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Posts posted by Thornskarr

  1. Parkour as of now sucks. It's a boring old system that I haven't actually used in a long time (coptering ftw). This looks a lot better, I'm not too thrilled about having to mash my space bar, but then again I'm too thrilled about the static, boring, buggy parkour system we have. I imagine this will be like melee 2.0, where they decide to bring something back from the old system like they are with power attacks. I'm not saying your opinion is bad, it's your opinion after all, I just completely disagree.

  2. ive been playing when U3 was still on and kicking left came back around U5.  you say last November!? youre getting the crumbs and whats left of warframe<< tsk tsk.

    Yet you've been a member since 17 Feb 2014? I'm detecting some shenanigans.


    Quick Draw

    Basically quick slash for you secondary firearm.


    Rhino Instead Of Volt As A Starter

    Because Volt is like Zephyr and Banshee easy to learn but hard to master ,and Rhino is easy to learn and master,many players think that Rhino should be the starter.Making it easy for new players to pick up Rhino.


    Excalibur Dropping From Vor

    Many think that Excalibur should drop from Vor instead of Ambulas.Giving new players easy access to more starter warframes.


    More Warframe Slots Rather Then Platinum At The Beginning

    Many of the older players think newer players should get 5 warfarme slots rather then free platinum at the beginning.


    Limbo And Frost Changes

    Frosts Snow Globe should have a health or a timer.

    If limbo puts one of his teammates in limbo they should be able to leave Limbo on their own.

    1) I've seen this discussed before, it would be awkward for automatic weapons. I would rather just have a faster weapon swap.


    2) The point of having those 3 frames as starters is because each have a different playstyle. I would rather see mag replaced by trinity.


    3) Excalibur is fine where he's at, I don't any frames should drop off Vor, seeing as how that would dilute his droptable.


    4) I would rather have free plat to spend on weapon slots OR warframe slots. More preferably, I would like to unlock warframe and weapon slots as I level my mastery rank up.


    5) Frost's snowglobe used to just have a timer, they added health for balancing. Rolling gets rid of Limbo's rift effect.

  4. The year just started, and a lot more effort went into this update than you think. They have a whole log of things they need to get done. Redoing the starchart (again), fixing up conclave, parkour 2.0, the community enemies, the underwater tileset, and a bunch of other stuff. We get tons of updates in a year, this isn't the only one. You should also probably start watching the devstreams, they never said they're getting rid of voids, which in my opinion, is a good idea.

  5. I've thought about a pvp system where one team is the Tenno and they play as they normally would (third person, wall running, literally no change to them at all) and on the other team is just one player controlling the enemy faction like a RTS, choosing what to spawn, and adding fortifications to the map like sentries and the like.

  6. One of the highlight videos was suggested to me on youtube (I think it was update 6) and I was building a PC at the time. Near the end of March, I think a week or two before open beta, I finished my build and got a beta key from a friend. It was the first game I downloaded and played on this PC and I've been playing ever since.

  7. Everything is great with U14. The kubrows need a little work, but then again so did every feature in the game when it was first implemented. Instead of saying you're disappointed, try giving actual feedback the devs could use to fix the problems with the kubrows instead of cluttering the forums with a thread we've seen a thousand times.

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