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Posts posted by Xiloscient

  1. I've been working on getting full map completion for a while now but I always give up when I realize the Devs STILL have not fixed the bug on the Defense missions in Europa. What will happen is wave 1 will die and all is good and then wave 2 never shows up and then the pod drains health for some reason until you just lose and it happens every single time and I just want to get my map completion done.

  2. Hey guys I've been gone away for like a year and I haven't been keeping up. When I left Rhino was really powerful and very viable but I was wondering if people still play him anymore and if he's still viable for endgame content (That's all I ever ran before I left) like tower 4 keys and stuff. 


    If so, what is a viable way to play him?

  3. So based on the requirements for the Vay Hek key, you would think that the delta beacons would be the hardest to find from prosecutores on Ceres (hunting for hydroid, you know). 
    However, as of these past few mini updates, I'm talking past two days, in every single mission on ceres, the only prosecutors that have been spawning are the shock ones, who apparently drop delta beacons. I've got 50 delta beacons and none of the other beacons. Can somebody tell me why the devs are trying to keep us from getting hydroid??

    Also, whats with those crazy glowy red Rhinos that all of the advanced players are running around with?


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