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Posts posted by GhostFeng

  1. 5 hours ago, (XB1)Godlike13 said:

    The Shaku are redundant and rather useless, but the Ninkondi are actually quite powerful. Though I really don't think a new stealth finisher are gonna do anything to change their popularity. 

    The new stealth finisher animation is more of a housekeeping issue (clean up a very annoying problem with them) rather than a way to increase popularity. It's a potential exclusive effect that could hopefully increase their popularity.

  2. Big nunchaku fan here. The day DE released the Ninkondi in Warframe was one of the most exciting days in the game for me haha. Unfortunately, I don't find myself using either the Ninkondi or the Shaku much these days. They are in serious need of some love. With the Melee Revamp coming, I think now is a good time (for DE to hopefully) take a quick look at these forgotten beauties again. The main complaint I have about them is the finisher animations. Both the normal finisher and stealth finisher animations are terribly slow for nunchaku.

    Preface: TLDR:

    The point of using nunchaku over other melee weapon types (besides how awesome and beautiful they are) is for quick, fluid strikes that take very little time between hits. Unfortunately, if you are trying to enjoy some sneaky stealth-based gameplay, you will always avoid nunchucks in Warframe. Because when you are a space ninja sneaking up behind your enemy with a pair of nunchaku, it's always a great idea to tie up your enemy with your nunchaku, pick them up from behind, suddenly realize they are too heavy to hold in the air, then quickly, but gently set them back down which somehow apparently kills them. All of which takes excruciatingly long to have to sit and watch before sneaking up behind your next enemy to do it again (as if you didn't remember from your first failed attempt that the enemies are too heavy to try to pick up...).

    I think a great idea for a quick, fun and more accurate stealth finisher would be to quickly wrap the nunchaku around the enemy's neck, and simply make a quick snapping motion to kill them. Simple, quick, fun, and effective, especially if you are trying to enjoy stealth gameplay using nunchaku. Although not as bad, the normal finisher animation is similarly slow and disruptive to the flow of attacks. One possibility for the normal finisher (depending on limitations for finisher animations) could be to quickly flip over the enemy as you wrap the nunchaku around their neck from the front, then pull them over your back and slam them to the ground. Anyone else have good ideas for a normal nunchaku finisher?

    I will edit this post when I check the ground finisher again (don't remember what it looks like), but for nunchaku, a great ground finisher is always a quick stomp and nunchuck whack to the face. 

    My other complaint about the nunchaku is the lack of any special effects for them. While a syndicate mod with syndicate explosion effect would be a dream come true, even something as simple as a nunchaku exclusive mod with exclusive effect for nunchucks would also be a huge win for these weapons :) 

    My idea for an exclusive effect would be that each hit regens a small amount of power. This would serve two purposes: One is that you are highlighting the idea of attack speed for nunchaku because the higher your attack speed, the more power you can get back from your attacks. The second purpose is to highlight the flow of attacks. By getting power back from your attacks you're able to keep a flow going between using your melee attacks and using your abilities, without pausing due to the usual power drain problems. What do you guys think?

  3. On Tuesday, August 22, 2017 at 0:22 PM, EchoesOfRain said:

    Defy: Once Wukong "dies" and his health is restored, he turns invisible for a short duration and spawns a specter of himself. Wukong is vulnerable to damage while invisible, and Defy is turned off until the invisibility wears off. Meanwhile, the Wukong Specter attacks and taunts enemies and keeps aggro away from Wukong and allies. Once the Invisibility wears off Defy is turned back on automatically.


    On Tuesday, August 22, 2017 at 1:12 PM, (PS4)Vagnar said:

    Another Clone possibility could be in a reworked passive. With the addition of combo extension mods, that 2s has lost a lot of its value, and it really isn't a very interesting passive to begin with. They could rework his passive to be "Upon meeting X condition, Wukong has a chance to spawn a Specter Clone. The max number of active clones is limited to #, and the cooldown before it can be triggered again is #s."


    I vote for both of these. EchoesOfRain's idea is perfect for the legend of Wukong, gives a fun and interesting new element to one of his best abilities, and actually adds some potential for a team play element (similar to Saryn throwing a molt to occupy enemies when needed). Let's say you're in a high level survival mission and you want a decoy in a door way to block enemies from entering a room and to pack them all into a very small area; with Defy on, run into the doorway Leroy Jenkins style, go ham on the group till they take you out (or just stand there and take it like the little monkey you are), run away invisible and watch them go to work on your clone. Sounds fun to me. Then just to really get the idea of Wukong having clones in there, give him the updated passive that Vagnar described. 




