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Posts posted by JiggleNipple

  1. So, in today’s Devstream DE was talking about a new warframe concept. Coincidentally, I’ve been busy designing an Orokin-Buddhist frame, a more pacifist guy (or at least one whose powers don’t harm first). My concept’s name was originally Asura. I was also working on his looks, but the concept art shown in the stream suit him well enough and would just benefit from my ideas (I was thinking about a monk’s corpse, crystalized into Ayatan sculpture with stars, and with Void trees twisted for muscles. With each incarnation, the sculpture parts would open, akin to Nidus’ mutations, revealing Argon Crystal brain with Void tree as nervous system). The concept is a little unfinished and may need a touch or two, but I really really hope you’ll like it and DE will consider adapting it. If any idea will come to mind, I’ll update the description. Please note that the warframe is only based on Buddhism and is not a Buddhist himself. Asura is all about getting rid of what pollutes your spirituality - rage, ignorance and craving. 

    This is Asura. The knowing. The seeing.
    Let go your earthly tethers, Tenno, and ascend with Asura.

    All numbers below (except for the number of arms) are subject to change

    Health: 125/350
    Shield: 100/300
    Armor: 100
    Energy: 150/250
    Sprint speed: 1.0

    Passive: Dexterity. Asura has 6 arms and each pair is bound to a different set of tasks, so the first pair operates the weapons, second is used for parkour and carrying terminals or batteries, and the third is used for casting.
    As a consequence, he is the only frame to be able to carry stuff, use his primary and cast abilities simultaneously.
    Additionally, casting more than one skill and/or performing other actions at the same time grants various combo benefits to encourage using this passive. The combos are as follow:
    -the combined energy cost is reduced (halved?)
    -1+3 simultaneously (mark a target and activate 3rd), killing yourself by harming the marked enemy and incarnating into them will cause you to reincarnate with the bonus overshields
    -3, then melee attack + 3 will add the stacked damage to the melee attack
    -(Needs designing more combos)

    Due to Asura’s specific gimmick, I will later use a chart to explain additional bonuses.

    1st: Samsara (25 energy, single-tap), benefits from range, duration and efficiency mods.

    Ascend into higher form of being.

    Mark an enemy (single target) up to 20 m away to control his rebirth cycle (an icon appears above their head, like when a target for Venari is marked). The enemy is marked until killed or the ability expires (after 20 seconds).
    If the marked enemy is killed, they will respawn as your ally for 30 seconds without any additional buffs, coated in Asura’s energy colour and with Asura’s icon symbol on their face, akin to a corrupted enemy. Such ally will follow you and try to protect Asura.
    If Asura is killed when an enemy is marked or you tap the ability again but on your feet (another 25 energy), Asura will transform into energy like Corrupted Vor (with Asura’s energy colour) similar to the traces you use to hunt for Simaris, with fixed stats (you can’t mode these):
    -0 shields
    -100 health
    -50 armour

    As this energy, your goal is to enter the marked enemy’s body. You’re still seen and attacked by enemy in this form and you can die (get downed in the place they shot your energy dead), but you can fly around freely and annoy enemies and teammates alike. Should you reach your destination, Asura respawns in the target’s place (making it explode and staggering briefly enemies within 1 m radius) in his next incarnation with half of the incarnation’s max energy and awesome new looks.
    If Asura dies without an enemy marked, he is moved back 1 incarnation (like when Nidus is killed at +15 stacks) or just gets downed at 0th incarnation.
    You cannot attain next incarnation using the body of the enemy who respawned as your ally nor can you mark them again.
    When ascending to his final form, Asura can no longer transfer his consciousness between himself and enemy.
    When travelling as energy, your target is immortal for balance reasons.
    Each incarnation gives bonus effects to all abilities (explained in the chart below) and slightly enhances Asura’s stats (akin to Nidus’ mutation):
    +50 health (stacks up to +250 health)
    +50 shield (stacks up to +250 shield)
    +50 armour (stacks up to +250 armour)
    +50 energy (stacks up to +250 energy)
    +0.1 sprint speed (stacks up to +0.5 sprint speed)
    Also, all his power stats except efficiency change too but instead of flat bonus, they get specialized, meaning they add/subtract 1/10th of their mod bonus, so for example: power strength at 250% would be enhanced by additional 15% with every incarnation stacking up to +75% power strength, but power range at 70% will be further reduced by 3% with each incarnation, amounting to -15% power range (the subtraction needs to be capped not to give negative values).

