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Posts posted by ELRinley

  1. Be sure to let us know of your findings, I'd be quite interested in them. Thanks in advance.

    Sure thing! Alright, so MSE has four tests and three settings for each. Horizontal and vertical, fast and slow of each.

    Settings are x pixels for y seconds at z hertz.


    Running the default horizontal tests, 2px for 10s and 10px for 2s @ 125Hz I'm currently pulling identical rotations.


    I shouldn't actually have any special registry settings for acceleration, either. I'd only set that on Win7, and I've run a clean install of Win8 and upgraded to Win10 since.




    2px, 5s  & 5px, 2s @ 250Hz and 1px, 5s & 5px, 1s @ 500Hz are showing different rotations by tens of degrees... looking at Liset ramp from nav console, 125 almost returns to ramp, 250 is halfway between ramp and market console, 500 is over console... the higher the frequency, the SHORTER the rotation.


    In short, either Warframe's engine isn't reading high frequency mouse updates properly, or MSE isn't dishing them out properly.



    There's also an easy test that doesn't require any software. Just position your mouse on the left side of your pad and move it to the right. Repeat the motion at different speeds and see how much it turns in-game (use some visual landmarks to identify the distance travelled). If you you're not landing at the same spot regardless of the movement speed, then mouse accel is on.


    Did that, getting mostly consistent results. There's still a lot of drift because I'm unable to keep the mouse perfectly straight and a straight line is shorter than my wobbly, curvy, turny lines.

  2. I've been asking for this for along time. They don't care because most casuals out there fail to notice the issue.

    I don't understand why more people don't find sensitivity guesswork uncomfortable. The central factor of all shooters by nature gets so little love so often...


    Being unable to numerically adjust sensitivity in Warframe isn't as big an issue as the intrusive, forced mouse acceleration. Even if you could tweak the sensitivity to match a desired value, acceleration will still mess you up. Try applying this acceleration fix and see if your aim improves. It's not raw input, but it makes a huge difference.

    To be honest I haven't noticed acceleration in Warframe. I'll use Mouse Sensitivity Exporter to test it out next time I'm on.


    Either way you cut it, I think nuking mouse problems into the ground by introducing a very robust and detailed option set is the best approach, but I might be the tiniest bit biased. =P

  3. *Grabs list, starts running checks... scratches off various games from the list and jotting in checkboxes.*

    Payday 2, out. Sniper Elite V2, out. Firefall, check. Wildstar, out. SOMA, out. Metro 2033, check. Metro Last Light, check. Metro Redux... untested. Dark S-


    *Just scribbles out Dark Souls entirely*


    That's better... now where was I?




    I've never been able to hit the broad side of a barn with a high spread shotgun. Part of it is lack of practice, part of it is nerves, bloodflow, muscle weakness, malnourishment, etc... but I've discovered perhaps the biggest factors have simply been... mouse sensitivity and muscle memory.


    So I decided to even things out. While most people are satisfied just setting their sensitivity to whatever they feel like at the time, I'm going for something more structured. Every game's sensitivity must be set to make one full rotation with one inch of movement at a certain DPI. Doesn't matter what it is, so long as every mouse I have can handle it and I can sync all my games to it.


    4800 DPI, one inch of movement, 360 turn. Thing is, Warframe doesn't have numbers, so sites like www.mouse-sensitivity.com don't really have much info. Calculating is difficult at best overall. Furthermore, what's the ADS speed?


    These are things I'd like to see remedied. I'd like to see a nice, preferably deep-decimal numerical slider like Source and others provide and a separate tight-aim slider so I can get that exact 50% speed figure I like.

  4. Razer Naga, Corsair Scimitar... basically any grid-layout MMO mouse that allows all keys to be numrow or numpad with a quick press or hold of a button.


    My 5 and Num5 are mapped to bring up inventory/gestures, powers are 1-4 as usual, and all gear slots are mapped positionally around the numpad. I just hold a programmed shift key and tap 4 to drop some energy pulses.


    Personally with how my body and focus behave I'm a total wireless freak. I'll use a corded standby for when I'm not in game, but even just a gentle tug as the cable rubs against whatever is maddening to me.

