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  1. Over the last few weeks I have been testing the theorem and residual arcanes. From what I heard, even when they were introduced, they had issues with them, but now that I've gotten a chance to try them all myself. My opinion? Rubbish. The buffs, while okay, overall is lacking. I requires an annoying amount of work, just to get a temporary buff, while requiring a kitgun. contagion - at rank 5 gives you an elemental orb every 2 seconds that does 150 dmg, and makes the enemy hit with 200% more vulnerable to the orb's specific element. neat effect but you only have 30 seconds of this effect, before you need to refresh it. why?! If you look at other arcanes, you need to do so little for permanent buffs. requirement? be on a frame and kill something. permanent buff. As a challenge to myself, I tried to make viable builds using the theorem and residual arcanes. Made multiple new kitguns, forma-ed them and frames to challenge it. Did it work? Kind of? so the effects work, but the effect stops too quickly, where you need to prime up and focus on it again, every 20~40 seconds. After all of this, I'd like to make a request to rework/revamp them. It doesn't need to be anything major, just removing the timer would make them actually useable.
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