    On Sunday, August 20, 2017 at 5:10 PM, Nazrethim said:

    I think it would be a good Augment for his Cloud Walker ability, the monkey king being a trickster in nature it just makes sense that he leaves a copy of himself while he hides in the cloud and laugh his tail off at the sight of enemies pointlessly attacking the copy.


    I came into this thread looking for some ideas for his Cloud Walker ability. Wukong has been a favorite frame of mine since he came out and I haven't done too much with this ability until tonight. With a max duration build, I went into a mission solo and found out how much fun his Cloud Walker can make the stealth gameplay in Warframe. While in cloud you can survey an entire room of enemies, plan the kill order, then pop out of cloud behind each enemy one by one, finish them, then immediately pop back into cloud to move behind the next one. With that being said, I was never able to get a stealth finisher on any staggered (previously unalerted enemies) even though as per the Wiki:

               "Unalerted enemies staggered by Cloud Walker remain unalerted during the stagger animation, and thus can engage Stealth Kill Affinity Bonuses when killed." 

    I would like to see a Cloud Walker Augment that enhances this type of gameplay and in the least, makes sure that any staggered, unalerted enemies will give stealth finisher bonuses. If the augment created a clone, it would completely nullify any form of stealth / invisibility gameplay. I personally would love to see a Cloud Walker augment that allows Wukong to safely pass through Spy vault and Rescue lasers (similar to Ivara's Infiltrate augment).

  4. In a past Devstream , the devs were asked about potentially changing the sentinels in such a way that would balance out the number of players that use different sentinels (due to the overwhelming majority of players that use Carrier and Carrier Prime over any other sentinel). During that Devstream, the discussion didn’t really go anywhere because the only 2 options seemed to be either to buff the other, less-used sentinels to make them as useful as Carrier or to give all of the sentinels the Vacuum precept. Neither of these ideas went over very well and the reason the devs did not like giving every sentinel the Vacuum precept is because that is what makes Carrier “Carrier”.

    Multiple threads have popped up discussing this as it is still a huge problem. There has been one idea thrown around that many players seem to really like and I would like to know if the devs would give it any consideration:

    1. Give every sentinel the passive ability to Vacuum loot just as Carrier does now.

    2. Alongside Carrier’s now passive Vacuum ability, Carrier would store excess items you pick up and then efficiently give them to you when you need them. If you have full energy, using an ability will cause Carrier to drop an energy orb on you. If you take enough damage, Carrier will drop the equivalent health orbs on you. If you reload, Carrier will give you that much ammo back.

    The devs didn’t like taking away Carrier’s uniqueness and giving it to all other sentinels. This new idea actually fits Carrier better because it would now “carry” excess items for you.

    Many players have complained that they don’t use Carrier because they don’t like being forced to waste resources they don’t need when Carrier brings it to them. This would solve that problem as well and give Carrier a new identity as a resource efficient storage sentinel.

  5. In a past Devstream , the devs were asked about potentially changing the sentinels in such a way that would balance out the number of players that use different sentinels (due to the overwhelming majority of players that use Carrier and Carrier Prime over any other sentinel). During that Devstream, the discussion didn’t really go anywhere because the only 2 options seemed to be either to buff the other, less-used sentinels to make them as useful as Carrier or to give all of the sentinels the Vacuum precept. Neither of these ideas went over very well and the reason the devs did not like giving every sentinel the Vacuum precept is because that is what makes Carrier “Carrier”.

    Multiple threads have popped up discussing this as it is still a huge problem. There has been one idea thrown around that many players seem to really like and I would like to know if the devs would give it any consideration:

    1. Give every sentinel the passive ability to Vacuum loot just as Carrier does now.

    2. Alongside Carrier’s now passive Vacuum ability, Carrier would "store" excess items you pick up and then efficiently give them to you when you need them. If you have full energy, using an ability will cause Carrier to drop an energy orb on you. If you take enough damage, Carrier will drop the equivalent health orbs on you. If you reload, Carrier will give you that much ammo back.

    The devs didn’t like taking away Carrier’s uniqueness and giving it to all other sentinels. This new idea actually fits Carrier better because it would now “carry” excess items for you.

