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Posts posted by sh4dowhun7er

  1. I wasn't using the website when the account system was changed, so I didn't know about having to manually transfer my data - is there anything I can do to get my builds back?

  2. On 5/27/2017 at 6:09 PM, RyuGold said:

    GOOD! Let it be that way. I don't wanna do 10 mins of survival, defense or md for anything that's in the invasion

    my problem is that it somehow tends to get stuck on the survival/MD modes - sometimes for >30min. and quickly doing 3 capture missions doesn't work either since it frequently changes inbetween runs, no matter how fast you are (or maybe I'm just having extremely S#&$ty luck, idk)

  3. The mission type of invasion missions seems to sometimes change every 1-2 minutes, instead of the 15min delay it should have (as per build notes, if I didn't miss anything). On the other hand, sometimes it doesn't change for >20min. This makes invasions generally quite pointless, since you always run the risk of getting an MD and then having to wait >30min until you get something else.

  4. On 3/24/2017 at 10:45 PM, Rakawan said:

    Weapon still does damage if you use it properly.

    They just removed the ability to spam spin attacks for ridiculous bleed damage.

    While it was an interesting effect it was far too easily abused, especially with the bleed damage proc mod.

    then they should have put a cooldown on the bleed procs, not on slide attacks. I used it mainly to pop resources and as a faster whip (rangewise), but both of these uses are now impossible (it was also good for status spreading and spore popping, but for that you can just use atterax/secura lecta (or ignis)).

    my solution: revert change and reduce bleed proc chance (or add cooldown for proccing of the wave)

  5. 20 hours ago, (PS4)RenovaKunumaru said:

    Melee 3.0


    As it stands now, melee suffers as a gimmick. You either spam EEEE or a single combo that leads into a finisher attack.

    or, ya know, get a telos boltace/atterax/s.lecta/etc + maiming strike and spam slide+E and do more damage than most primary weapons.

  6. On 2/4/2017 at 5:48 AM, (PS4)godlysparta said:

    It would be really hard to add it back since most things can one shot you. You would spend more time being revived than doing the mission. Sometimes, it can purposefully cause everyone to fail. DE removed this option for a reason. There are too many trolls in the game that in a group of random people, there's 90% chance one of them is a troll. If you have a  coordinated group, the same logic applies. There's no getting away from trolls.

    if you have a coordinated group, you can just disband the squad and reinvite everyone except the troll if you need to. I didn't say they should reintroduce FF nightmare (although I'd like that as well). If you are playing with friends the chance of trolling is quite low.

  7. On 2/4/2017 at 3:43 AM, (PS4)XxDarkyanxX said:

    Well yeah that's exactly it, there isn't really any active defense that could be meaningful enough to enable a FF. I'm not quite sure what you mean by elemental warding, you've used it quite a few time, but everytime I read it, I had that "Take your melee and block for elemental shield" thought passing through my mind. Is it a passive thing, is it an active thing? You used Magicka Shield combo ( Healing opposite ) to describe it, so I figured it'd be active, I think I must've misread or misunderstood something while reading.

    I get the whole "With great power comes great ( Oh I just saw the pun ) responsability", my only problem with that being introduced in warframe is that we can't really "Control" our power. If you want to be responsable and still use your power, you'll have to minimize range to the core, which render like... 60-70% of all abilities useless in most situation.

    with elemental shielding I mean you'd basically have something like the item wheel, where you could activate a defense against 1-2 elements at a time. defense against IPS would be like the rock shield in magicka. every active defense could slow you down/drain energy/something like that. so if eg. the saryn in your team wants to use spores, you activate viral shield and you'll no longer be infected/damaged by the spores. if she combines it with a toxin proc spread, you'd want dual elemental defense (viral + toxin).

    it could also be implemented as some sort of attunement: you can link to another frame (eg. via 'power 6') and so become invulnerable to his abilities, with more links slowing you down further/draining more energy/shield / whatever. AoE weapons would be very dangerous to use anyway (only 50% weapon damage reduction if linked), so bringing eg. a simulor would be very situational. and yes, running in the line of fire of a some prime would kill you pretty much instantly.

    another method to make FF mode playable would be to prevent powers (not weapons) from harming friendlies in a small radius (maybe ability dependent? WoF should probably have a bigger safe radius than eg. soundquake (due to difficulty of staying together while moving)). slide attack melees (eg. telos boltace/atterax/s.lecta) would have to be balanced separately I guess, since making them full-FF would destroy maiming strike builds (you'd have to leave safe radius to use). on the other hand, it would balance the insane AoE damage potential of such builds out: either you spread out and use slide melees, or you group up and use abilities.