  5. This is $&*&*#(%&. Its just a skin- not a frame. It just shows you what she looked like before the torture. Its a cosmetic.

    DE isnt saying you BECOME pre-corpus Valkyr, its just a skin to show you what she would have looked like. Its the same concept with proto Excal and Nemesis Nyx. Theyre just skina, not actual changes to thr frame or its lore.

    Heck, they could release pre-Void skins if they wanted to. It doesnt make a difference. They would just be cosmetics.

    And this is exactly why it bothers me... it feels like a cop-out. I'm worried DE will sit and say "we gave you a skin, so now we don't have to give you the frame."



    Soo lets release New Frames from the already skinned ones? Not like Umbras coming and these new skins incoming are enough, lets make em all Frames. Great idea, i see why you received alot of +1 OP


    Did you even read what I said? At all? How about you figure out what Gersemi REPRESENTS before you mock me?

  6. That ship has sailed.


    I don't see them suddenly removing the skin and making a new frame out of it.


    You can hope for Prime, I guess.

    Sail a new ship, then. Removal of the skin is not necessarily preferable, but rather addition of the frame it represents.



    Valkyr Prime however, would be the original Valkyr before any Corpus experiments were EVER done to her. Valkyr Prime, by all rights, should have her own set of powers, and if she doesn't I'll be greatly disappointed. Will DE be smart with Valk Prime? Probably not.

    You mean Gersemi Prime. Let's establish something for the purpose of clarity: Valkyr is Valkyr, Gersemi is Gersemi, and our hypothetical Gersemi Prime absolutely is not Valkyr Prime.


    Valkyr Prime would not be an Orokin era Valkyr as all other Primes are, but rather a Primed Valkyr, either made by repairing Valkyr using newly discovered methods and parts from Gersemi Prime, thus a hybrid of old and new, or a product of Valkyr being somehow changed by the Void and/or Orokin facilities. Perhaps our exploration into the Orokin moonbase will yield some interesting results.


    As for the argument I keep facing against this idea: Unless I'm mistaken there is no explicit statement that the Tenno cannot in the future uncover enough Orokin secrets to create a new Prime, nor that infusing enough "essence du prima" does not make a Prime. Yes, I acknowledge that Fusion Moas and the Seer are not Primes, but they are also not Orokin tech to begin with... Gersemi was, thus Valkyr is. It would be enhancing Orokin/Tenno tech with Orokin tech rather than hybridizing technologies that are alien to one another.

  7. You sure you want to suggest plat-only ability alternatives for warframes?

    Cause that's bound to bring some (pardon the pun) rage.


    I agree with you from the lore standpoint, but from the gameplay standpoint it's a bad idea.


    Rename her abilities, give her a different visual FX, but don't change the core gameplay.

    I find it strange that you would derive such an idea from my post. I'm not saying they should make a skin do stuff, I'm saying that rather than making it a skin at all they should've made a new Warframe.


    Granted, given the idea of patching Valkyr up and giving her a Gersemi skin isn't bad and I wouldn't complain about keeping it around. But I want to see Gersemi released as her own living, breathing Warframe with a quest or a boss fight.

  8. "Forged in the labs of the Zanuka project, the original Valkyr was subject to cruel experiments, leaving her scarred, angry and frighteningly adept at killing." - Warframe Codex


    According to this, Valkyr's very nature is a machine-made thing, a product of the Corpus. It couldn't possibly get more explicit. So then why does Gersemi - the "Pre-Corpus Valkyr" behave like Valkyr? It's like looking in a photo album and asking someone "Hey, where's that nasty scar you got last year?"


    To me, Gersemi as a skin is nothing but an insulting cop-out. An excuse to make an extra penny and make Valkyr into a Prime without asking hard questions.


    I want to see Gersemi exist in her own right. I don't care if she's "the gardening frame" they joked about before, if she's the feline fighter she's become, or if maybe she's somehow both: a feline plant-mistress. But she should NOT just be a skin... it's hollow and lore-breaking... it's like being promised cake and getting a cupcake from Walmart.


