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Posts posted by midgetace

  1. i understand the prices for the warframes for platinum (even though some is a bit expensive) but wat got me thinking is how Loki is 75 and excalibur is 75, why is mag 175???

    i know it used to be volt but still.. are they going to change this?

  2. The energy bar for the warframes, how do u increase it. does it vary between each warframe?

    my volt has a maximum of 105 while my loki keeps increasing up to 175?

    can you guys tell is it different or is it a bug?

  3. sorry for being noob, but how do you increase your damage of your weapons from the base damage.

    i see other players using the same weapon as me but dealing higher damage,(faster at killing the enemies)

    is there and upgrade for leveling a weapon or warframe that i need to know?



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