    Many players have complained that they don’t use Carrier because they don’t like being forced to waste resources that they don’t need when Carrier brings it to them. This would solve that problem as well and give Carrier a new identity as a resource efficient storage sentinel.

  6. In a past Devstream , the devs were asked about potentially changing the sentinels in such a way that would balance out the number of players that use different sentinels (due to the overwhelming majority of players that use Carrier and Carrier Prime over any other sentinel). During that Devstream, the discussion didn’t really go anywhere because the only 2 options seemed to be either to buff the other, less-used sentinels to make them as useful as Carrier or to give all of the sentinels the Vacuum precept. Neither of these ideas went over very well and the reason the devs did not like giving every sentinel the Vacuum precept is because that is what makes Carrier “Carrier”.

    Multiple threads have popped up discussing this as it is still a huge problem. There has been one idea thrown around that many players seem to really like and I would like to know if the devs would give it any consideration:

    1. Give every sentinel the passive ability to Vacuum loot just as Carrier does now.

    2. Alongside Carrier’s now passive Vacuum ability, Carrier would "store" excess items you pick up and then efficiently give them to you when you need them. If you have full energy, using an ability will cause Carrier to drop an energy orb on you. If you take enough damage, Carrier will drop the equivalent health orbs on you. If you reload, Carrier will give you that much ammo back.

    The devs didn’t like taking away Carrier’s uniqueness and giving it to all other sentinels. Well this new idea actually fits Carrier better because it would now “carry” excess items for you.

    Many players have complained that they don’t use Carrier because they don’t like being forced to waste resources that they don’t need when Carrier brings it to them. This would solve that problem as well and give Carrier a new identity as a resource efficient storage sentinel.

  7. It's definitely not the only reasonable way to do it. This type of absolutist attitude isn't very constructive.


    You just described how in your mind Carrier does it all. So honestly if I saw the popularity of Carrier as a problem, I would make Carrier do less. I'd literally take away its gun. Vacuum + all the defensive and utility companion mods it can equip are plenty reason to use it.


    A similar but less extreme solution would be to only allow it to equip sweeper and then perhaps nerf the sweeper's damage.


    If it didn't have the ability to equip a gun, or only a weak gun, you wouldn't be able to make any of the argument you just made. That proves it would make people think about using other sentinels.


    Nice nerf request you have there. Nerfs solve every problem right? "There's never a reason to make anything better when all you have to do is take what's good and make it worse."

  8. All there is on this thread is people saying "i use x sentinel/kubrow" because i think it's the best.


    How is that an issue to anyone ಠ_ಠ



    > Do you want a sentinel that vaccums loot for you ?

    Good ! There is one, have fun :D


    > Do you want a sentinel that cc enemies ?

    Good ! There is one, have fun :D


    > Do you want a sentinel that kills enemies ?

    Good ! There is one, have fun :D


    > Do you want a sentinel that makes you invisible ?

    Good ! There is one, have fun :D


    Can you spot the pattern ? Play wtf you want people xD



    I myself always used Wyrm because the cc he brings saves my life so many times. Enter a room to find a heavy grineer unit about to stun you ? Nope, he bites the dust instead. Aiming at something while a sneaky prick is about to melee you in the back ? Nope, he bites the dust instead. That's why i like wyrm.

    Now i turned myself to Raksa kubrow because it's basicaly a wyrm with more health.


    ^ See, that's my experience. Each and every players have a different one, and some (most?) end up playing with a carrier. No big deal.

    When someone says "Not having to focus on loot makes me more abble to deal damage/go fast" well good for him, he has the perfect sentinel for his playstyle.

    The peoples that use the carrier do so because it is so convenient for them. I get that, i find it convenient too. However i don't mind picking up the loot myself, warframe movements are so fast and fluid it barely makes any difference in time nor focus for me. Just confort.


    What other people use as sentinel doesn't affect your experience in any way, anyway.


    The "Wyrm experience" that you have described above is exactly what I have built my Carrier's shotgun to do with high fire rate, high status chance, and blast damage. And it does exactly what you have described every single time anything gets remotely close to me, without fail, unlike poor Wyrm. Did I mention that toxic, corrosive, and electric stun procs are also available along with those constant blast procs? While Carrier is doing exactly what Wyrm is supposed to do for me, Wyrm cannot pickup anything for me like Carrier can, leaving me the annoying task of having to waste time doing it myself in a fast-paced, loot based game. See any problem with this?