    And what I really don't get is... after searching "Gersemi," why is it I've found absolutely no questioning or complaining about this? It's like nobody even remembers Valkyr's lore at all.


    EDIT: At this point, I'm alright with Gersemi existing as a "restored Valkyr" skin. My interest lies more in convincing the devs to elaborate and make Gersemi into a new Warframe as well.

  9. Aux slot yet plz. Always, no matter how beautiful the part is.


    And can we please have those aux slots have an EMPTY option in addition to Default? Like, I stopped using Banshee + Paris Prime in part because I didn't have the money for shoulder plates and could hardly see past the Paris on the right side and the horn on the left side... And  maybe I just want clean shoulders...

    Even more relevant to this outcry: Frost, Ember Prime, Oberon, Mag Prime, and other Warframes I might just want to remove both "pauldrons" from... cleanly... without "duct-taping" it by using the holo pauldrons...

  10. So, I recall in one of the most recent devstreams that there was a supposedly alcohol-induced idea to make the starmap all randomized missions with craftable ones.


    Well, "craftable" missions immediately brings me to think of multiple-objective missions made of various fragments, such as a mission to steal data, then blow the reactor. (Hey, can we please have an exploding ship outside the Liset after those missions? A little continuity, you know?)


    But more to the point of the crazy idea I -just- realized... what about Payday 2's heist system? Zooming into a planet would show part of the planet and a few ships in orbit above. Every few minutes random missions with random difficulties would open and close on the planet and on those ships, and with public matchmaking you could see open missions.


    After "blowing up the void," I'd like to see torsion beam emitters just randomly appear in missions, and those "craftable" missions could allow you to guarantee a TBE room. That would go super far toward making the Void feel like part of the Warframe environment, rather than just this disconnected thing you join a lobby for and start. Same for the Derelict missions.

  11. So, I'm totally happy that we can color the gold portions of Primes now, but one thing bothers me...


    I cannot STAND when only three color slots work, effectively or literally. Too many weapons like the regular Scindo have absolutely no Tint Color 3 or Tint Color 4 for no discernable reason, and I'm disappointed and extremely frustrated that PBR A.) makes Immortal skins visually unprime my frames and B.) will ultimately rip away my beloved teal, silver, amethyst, emerald, gold scheme for Primes.


    At this rate, I don't even want to see anymore Primes get the PBR treatment at all. I desperately want Nyx Prime, Ember Prime and the like to all get passed over completely.


    But no, I don't want that, not truly. I never want stagnance to be a solution to anything. I just want the gold to be a fifth slot so that we can have our beloved pre-PBR color schemes and see Immortal skins like Mag's stop "unpriming" frames.


    Update: Whee, Frost Prime got hit with the PBR stick too now... great. So now not only does he have like... two gold flecks anywhere at all, but now whatever I don't remember TC4 used to control is gone. At least it looks decent for what it is, I guess.


    So, new idea: PBR Metal Prime gets not only a new slot, but a sort of EXCLUSIVITY so that it can't be jumbled up or overridden like how Immortal totally overskins Mag Prime's metals. A quickish and easyish fix to make all Immortal skins always work on all Primes. No Immortal skin editing required more or less.

  12. I get that money "makes the world go 'round" but this is just straight up broken. Credit-only alerts are worthless no matter what, barring the depressingly rare treasury ships, yet if I turn up the numbers to prevent them I get no alerts at all...


    What's more, no matter what if I don't have "always notify" enabled I can't get key alerts.


    Obligatory defense against inevitable naysayers: No, I'm not going to use Warframe Utility... it spams up my image gallery and drive space, and being a fully published app, Nexus should at least function properly within the bounds of its feature set, no matter how limited. It isn't as if I'm asking for new features, I'm just asking for the existing features to not be utterly broken.

  13. When are Saryn's power names going to be fixed?


    Thing that spreads and fits the profile of a contagion = "venom"
    Thing that sticks things with a pointy object and makes them sick, thus fits the profile of a venom = "contagion"


    Every so often someone in my group talks about Saryn, and every single time we all get super confused about the power names.

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