    2nd: Raga (50 energy, single-tap), benefits from range, duration and efficiency mods:

    Detach yourself from your earthly desires.

    Asura controls enemy desires, making him capable of redirecting their anger and aggression. Activate, and the enemies within 10 m ignore you (and, by consequence, allies in range) for 5 seconds, leaving them idle for the duration.

    3rd: Dvesha (4s^-1 energy drain, single-tap), benefits from strength and efficiency mods:

    Cease your aversion, Tenno.

    Basically works like karma. Activate to store damage done to you (capped at 5k when unmodded and at 0th incarnation). Tap again (or run out of energy) and the stored damage is converted into shields and overshields without a cap (or capped really high). However, all your actions will have the same effect on you – shooting enemies will damage you, but healing teammates will heal you too (so it’s a good idea to activate it when someone is downed).
    To make it worth actually killing yourself with this ability, check the combination 1+3 in passive combos above.
    More power strength results in a better conversion of the damage.

    4th: Avidya (100 energy, single-tap), benefits from range, duration, strength and efficiency mods:

    Remove your ignorance, Tenno, and rise above the delusions of the suffering.

    By removing delusions, Asura can see into different worlds akin to the Quills or Lua’s void rifts.
    Creating  a storm of violent fissures around him and reaching for the benefits of these different possible worlds, Asura can buff his weapons in a similar fashion to void fissures – not only do they get unlimited ammo for 30 seconds, but also they get 2x damage buff and 2x flight speed (for non-hit scan weapons). (I was also thinking about his 4th having to do with perpetual movement of the Ayatan sculptures and impossible spaces of the Liset, ideas needed).

    And now, my promised chart with the bonus abilities you get from next incarnations:



    1st (Samsara)

    2nd (Raga)

    3rd (Dvesha)

    4th (Avidya)

    0th (Naraka), support bonuses (kind of)

    As explained above

    1st (Preta), support bonuses

    Mark up to 4 targets. Downed teammates instantly respawn in the place of a target

    (Needs an idea)

    Cast again on a teammate to consume your overshields, healing them (and healing Asura by consequence) with a sudden energy beam

    Cast on a teammate to buff their weapons

    2nd (Tiryag), crowd control bonuses

    Mark up to 6 targets. The ability becomes AOE (akin to Limbo’s Banish)

    Cast on a teammate to be protected by the allies created by Samsara

    Cast again on allies created by Samsara to heal them and refresh their life duration

    Cast on allies created by Samsara to buff their shields, health and sprint speed

    3rd (Manusya), crowd control bonuses

    Asura’s previous body will remain for 10 seconds, waiting to be revived and fight like a spectre for 30 seconds

    Cast on an enemy for the allies created by Samsara to attack

    Cast again on an enemy to consume overshields, damaging them (high innate punch-through of the beam)

    Affected allies created by Samsara get their weapons’ damage and flight speed buffed

    4th (Asura), damage bonuses

    (Needs an idea)

    (Needs an idea)

    Point of impact creates a shockwave, staggering enemies

    Cast on an enemy to reduce their damage and stats (like Dragon Keys do)

    5th (Deva), damage bonuses

    (Needs an idea)

    (Needs an idea)

    Allies and teammates affected receive your overshields

    Affected teammates have their power range and strength doubled

    The (makeshift) mini-quest for Asura:
    >talk to Eudico about strange force disturbances that cause ships around to malfunction
    >go search Orb Vallis with your scanner or whatever
    >find lots of Corpus ships wrecked around, take out the Corpus around
    >enter the cave and finish the digging that Corpus started (start a machine maybe)
    >unearth a strange, partially destroyed Void key
    >Eudico contacts Konzu and Unum, then she gives you instructions how to recreate the key
    >return to your Orbiter, craft the key (required: 1k Cetus Wisps, 4k nitain, 2k argon crystals, 3k vega toroid)
    >use the key to travel to an unknown tower in the Void, or rather a Void monastery
    >there, some voices teach you of great powers known long before The Old War, so ancient no one remembered they existed, and how to acquire them.

    Attachment. Aversion. Delusion. These are the Three Poisons you need to fight if you wish for Enlightenment.

