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Posts posted by AeonneOrigins

  1. Hi! I played Warframe for a while on xbox (Started a few big updates before the movement rework)  before going on a long hiatus. When I built my gaming PC decided to come back. Currently Rank 5 but about to be 6 and have about 60 hours logged on PC. Im currently studying Japanese and hopefully will be living in Shinjuku Tokyo starting this october! :D

    IGN : AeonneOrigins

    Discord: AeonneOrigins#5176

    I'm mainly looking for a big group of people that I can get to know and hang out with. I no longer do a lot solo and get the most out of games when I get to kick back and enjoy them with friends.

  2. To any Tenno that is having problems with Warframe after they installed Windows 10.


    Windows 10 can cause many issues with the Drivers that let your hardware communicate correctly with your Operating System (OS). If you are having any issues or problems after you have installed Windows 10 I would recommend you start by going to your manufactures website for your Graphics card, Processor, RAM, and also go to your computers manufacturing site to see I they have any Driver updates for the computer. If you do have outdated drivers this could also tremendously help performance as well. Below are steps to help you with this.


    1. Check for any driver updates. Drivers are free and easy to install. Only download drivers from the Manufactures website and no where else. There is a reason they are free from the manufacturer.


    2.If you have no driver updates or after you updated them the issue is still present try uninstalling the drivers, uninstall Warframe, then reinstall the drivers and Warframe. It could be that one of the drivers got corrupted or is no longer working correctly from the Win 10 install or Windows updates.


    3. If at this point it still is not working then this is a good last resort if you are within 1 month of your Win10 upgrade (Which most of us still are). You can roll back windows 10 by going to Start, settings, Update & Security, Recovery. and there should be a "Go back to Windows _" if you are within your one month. Proceed with the roll back and it should keep all of your programs that were there before you installed Windows 10.


    3b. If you cannot roll back because you are past your one month period then you will need to get ahold of a copy of Windows. You can use a Windows install or Recovery Disc that came with you computer. If you do not have that (I do not recommend this but its up to you) you can pirate a copy of it but I refuse to give any information on where or how to do that because it is illegal and you could be caught/Federally charged by your Govt. under Copywrite laws. Do this at your own risk and I nor Digital Extremes hold no accountability if you get in trouble for it.


    Final Step: If that this point nothing has worked then it is time to consider the chance of hardware failure. Unless you are experienced with Hardware diagnostics and repair I recommend you take it to professionals for repair.


    Additional info:

    You can usually find your manufactures support site by going to your preferred search engine (Google, Bing, Firefox) and typing "(Manufacture) support" and going to their website. AMD and Intel both have automatic driver managing programs for download that will install any needed drivers and updates as they are rolled out. They are extremely helpful. Also there is a slim possibility that you may have a computer virus that is interfering with your OS causing issues in game.


    Hope this helps and Happy Hunting!


  3. Windows 10 can cause numerous driver issues for your hardware. Check for any driver updates from the manufactures site for Windows 10. You can also try uninstalling and reinstall your Audio and Video card Drivers. Are you using an Intel or AMD processor & Graphics card? Also, if this issue only started happening after you upgraded to Windows 10 id recommend you roll back to your previous Windows Version. You can find the option usually in your Control panel under Recovery as long as you have not had Windows 10 for more than a month. You have a full year to Upgrade to Win10 for free and right now id say wait to get it due to the bugs its having. I work at a Computer  Repair shop and we have seen Win10 do some strange stuff to people after install. 

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