    The last thing that I will ever care about is which companion you choose. The last thing that will ever "affect my experience" is which companion you choose. Only DE cares which companion you choose. What I care about is which companion I choose. And I personally do not like being stuck with only one sentinel that is more capable and more useful than any of the others. It literally makes the existence of the other sentinels pointless. Why would I choose a sentinel that makes the game less fun for me when I could choose one that makes the game more fun for me? 


    Just like everyone else's opinion on their favorite sentinel and why, my opinion means nothing in comparison to what DE cares about, and that is the complete domination in the number of players that use Carrier vs. those that use any other sentinel. It is a problem in this game. If you do not want to accept the reasons for that, that is your own choice.


    Just as you have described, each sentinel is supposed to come with their own different ability that makes them specialized in doing something better than the rest. In theory, yes, if you want CC, pick Wyrm, pick Diriga, pick Djinn. If you want a killing machine, pick Deathcube. If you want invisibility, pick Shade. Problem is, it doesn't quite work according to plan. Just as I have described above with the Wyrm vs. Carrier problem, if you want CC, build Carrier's weapon to do that. If you want it to kill, my Carrier kills plenty of things, especially when I don't want it to. If you want invisibility, well, we all know you aren't going to pick Shade for that. You want a convenient sentinel that makes obtaining loot in a loot based game 10x easier than any other sentinel can? Well, sorry but only Carrier can do that for you.


    Anyone can argue that each sentinel has its own specialty, free for the players to choose between, but that argument isn't supported by the numbers. And DE, I, and many other people on this forum have described how you cannot simply buff the other sentinels to be as useful as Carrier is. They would become game-breakingly strong, create massive amounts of additional problems, and still would not even be able to do what only Carrier can do.


    The only reasonable solution to fix the problem of sentinel use numbers, is to actually level the playing field by giving every sentinel the ability to vacuum in loot for you. Instead of leaving only one sentinel that truly has an ability that no other sentinel can offer you, with the playing field leveled like this, those "specialized" abilities of the other sentinels would actually be able to shine and be appreciated for what they can offer over Carrier, rather than simply being different and not as useful.




    Enough of these threads please.


    Thanks for stopping by. The door shouldn't be too hard to find.

  9. People who want more fine control of energy/ammo pickups in order to carefully ration them wouldn't like that. There are a number of people who posted in this thread that they avoid using carrier for that exact reason. So it's not the most ideal solution for every player.


    Alternatives (other mods or companions with the same power, not a baseline increase) wouldn't exactly hurt anyone, but I argue against it because I remain unconvinced of the necessity of this utility. And like I said, convenience (eg. a car) =/= necessity (eg. food).


    So now those people that complain about how that is why they don't use Carrier, would now have a reason to use Carrier (resource efficiency) while the vast majority of players that use Carrier currently over any other sentinel because of its sheer usefulness, would have a reason to use every other sentinel. Win / win. Not only would this solve many of the current problems with the sentinel system, (not for everyone, but for the vast majority of players. You can't always make every single player happy) but everyone's favorite sentinel will get a new, useful ability added on top of whatever it did before that made it their favorite.

  10. It's almost as if Carrier was designed to specialize in convenience.




    Which, oddly enough, is the most desired effect :O


    ^ ^ ^


    Not in my opinion. Making all precepts available for any sentinel, even with restrictions to avoid multifunctional sentinels, would only lead to carriers everywher, but with different precepts based on player needs. This because carrier prime seems to be the tankiest sentinel, and making him able to get whatever utility would only make players choose him because of his survability, making the problem even bigger instead of solving it.


    It seems as though page 5 of the thread needs to be refreshed on its updates so that everyone understands what they are replying to. My first post of this thread was previously updated with the current suggestion. I stated there that my original idea in the first post was simply my idea for how we can solve the Carrier Prime master race problem in Warframe. Other players have made suggestions that they feel are a better way to solve the problem. Currently, Pizzarugi has posted the best way to solve the problem, along with the way that makes most sense given Carrier's name:



    I made this suggestion on another thread:

    1. Make vacuum usable on all sentinels.

    2. Give carrier the ability to "store" excess items you pick up, up to 100 of anything you collect. If you have full energy, using an ability will cause the carrier to drop an energy orb on you. If you reload 55 bullets into your soma prime, your carrier will drop 55 rifle bullets on you.

