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Posts posted by Gwevare

  1. I've had this problem for a while, can't find any discussions about it anywhere and have been forgetting to post about it.  The lighting in my orbiter has this weird oversaturation going on, at particular angles in different rooms.lPM0mYQ.jpgIvara Prex and a Rail Agent Manifest Decoration in the personal quarters.  You can see it on the other decorations as well.  The rest are all using an Agkani Stone for reference.  In three different sections of the orbiter.




    As you can see, the light is only from a particular angle.  I have already exhausted changing all display options, in various combinations.  And I assure you, it is not Bloom.  I always have that toggled off as standard practice in all games.  I did even try toggling it on, in case somehow the toggle was backwards.  No such luck.


    After having reason to go to Orb Vallis again, this oversaturation seems to be an even wider problem for me.


  2. I decided to try retooling my Inaros' Sandstorm build for maximum range, since I got Augur Reach.  After a short test I noticed the range shown in the ability stats did not seem to be accurate.  So I did a bit of testing in captura, then went to the live location to set down a marker approximately where Sandstorm picked up the Bombard dummy I was using.







    Approximate or not, the marker placement and where I am in that last screenshot is close enough for me to know, compared to the test, that it's definitely not a fourtytwo meter radius on my Sandstorm.

  3. As I said on another thread with a link to this one.  In regards to the Vahd Curiass in particular.

    I have to say, not a fan of the scarf.  Kind of...entirely wrecks my aesthetic using the Commodore Prime Mask open as a collar.  Also, the front and back tails being disconnected and hanging from the bottom of the pelvis mysteriously is clearly a flub.

  4. I agree that Rubico Prime looks questionable in terms of "How do I shot bullet?", I suppose saying "The Orokin did it." pretty much sums up most of the reasoning.  But, along with some other Primed weapons (Egg Beater Prime for example), I would like the option to use the normal version as a skin for them.  Normal Rubico looks like a Cadillac (a good Cadillac) and a Revolver made sweet, sweet love and had a baby.

  5. This will be widely the same as my original post from over two years ago, but I have some things to address that have been added since.  The original ideas form that post;

    "The beginning of this idea is a couple of things we already have access to.  Genetics tools aboard, in the form of the Kubrow incubator and when we scan plants, we take a sample.

    With an expansion to the incubator (probably have to be crafted and require an argon crystal or two, as is custom), to enable it to work with plants as well and a liberal sprinkling of newly designed plants for scanning for samples.  Variable types of end result on a table similar to how Kubrow can be of varying size, colour, pattern and such, so that even if you splice the same two types of plants multiple times, you might not wind up with absolutely identical copies of the same one.

    As for new types of plants to scan, I only have a few vague suggestions.  Basically, any real life plants or tree that looks nice or has some sort of meaning, personally I'd love to have a tiny Maple tree sitting somewhere.  Those white, glowing trees in he Orokin maps or, perhaps some sort of pacified Infested plant, like those wavy bits you see on every Infested mission.

    Various combinations of trunk/leaf/colour of the splices.  For example, something like a weeping willow, with maple leaves in place of the usual willow leaves, possibly all in autumn colours."

    As for new ideas and things to acknowledge, let's start with the obvious "Just buy the planter decorations".  Simply, it's not the same, part of having bonsai trees is the care of them.  Having them gradually grow and require pruning (maybe not watering, because life happens and coming back after a hiatus to dead bonsais would be depressing).  Though I would like to have the different planters without their respective plants as options for housing the Bonsai, as well as at least one more traditional design, such as the basic wooden, rectangular pot.

    Also, perhaps this could require something in Hel- right, don't want this to be spoilerish... another room instead of the incubator or maybe even a clan laboratory?

    I realize I don't have much in the way of additional ideas for this, but after two years and the expansion to the decoration system, I wanted to try getting this new exposure.


    Original post:  https://forums.warframe.com/topic/601934-to-liven-up-the-landing-craft-interior-genetically-engineered-bonsai-trees/

  6. Even if we ignore how the weapon looks in design.  Why is the swinging strike weapon in the average minority prominent hand?  Most people are right handed and the prominent hand is the one most would strike hardest and be most dexterous with.  A toggle to swap which hands the cutlass and dagger are in, to be most comfortable per the player would preferable, of course.  I just find it rather odd and somewhat uncomfortable to my sensibilities.

    "Because I know something you don't know.  I am not left handed." - Inigo Montoya

  7. Got talking about Kestrel today, figured I would share my non-riven (Don't have one for Kestrel) build.



    And yeah, my Primed Heavy Trauma is not maxed, I'd have to forma other weapons for it to fit them maxed.

    Anyhow, thoughts?  Discussion?

  8. 2 minutes ago, Buff00n said:

    Haha a few years ago I was at an Octoberfest and heard that performed live by a band consisting entirely of tubas.

    Unfortunately, a Mandachord is not a tuba.  It's not going to work without changing it beyond recognition :sad:

    We very much need it able to function as a tuba.  Thank you anyhow, I shall return with another odd request for you to ply your skills upon.

  9. 13 hours ago, Buff00n said:

    Haha what the hell?  Too bad it really needs some notes the Mandachord doesn't have :(

    Glad you at least got a laugh.  I'm trying to request songs that are more or less obscure and/or interesting.  On that note....

    Really hard to pick just one of these.  Four songs in particular from the same band, each with an enjoyable melody....  I shall link all four and leave it to your judgement which is most deserving and possible, if any are possible.  Don't mean to cause you any treble.

    The band, Oingo Boingo.  The songs, which I shall link in this order; Private Life, Little Girls, Weird Science and On The Outside.






  10. Yes!  Someone mentions Angstrum!  You are right of course, that not every weapon needs to be super powerful.  Sadly, everything Euphona Prime does well, something else does better.  Heck, if I wanted shotgun secondary, there's a few things I would choose over using Euphona Primes altfire, Pyrana for example.  As for a single heavy shot, I'd probably use Seer over Euphona Prime, Angstrum if we go outside of standard ballistics category.

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