    >frankly I don’t know what happens now exactly (it’s a makeshift quest, remember), you learn of a proto-Orokin who discovered a path to mysterious powers, you’re being taught and tested on to understand how one can transfer their consciousness seemingly without the need for Kuva. Harsh mountain tops, blizzards, enemies, creepy throat singing in the background (the last one is a must).
    >sacrifice some argon, each type of the Ayatan sculptures (filled) and an axi relic maybe and build the frame.

  2. I had an idea a good augment for Gara's mass vitrify would be magnifying vitrify or whatevs.

    Basically each mirror functions like a magnifying glass, focusing fire and thus augmenting the damage.

    Or maybe you guys have a better idea to incorporate maginying glass concept into her kit?

  3. 7 hours ago, Baterial said:

    welp we are space ninjas not bunch of meat which upon death goes to air and is hot AF



    Right. We're ninjas. Not: boxers, dubstep DJs, sea horses, classical elements, schizofrenic whackos, paladins, mummies, archers, magicians, Norse gods, magnetoes, gunslingers, jesters, rotten corpses, underage castrati, rash victims, radiation victims, hitler-level-charisma agitators, oxen, musicians, rhinoceri, cancer victims, pixies,  medic scouts, berserkers, hunched old men, ADHD kids, monkeys or freaking birds and in a couple of weeks priests.

    We're ninjas.

    All hail Ash.

  4. So I was watching another episode of the second season of Attack on Titan (like most of you, I assume :D) and it occurred to me how much fun would it be to have a titan frame. My design gives us a tanky frame that draws aggro and protects allies and himself and has a little of crowd control. Hope you'll like it and the devs use it, but do not hesitate to critisize and share your ideas. Thanks :)

    Name: Oriash

    Passive: when in Titan form, eaten enemies stack, giving you more max health (only in regular form). Maximum of 20 (?) stacks can be accumulated. Like Nidus' stacks, this also gives bonuses:
    1. Larger titan
    2. More, bigger and stronger hecatoncheires
    3. More armour (Titan form only)

    1st skill (uses energy): Steam burst. Oriash can stun enemies either in front of him or around (when aimed at the ground) and slowly pushes them away. This ability is channelled and Oriash can still move, sprint, jump etc. and is one-handed, so pistol or few melee weapons can be used when using this skill. The stun wears off immediately after you stop using the steam burst or aim somewhere else. The ability deals no damage.

    2nd skill (uses energy): Titan form, of course. Oriash grows extremely large and raises from lots of steam. Shields are reduced to 0, only hand combat is allowed (mainly arm swings and kicks, the latter just by walking into enemies). Jumps create a seismic wave that knocks back, or squishes enemies landed on (slide/roll also kills them, when caught within range). Enemies can be eaten (see: Passive) and then regurgitated as hecatoncheires (3rd skill is enabled). Oriash in his Titan form draws aggro and receives a big boost of strength and health, but suffers speed  and sprint range reduction. Titan's height depends on few thing:
    1. Room space. If there's too little, the skill is either unusable or limited. When in open space, Oriash can acquire his full size.
    2. Enemies eaten. The more you have them, the bigger you can get.  Using the ability resets completely your added health via passive after you deactivate the titan, unless you eat some.
    3. Power range. More range, bigger size.
    Additionally, bigger size = less skin on your titan and more steam produced (visuals only)
    I'd say the size should vary between 2 metres (lowest ceiling room) and 25 metres (open space + max power range + max enemies stacked)

    3rd skill (uses stacks): Oriash, provided enemies were previously eaten, summons them from steam in the form of hecatoncheires via a haunting scream (let's say about 5 consumed enemies equal one monster). When in the titan form, hecatoncheires are regurgitated instead of summoned. Using this ability consumes some of your added health via passive. Up to 4 (?) hecatoncheires can be summoned, one at a time when being a titan, all at once when in normal form. The creatures can use melee only, similar to your titan form, and can reach hights no greater than 20 metres. Their size depends on roughly the same factors as Oriash's titan form size.

    4th skill (uses energy + shields): When in normal form, Oriash depletes his shields and some energy to harden his skin (a bit like Rhino), which gives protection, but reduces speed. When in titan form, the skill creates a wall, which can be stretched and linked between your hecatoncheires if summoned before casting this ability, sacrificing them in process. Using this skill while being a titan renders your titan and hecatoncheires immobile and forces you out of the big guy. The wall can be destroyed or manually deactivated, but until either of these happens, you can't use your skills except for the first one.

