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Posts posted by NeonFenrir49

  1. Good to see that I'm not the only one still waiting. I know my Twitch and Warframe are linked, but I still didn't receive it yet. I was going to watch for just 30 minutes, but then Fortuna called and I was in for the whole show.

    Do I just need to be a bit more patient?

  2. I started out as a Maduria tenno using the abilities that could be unlocked, however recently the powers I could use earlier like Flame Blast, Blazing Dash and Void Radiance have stopped working like they are still needing to be unlocked. I have worked through a decent chuck of the Maduria powers, yet none of them are working. When I look at a school like Unari that I haven't used but unlocked two things for, it seems to work fine. What can I do to fix this?



  3. So, I know there is quite a bit of customization options for operators but there is one thing that would be interesting to see for operators. For a while, Tenno have only had short hair options and there isn't anything wrong with that. However, it would be interesting to be able to have longer hair styles to add some more diversity and more customization options. I know it might not be something many tenno want but I would love to see some different hair options to make our operators look even more mature or different just to make our self stand out even more.

  4. So I have been stuck at mission 3 for this quest for quite a while now, but I need some advice on how to win. The equipment that I have been using is Inaros, Dex Sybaris, Staticor, and Dual Kamas Prime. What frame and/or weapon selection would be best for soloing or just winning? It not that I lose to all the groups but more that the raptor 002-ER grabs tons of points and books it straight into the goal before I have a chance to deal damage to it. Is there any advice for dealing with that thing that I should be aware of? Thanks for your time and assistance.

  5. So I have been trying to get two bps that I need to build Valkyr Prime, but each time I run a relic rad share with clan mates and others, the systems won't drop. Meanwhile I have seen the Axi relic for her chassis either. So, I had some questions. First.) How low is the drop chance for the Axi V5 relic (and in extension that part) and the drop chance for the systems? Second.) Is any tenno else having this difficulty or am I just very unlucky? My clan mates have been helping me with relic rad shares for her since she and her relics appeared, but to no avail. And finally.) If any tenno that reads this has the parts I am after, would you be willing to trade for it? I don't have much platinum so I try not to go to trade chat very often unless I am selling some mods, or other stuff for cheap. With all that said, if anyone is answer these question then thanks for your support. Other than that, Thanks for taking the time to read this and Have a nice day.

  6. Seems like lots of other Tenno are also having the same issue. I have managed to get almost all of the first derilect scans except the final one and none of the other scans for derilect. Since it seems to be bugged out, my desire to complete the cephalon fragments is almost completely ended. :awkward: Well time to scan other stuff.

  7. I am a PC Warframe player, but once I get an Xbox 1, I wanted to connect accounts so that I wouldn't have to deal with many hours of farming, and running from planet to planet in an attempt to get my Valkyr warframe, dual kamas, and get marked for death by the stalker so I could get Dread. If only there was a permanent way to get my accounts synced, so me and my friends are not wasting hours farming, then waste even more hours with crafting.

  8. I don't know if anyone else has had a​ similar problem, but I was playing as my recently crafted Valkyr and I went to do the archwing mission on Erpo, Earth. I load in, And just before I start the mission, the game freezes and "The Evolution Engine" for Warframe stops responding. I tried to play that mission again, and same problem. After that, I switched back to my Mag warframe and the game loaded fine. I don't know why that happened, but it seemed strange to happen twice then work fine after words.

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