    It is called carrier, so this new ability fits its name.


    ^ This is the current suggestion that I have been referring to, and here is the response that I gave to his idea:


    ^ Best suggestion yet. Every sentinel becomes as useful as Carrier is now (worth using) and Carrier keeps it's name's functionality while becoming even more useful. Everyone that complains that they don't use Carrier because they don't want ammo and energy wasted when Carrier tops them off for 1 energy or 1 ammo, now Carrier would store the excess and give it to you when you need it. On ability use would be a good way to ensure the excess energy is not wasted and I'm sure a system for delivering ammo could easily be devised as well.



    And while I am refreshing memories on this thread, I would like to take the time to draw attention back to the hard work, dedication, and professional quality artwork that our own Sygnano has presented in his official schema of scientific findings of the player experience when using Carrier vs. when not using Carrier:


    except that convenience IS a good argument for it. Here's a quick schema i've done :





  11. Part of the problem is it takes some considerable investment to make them worthwhile over carrier. Also, the game never gives you a compelling reason to go outside your comfort zone and try them.


    Basically, I don't blame the carrier. I blame the other companions.


    The exact solution that we have suggested would make the other companions more useful and give players a reason to use them. So why exactly are you arguing against it?

  12. This is not a Carrier problem, it is a player problem.


    If someone thinks Carrier is the best companion, he/she is just a bad player. Period.

    How can Vacuum be better than my Diriga/Helios with high Status Chance distributing radiation/viral procs all over the map?


    People are just lazy, that is the story.


    You calling people lazy because you have a different opinion than them doesn't do much for your opinion. That has already been discussed in the very thread you are replying to. Also calling players "bad" because they realize that Carrier's usefulness surpasses that of other sentinels, not doing much for you either. I can easily argue that Carrier's shotgun can be quickly built to provide as much CC, if not more, as every "CC" sentinel in the game, while still having the convenience of Carrier's Vacuum. Heck, if I wanted to I could call players that need that much extra CC in this game "bad" but I'm not going to because I'm not that kind of person and I understand that we all have different ways of playing the game. It has already been shown that there is a clear problem in Warframe with the sheer majority of players who use Carrier more than any other sentinel. DE has addressed the problem and we are here addressing the problem in this thread. Because you are one of the minority that find the specific use of one of the other sentinels more useful to you than Carrier's Vacuum, that's great, you are a minority in this game. It does not change that there is a clearly defined problem with the outclassed usefulness of Carrier compared to every other sentinel in the game among the majority of players.

  13. no, because if you're smart, you search for previous existing threads, and post in them. to continue already existing discussions.


    Hmm, your elitist mentality is very interesting. Also the way that you imply that others are not smart and that you are, also very interesting. Maybe DE is looking to hire a forum organizer so that no topic, no matter how different, may exist outside of one single thread in one single subforum. Your life would be complete.


    Explain how popularity is a problem.


    When "popularity" is only a stat comprised of one sentinel being used far more than any other, not because people simply like it better. Even Rebecca commented on how it is a problem in Devstream 59.


    Honestly, this "balance mania" is a problem ,who cares if everybody use carrier? This dont take my fun , sometimes i fell me in a dictatorship here , everybody want control what gears others players need use , what the skill is tolerate , what weapon, what frame, im dont use carrier , my main sentinel is helios , if everyone want use sentinel ,frame, weapon ... This cant be a reason to make equipment worst only for personal satisfaction of some players, this s a reason to make others equipments better and improve game experience .  


    This isn't even about balance mania or nerfing or buffing anything. I agree that the "balance mania" in this community does get annoying. This is about the fact that not everyone wants to use Carrier all the time. A few people are going to jump in and say "no one is forcing you to use Carrier all the time you are only forcing yourself. Look at me, I don't use Carrier and look how I turned out..." That's where you are wrong. Sure I could use any of the other sentinels and never touch Carrier ever again, and my experience with this game is going to immediately plummet because of how useless every other sentinel in the game is compared with the massive utility that Carrier provides. Some of us want to enjoy the diverse selection of sentinels that this game offers without feeling like we are only being forced through a lesser experience by not using Carrier.


    It's not a necessity just because you don't have the patience (your words). It's just very good for your playstyle. That doesn't mean anything needs to be changed.