    Power strength: 1st: nothing. 2nd: bigger damage boost. 3rd: stronger hecatoncheires. 4th: stronger skin/wall.
    Power efficiency: 1st: less energy consumed. 2nd: less energy consumed. 3rd: nothing 4th: less energy consumed.
    Power duration: 1st: nothing. 2nd: longer titan form duration. 3rd: longer lifespan of the hecatoncheires. 4th: nothing.
    Power range: 1st: bigger range. 2nd: taller titan. 3rd: nothing. 4th: longer and taller wall (will also link to your hecatoncheires at longer distances).

  5. 1 hour ago, Kurambik said:



    Important Preface: This weapon was designed to breathe some life into the Dual Dagger class which as most people would agree, although very fun, it is one of the most underappreciated melee class in the game. Also I know I'm not the best at designing art. In case anyone is unsure, the design was supposed to resemble a tuning fork.


    Inspired by the devices that created the purest of sounds enough to force anything to harmonize, the Diapason are deadly instruments of resonance designed by the Tenno. The more they are struck, the deadlier they become. 


    Dual daggers (Zenurik polarity)


    Slash: 11

    Impact: 11

    Puncture: 11



    Attack Speed: 1.40

    Channeling Damage | Cost: 2x | 5

    Critical Chance | Damage: 10% | 2x

    Status Chance: 10%

    Range: 3.1m



    Impact from melee attacks reduces the enemy armour by +1 for each enemy hit with a single swing (stacks additively with Shattering Impact).

    Slams in combos have a 10% chance to resonate with and jam mechanical systems in robotic units thus stunning them for 5 seconds.


    Channeling Ability

    On channeled hit, the weapon resonates with other weapons and has a 5% chance for any enemy within 5m (modified by range mods, channeling damage mods and combo counter, formula given below) to get their weapon jammed or melee weapon temporarily dropped for 4sec (Similar to Shooting Gallery)

    Each channeled hit also gives a 20sec buff of +10% damage and +1% critical chance stacking up to 5 times.


    (Note: With all of the available mods in the game and in the hypothetical scenario where the combo multiplier is very (VERY, for the mathematically inclined I'm taking the limit as it tents to infinity) large the maximum range achievable is 28.75m. Taking a more realistic approach of 4x combo multiplier, the range becomes 26.25m. At no combo the range is 18.75m. Personally, I think that this is a very well balanced range, but if not, there is still the possibility of adjusting the weighting multiplying the terms to get the desired balancing. The mods taken into consideration were Primed Reach, Killing Blow and Corrupt Charge.)

    Oh my do I love this idea... it's great! Although I think it would be nicer to change it a bit. How about a passive that every normal attack is an impact one, making the weapon vibrate more and more stacking vibrations. The more stacks (equal to melee combo counter, I guess?) you have, the wider the range of stun is (first it's maybe one meter, stacking up to fifteen or something?). It'd be just a stun aura, and if you want, you can alt melee and opponent in a stabbing motion making them explode if killed due to consuming stacked vibrations.

    Another, but a more complex idea is to assing a vibration pattern to a health class. For example, 1.5x the same frequency as cloned flesh, 2x is robotic (obviously in this case vibration stacks have to grow much faster than melle combo counter) etc. Let's say you're in the Void, you have a Corrupted Ancient, a Bombard and a Corpus guy. You kill the Corpus guy and due to vibrations, weapon stacks 1.5x damage, giving you +50% dmg to cloned flesh (?), then after killing a Grineer the weapon stacks to high at 3x, no matter, alt fire to zero (or reduce by 0.5x) by vibration absorption via stabbing, and you have the frequency for another enemy (let's say 2.5x) to kill them. The bonus dmg would be affected by mods.

    You can kinda join the two ideas if you really want (like I do). This is such an amazing opportunity for a marvellous weapon, DE make it happen! Kurambik thank you for this idea!