  8. 2 hours ago, (PS4)XxDarkyanxX said:

    I've played Magicka 2 I believe it was a free game on PS+ at some point and I got all trophies associated to it, you can understand that I absolutely loved the game ( Despite the 3 hours spent using Death+thunder under heavy rain only to unlock the "accidentally kill yourself many many times" trophy )

    Accidental shooting in this was actually fun because of how the game was made. Accidentally using a high powered AoE could kill your entire team if you weren't cautious enough, however you could revive the entire team in the lapse of a second if you knew the command. You had access to all elements on a single character, weapons had a very basic mechanic (Close range melee with boost and Elemental feature on staff). Another thing to add is that, on Magicka, you could see who was casting what, and in which direction it was being aimed because of how the camera was set.

    Warframe is completely different from that, Using a high powered AoE doesn't kill you, it bleeds you out, stops you from playing for 20 seconds unless your teammate ( who's possibly 3 miles away from you ) come to save the day. Elemental shielding would simply be a pain because you'd have to protect yourself against 7 ( if not more ) elements at the same time without knowing what they are at the crucial moment.

    You might wonder what I mean by that, here's how I see it :
    In magicka, physical damage can come from both a normal melee hit, or even a boulder hit, so the normal counter for that would be a Boulder Armor while being cautious of what teammates uses around you. And from their point of view, you're wearing a giant brown/grey armor, so they won't use magic that negates that ( I forgot what boulder weakness was )

    In warframe, a normal melee hit could deal 3 different "Physical effect"at random without forgetting that mods that add elemental stats, you can't change the power of your element mid-game, so you're just stuck with a maximized element for the entire duration of the mission, your allies don't necessarily see you on their screen for the entire mission duration, so they couldn't really adapt to whatever situation you're in.

    In magicka you can probably just tell your teammates or just show them that you're gonna use a specific element to deal with an enemy and they'll change their shield accordingly, however in warframe you'll be damned if you brought the wrong frame to counter at the beginning and just end up dying to a 50 meters long AoE.

    Long story short : Magicka and Warframe have different mechanics and that's what makes it hard to have fun while "Accidentally killing teammates" in warframe.
    Friendly fire is an awesome feature in a lot of games, but it simply doesn't work on warframe.
    ( Sorry for the long text ;_; I had an amazing time on magicka and you reminded me it )

    the elemental warding option was so you could make all abilities do team damage without making 90% of them guaranteed team instakillers. in any case, FF in warframe would need much more cooperation than in magicka (longer revive time and shorter TTK). that being said, it would still make for a nice challenge IMO. damage abilities could still be enemy focused, but shooting a teammate should definitely kill him. same for broad range melee attacks or target-cast abilities like shuriken or fireball, while miasma and WoF should not hit your own team (if you don't want to introduce elemental warding).

    all this just amounts to 'with great power comes great (ir)responsibility' - if you can't exactly control your fire/abilities, your team will die. I think this 'arma feel'/hardcore mode would fit well in a game like warframe. it let's you feel the power you wield when you accidentally splatter your friends just because you didn't take care when aiming.

    you are right though in that the 'teamkilling fun' part from magicka doesn't transfer as well to warframe (offense too much stronger than defense).

  9. On 1/25/2017 at 9:56 PM, Imaru said:

    I guess you weren't playing when the Friendly Fire Nightmare condition was added? Suffice to say it has since been removed. With the way the game works there would be no way to spare your allies from errant gunfire, and with weapons as powerful as they are it would take 1-2 seconds to do lethal damage, wasting all involved parties's time. 

    I missed it. Was looking forward to trying it and was very sad when I was it removed.

    On 1/25/2017 at 10:00 PM, kyori said:

    Add friendly-fire = give life to trolls.

    That's why I want it to be an option (maybe with benefits) instead of a forced modifier.