    I do use a carrier sometimes. I just don't find it necessary. For the longest time the reason I used it was because I didn't feel like I was ready to bother with companions yet so I felt like it was just the easy choice that's useful without mods or a strong weapon.


    So yes, I would advise new players to use it. It's definitely the best one until you're ready to actually invest in your companion.


    Just because you are one of the 20% of players that choose to not use Carrier doesn't mean that 80% of the players in the game aren't all using Carrier for one reason or another.


    I made this suggestion on another thread:

    1. Make vacuum usable on all sentinels.
    2. Give carrier the ability to "store" excess items you pick up, up to 100 of anything you collect. If you have full energy, using an ability will cause the carrier to drop an energy orb on you. If you reload 55 bullets into your soma prime, your carrier will drop 55 rifle bullets on you.

    It is called carrier, so this new ability fits its name.



    ^ Best suggestion yet. Every sentinel becomes as useful as Carrier is now (worth using) and Carrier keeps it's name's functionality while becoming even more useful. Everyone that complains that they don't use Carrier because they don't want ammo and energy wasted when Carrier tops them off for 1 energy or 1 ammo, now Carrier would store the excess and give it to you when you need it. On ability use would be a good way to ensure the excess energy is not wasted and I'm sure a system for delivering ammo could easily be devised as well.


    It's a flaw that Carrier fixes - you can't just bump everything else up to that level.


    This is why all sentinels should have innate vacuum. Let's say DE did decide to bump everything up to that level. Alright now your Deathcube has become the old Saryn and can nuke entire rooms before you can even reload. Well, it's killing everything for you and now you don't have vacuum so you might as well make yourself useful and start finding all the loot that you have to run over and pick up yourself. Congrats, your Deathcube has become the warframe and you have become the Carrier. GG.



    I think they are, especially the ones that make you invisible.


    You are implying that Shade actually turns you invisible when you need invisibility.

  16. I have a way better idea. (But im honest i dont see any problem with the Carrier )

    Lets do it this way all Warframes have implemented Vaccum and Carrier gets another ability.This would solve all "problems" (i dont see them) and people would switch between their kubrows and sentinels more often.


    Carrier vacuum ability just needs to become a passive ability on all companions! This way vacuum mod and its NEED is removed.

    Carrier is revised/reviewed and gains another ability, for example "x %" more loot chance, or higher drop rate....


    These ideas are a perfect fix to the problem. Everything has the Vacuum ability and all other sentinels and kubrows become immediately more useful. Fixes and buffs would still be necessary but at least the Carrier Prime master race would be a thing of the past.



    So, if I understood, op wants to turn sentinels into skins with stats and kill variety, which might still making players use carrier prime (the tankiest sentinel afaik) with scanning, crowd dispersion, vacuum and any useful precepts without giving a reason to get out from carrier prime skin.


    The first part of your statement is true. Sentinels would become "bodies" with different stats and we chose their abilities. Some people might keep their sentinels as they are because the stats and mods work best together. Some people might choose to mix and match as they please because we would now have the freedom to do so. I forgot to mention that a potential limitation to the system could be "one ability mod per sentinel" if using multiple ones per sentinel was deemed op or something. But honestly, as these guys have said, it might be easier just to give all companions innate vacuum. Then all other companions now benefit from an immediate boost in usefulness.

  17. There is no point to this, this would only make different sentinels useless, you would only have one, what would even be point in sentinels if mods would determen everything? Yes this would be goodbye to carrier master race, but then it would also be hello to vacuum master race.  Double cost is nothing you just forma it 1 more time and you are good to go. This whole thing just has no point. This is same as if you would be able to switch abilities between frames as you like, its only on bigger scale. Everyone would still be using vacuum, sentinels would become only skins for companions (with most players then using wyrm prime or carrier prime because of better stats). It would be way better to just buff all other sentinels abilities.


    Carrier Prime master race = Vacuum master race. We already have this problem. At least my suggestion allows players to use which ever sentinel they want whether they all use Vacuum or not. That is the point. Freedom of choice. Having different sentinels that are useless is exactly the problem now and exactly why there is a Carrier Prime master race. Forma-ing 1 more time to solve the problem? Is that a bad thing? You've discovered a new way to make things work and now you have to apply an extra forma and re-level it to see it become viable? Sounds good to me.

  18. Its easy, you take a moment to think about the ability and realize its useless when you can pick stuff up yourself.


    Really, ive yet to see a good argument for it. And no, convenience is not one of them.