    Gross your enemies out with this Infested-leaking Grineer head


    Mastery Level: 12 (It's a very good weapon)
    Type: Gunblade (sort of...)
    Physical damage: impact 30, puncture 10, slash 5
    Attack speed: I dunno, medium
    Crit chance: 5%
    Crit multiplier: 1.5x
    Status chance: 5%

    Damage: 1 (Corrosive)
    Attack speed: high (two-round booger flick from two fingers)
    Crit chance: 98%
    Crit multipier: 36x
    Status chance: 20%
    Gross-out chance*: 100%
    Gross-out multiplier*: 80x

    ALT FIRE RANGE ATTACK, squeeze the head to shoot a shotgun-like snot cloud!
    Damage: 5 (Gas)
    Attack speed: slow
    Crit chance: 5%
    Crit multipier: 1,5x
    Status chance: 50%
    Gross-out chance*: 100%
    Gross-out multiplier*: 90x

    The cool thing is you can block and fire the boogers at the same time. 
    When holstered, the weapon rests tied to the belt. Booger flight speed and range are affected by mods. 
    You could also throw the head so that it bites an enemy inflicting additional puncture and slash damage.
    And now for the cosmetics!
    CHANNELING (when channeling, the eye glows and the nose bleeds)



    *Gross-out effect not included in the game (yet)

  7. Happy someone is interested in Buzlok being reworked. I feel that the current version of the gun is a waste of a really fun opportunity. 

    I would like to disagree with your first two ideas - such auto aim would make the weapon boring and way too easy to operate. I know Warframe is a quick-paced game and it's hard to mark a target with the tracer rounds, but then again you have so many choices of coping with this problem, like invisibility (Naramon's shadowstep, Loki, Ash, Ivara, Shade), stealth-firing (perhaps using a surpressed Buzlok) and other methods of incapacitation, stunning and crowd control (Rhino, Ivara, Equinox, Excalibur, Vauban, Nova, Titania, Trinity, Volt...).

    Another thing I dislike about getting rid of the tracer round is the tactical advantage they provide. Why bother shooting a moving target if you could just max out the weapon's punch-through and shoot the tracer at the wall and thus shoot not one enemy but every that tries passing through this path od death?

    On the other hand, your next two ideas sound really well. The bullets need to have better navigation, and such navigation mesh could do the job. The idea of the damage profile change and the graph are really realy cool, this should definitely be implemented. 

    As for the shotgun version, I think it's not a great idea. Shotguns by nature have a very limited range and thus don't need to have their bullets homed. That would just make no sense, in my opinion. 

    However, I have my own idea as well. How about a mod that would dramatically decrease the bulets' speed, but increased greatly their damage and make them explode at impact? This would make Buzlok an AT Ogris without the necessity of creating a new weapon. This rocket-firing mod would be exclusive to Buzlok. Note: the mod would not affect the trcer round in any way.

  8. 6 hours ago, Infinitewin said:

    They don't already?

    Here are some suggestions I would think were fun


    Enemies are blinded (like Excalibur's Radial Blind) because only warframes can see properly in the Rift. This would also work for Cataclysm.

    Allies affected by Banish will have their abilities cost half instead of regaining 2 energy per second. All abilities work inside and outside the void. Movement speed, weapon swap speed and reload should be part of the Rift and not Limbo's passive so to bring a bit more utility to the gentleman.

    Rift Walk

    Casting speed is removed entirely so that you can change yourself into the Rift at a moment's notice. This would also work during knockdown. Reduction of base duration should be added accordingly.

    Rift Surge

    Name changed to Unstable Void. This ability is an area of effect ability that spreads small black holes (think World on Fire) around a radius of Limbo dragging enemies towards them knocking them down and proccing magnetic and corrosive effects.


    Cataclysm now creates a large black hole at a target location. All enemies within the radius will be held up (think Bastille) but open to melee finishers and have their health reduced gradually (think Viral status). Damage taken by enemies in Cataclysm will be linked to other enemies and will hit the next closest target. Cataclysm will pulse near the outskirts of the original range of the ability, dragging in more enemies to the center. The ability will shrink and the semi-Viral effect will decrease (50% reduced health at first moving to 25% reduced health at the end of the ability). At the end of the ability the black hole will go supernova and explode dealing scaling damage depending on much damage were dealt to linked enemies. All allies standing in the black hole would have their energy and health regenerated and when the effect goes supernova would be placed in Rift Walk, regenerating 10% of health and energy for 5 seconds and doubling the effect of the Rift passive increases to weapon swap, movement speed and reload.