    On 1/25/2017 at 10:48 PM, Rawbeard said:

    it's already in game, it's called radiation hazard.

    I like radiation hazard missions, but 1. it only appears in 1 sortie mission every few weeks 2. it's not constant FF 3. it also makes enemies actively shoot each other, reducing difficulty 4. it prevents stealth runs due to the aforementioned infighting

    (although the insonsistency of the FF might make it even more chaotic)

    On 1/26/2017 at 1:03 AM, (PS4)XxDarkyanxX said:

    Because, when you think about it, the only difference between having that FF option and the 4 player choosing to limit themselves on purpose is the fact that you can now accidently shoot your teammates for some more End-mission Exp.

    the accidental shooting is part of the fun - eg. you have to pay attention not to run into the line of fire of team mates. Have you ever played magicka? part of the fun of this series comes from (more or less) accidental killing of you team (or yourself for that matter).

    On 1/27/2017 at 0:30 AM, (PS4)XxDarkyanxX said:

    I'm only claiming that this particular option isn't worth it because powers affect you, allies can hurt you, and a set of weapons are restricted to use. There's too much downside and I hardly believe anyone would participate in this hell.

    If an option like that does come out, would you play it? How often would you use it? Is an Exp boost or even a ressource boost really worth so much restrictions?

    You might answer yes to those questions, if so then I wish you luck in defending your cause, however for me (And probably all of the people above) that option only looks like a waste of time.

    I don't plan playing exclusively FFmode if it were introduced - it's more of a fun mode where you can mess around if the main game is starting to bore you. that being said, even if the power synergies I mentioned didn't work, a mode where you have to pay attention where/whom you shoot and which AOEs could hit your team etc. would be awesome IMO. tbh I would even play it if it were a simulacrum-like coop mode where you don't get any rewards at all, given I can find other players who share this interest.

    on another note, adding an element based protection system like in magicka (eg. shield death death death death so death beams heal you instead of hurt (or just prevent damage, like in wizard wars) -> would translate to eg. blast immunity (these protection might increase other elemental damage you take/drain energy/slow you down/ etc.. physical damage protection would just be similiar to rhino armor (ie. shield that reduces hysical damage until depleted, while elemental armors would be time based))) might make it possible to let ALL abilities fully affect teammates, enforcing efficient communication (eg. saryn spores would kill your team as well (and maybe even yourself) unless you are warded - using the spore(viral) + toxin combo would make a double ward (that needs more energy/2 people to actively channel it/whatever) necessary)


  10. 2 hours ago, Shockwave- said:

    Sure, but it needed a huge nerf. 4X credits for using a weapon is still pretty good farming.

    if it boosted total credit gain by 4x then maybe. but usually 90%+ of the credits you get are from mission reward - and assuming 10% are from credit drops and only do lecta kills, you'd get 1.3x the credits you would usually get on normal missions. doing LOR speedruns is probably better than akkad now if you want to farm credits.

  11. if all players in a squad agree, they should be able to enter missions in FF mode. this might give some advantage - eg. 1.5* affinity - so people would try to play FF for something else than interesting pvp. this would also encourage players to do something else than berehynia for xp, since normal DPS strategies won't work in FF mode.

    alternatively, instead of a FF mode there could be an option to enable radiation self-procing (there are some interesting strategies with radiation procs, like speed nova to make you run faster or alternating between EVing a tenno and blessing him for infinite energy or putting a magnetize bubble on a hysteria valkyr or buffing a tennos damage with nyx' augmented 1 or getting tenno shadows as nekros (is this even possible?))

  12. On 11/12/2016 at 3:29 PM, Reifnir said:

    I got a rather weird one, tbh.

    In case you're wondering, it works with both Simulor and Synoid Simulor, but... Why would I even consider using it in the first place?..

    Drain is over the top, and faction-specific damage bonus is completely nullified (and then some) by the total damage penalty.



    I'd buy it for 60p

  13. hysteria bugged


    parasitic eximuses can drain valkyrs energy while in hysteria


    8/10; in a few cases the effect prevention still worked, but most of the time it doesnt

    to reproduce enter a mission with many eximus units (ideally one of the eximus sorties), activate hysteria and see your energy go down from full to 0 in a few seconds (depending on the number of eximus units).


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