    This v

    Meh. True is carrier will be used always, because we're lazy af. 


    I shouldn't have to mention all of the situations I've been in with different warframes, different builds, etc. where a key point of usefulness was having Carrier vacuum in all of the nearby health, energy, etc. that had been dropped so that all I had to worry about was the level 100 bombard right in front of me that I was going to need that health / energy in order to survive against. Not to mention how lazy we all know that we are and it's just simply easier to not have to go pick it up myself, much less more time-efficient. Also, good luck getting all that loot at the end of an intercept without Carrier. You missed the Crimson Dervish that dropped 5m over there? Woops.

  19.                 We’ve all seen it. You pause the game mid mission, check your squad, and see “Carrier Prime” across the board. Sure, you see a cool kubrow every now and then (come on, it’s a kubrow. Everyone is willing to forgo Carrier’s massive usefulness every now and then to sport their expensive kubrow armor or fresh-out-of-the-incubator gold, bulky lotus) but we all know that you are quickly going to miss having half the loot in the room immediately come to you when dropped. The change made to Chesas in the last hotfix is a welcome improvement, but the Chesa is still no Carrier.


                    Now we could all get in a sentinel vs. kubrow debate (plenty of them exist across every Warframe forum) or start talking about buffs to all of the other sentinels to get them at least somewhat close to Carrier in terms of usefulness, but what I don’t understand is that the devs have made it very clear that their highest priority is the player experience and part of that is giving us all of the customization options we could ever want to enhance our own personal experience with the game. When a frame becomes overpowered and overused, it gets the nerf hammer. Period. This game is all about every piece of equipment getting its time in the spotlight and its chance to be someone’s favorite and most-used.  So why are we all stuck using Carrier Prime?


                    My suggested fix for this problem is as simple as it gets, and gives us an entirely new level of customization to the sentinel system. Make every sentinel ability mod universal and usable by any sentinel. I honestly don’t see why this isn’t already part of the game. Now instead of having to choose between the most useful sentinel in the game and my favorite sentinel, (not going to name names or point out the uselessness of my favorite dragon-y sentinel) I could turn my favorite sentinel into the most useful one by throwing a Vacuum mod on the sentinel of my choice. We are not forced to simply use the Sweeper Prime on the Carrier Prime because that is what it came with. We are fortunate enough to have the choice of our favorite sentinel weapon and use it on any sentinel. So why am I still forced to use Carrier if I want the Vacuum ability on my sentinel?


                    A friend of mine brought up a good problem with this idea. If Vacuum can just be used on any sentinel, then “Carrier” is no longer “Carrier” because any sentinel can become “Carrier”. This is very easily fixed. Just double the cost of all of the sentinel ability mods, and when they are used on their original sentinel, the cost is halved only for that sentinel. So for example, let’s say I want to put a Vacuum mod on my favorite sentinel. It would cost 14 mod space fully-ranked to place the mod on that sentinel (7 mod space cost in a Precept polarity slot). However, if I still want to use the original Carrier with its original Vacuum mod, it would cost the original 7 mod space fully-ranked (4 in the polarity slot). This also makes sense because if we found a way to take one sentinel’s ability and retrofit it into another, it would take more resources to make that ability work in a different sentinel, but at least we would have the freedom to make it work.


                    In summary, in a game designed at its core to be all about the player experience and player choice, why are we all still stuck using Carrier Prime for the most useful sentinel experience? We should have the freedom to choose our favorite sentinel and make it our most useful sentinel experience. We are an advanced race of space ninjas yet we haven’t learned how to install the ability of one sentinel on another? Seems like we aren’t as advanced as we thought, Tenno. Let’s put an end to the Carrier Prime master race and have the freedom to choose our favorite sentinel and give it our favorite abilities.


    Edit: The idea above was simply a working idea on a way to solve the Carrier master race problem in Warframe. However, some players have come up with a better way to solve the problem. Currently, I believe Pizzarugi's idea below is the best thus far:



    I made this suggestion on another thread:

    1. Make vacuum usable on all sentinels.
    2. Give carrier the ability to "store" excess items you pick up, up to 100 of anything you collect. If you have full energy, using an ability will cause the carrier to drop an energy orb on you. If you reload 55 bullets into your soma prime, your carrier will drop 55 rifle bullets on you.

    It is called carrier, so this new ability fits its name.


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