from a random drop in kappa, but the rest of the ones I found were defense rewards post patch (then found another off a boss drop after I already had the 3 different ones).
  12. Just a thought that perhaps some people prefer using certain weapons, but can't due to how badly it scales without armor ignore. Sure kunai is an alternative, but how does losing a slot for other weapons make it that much worse? All elemental modifiers, damage, and multishot take up only 6 slots. Only compromise for using another weapon is losing maybe a fire rate or a crit mod - which seems pretty fair for the armor ignoring property. The mod would remedy that problem at least.

    In hindsight, I probably shouldn't have said it should have no polarity. 10-15 mod points maxed sounds fair though.

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