    Changing Reality

    Limbo's new passive would allow him to interact and carry any object while in the Rift.

    1. I don't think Banish needs an improvement (maybe beside merging it with Rift Walk, see previous posts), it already opens enemies up for ground finishers. As for the blinding in Cataclysm, it would make it too op imo, but I agree Cataclysm should be improved, either the way you are proposing (but maybe not a complete dazzle, just a major accuracy reduction) or the way we did previously (knock-down effect etc.)

    Halving the energy cost for abilities is too much as well, I guess. Rift is already very useful (provided other Tenno know the mechanics), since it allows complete invincibility. But yes, all abilities should work between dimensions. About the rest, that is movement speed etc. I also agree.

    2. The casting speed is a good balance to Limbo's invincibility. So i disagree completely here.

    3. Again, too much and too similar to other warframes' abilities. It's like Ember + Vauban + Mag + Saryn. Conclusion: too op and too mimicking.

    4. The Cataclysm's mechanics you're describing feel more like a synergy of all Limbo's abilities instead of being just one. As one, this is far too powerful and mimicking other warframe abilities, which is not the point - every frame should be as unique as possible. 

    Your idea here should be treated, imo, as a synergy, so let's break it into separate ideas that would work together the way you described:

    A. Black Hole. In your description, it holds up enemies, which I think is too close to Bastille. Yet sucking enemies in is too close to Vauban's Vortex (even though you improved it via opening mobs up to finishers, which in addition to the previous, would break the game imo). This idea should be completely changed or even discarded on account of another.

    B. Health Reduction also too similar to other warframes' powers (so many listing them would be tedious). Though I like the idea of the reduction as the sphere shrinks, however it would make the ability grow useless gradually as the sphere shrinks, so I would reverse it - the smaller the sphere gets, the bigger the effect it has, because the energy is being squeezed into smaller and smaller space, so the scaling should go, ex. 12,5% - 25% - 37,5% etc. and maybe not health reduction, but another effect (we discussed it before).

    C. Linking the Damage. You mean like Nova's Molecular Prime exploding mobs causing chain reactions? If yes, then there's already a frame capable of this. 

    D. Supernova explosion. Scaling damage + AoE + CC + Damage Release? Equinox does it. 

    5. The passive: I said it twice here why I disagree with it. But the name sounds nice. 

    Conclusion: The ideas are too powerful and mimicking another frames. Limbo should be a unique frame, actually I think it should be kept the most unique of all the frames (you know, dimensional manipulation, VIP assassin...). The hard part about Limbo is that he should be a strategic frame, and on top of that, even though he is squishy as hell, literally one false move and you make him totally OP - he's hard to be kept balanced.

  9. 53 minutes ago, Megamaker said:

    I agree with Rhaenxys on most points about what he needs and I've added some extras:

    • The ability to pick up items while inside cataclysm
    • A knock down effect when activating/deactivating cataclysm
    • A defensive ability
    • Permanent buff to damage inside the rift (a weaker version of rift surge)
    • Companions/Sentinels should also go into the rift as well when you use rift walk

    All of those suggestions are easy to understand, the defensive ability has been something I've suggested in a couple of threads - here's my example of a decent defensive ability:

    A replacement of "Rift Surge" could be "Rift Slam" which would consist of Limbo slamming his hand down on the ground and throwing enemies back with so much force that they tear through the rift and then back into the real world or vice versa - this would in turn deal damage to them (perhaps a bleed proc as they might have organs in other dimensions). HOWEVER! To stop this being to overpowered there might be a chance that some of the enemies would stay in the dimension they had torn into while also gaining bonus damage making them more dangerous to Limbo and anyone on the same plane. For example if you did this against a group of 10 enemies on the material plane, all 10 of them would take damage and be thrown back, but 5 of them would get a bleed proc and 3 of them would stay in the rift.

    Just think about that on a defense mission, if the cryopod is being overwhelmed Limbo suddenly has a crowd control, however at the cost of saving the pod he now no longer has a safe plane of existence to go to until he has killed those 3 enemies.

    1. I strongly disagree with the item-pickup thing in the rift. It makes no sense to me - I think it's pretty logical you can't pick things up that are in another dimension. Also, it would make Rift Walk op - the situation is already that Limbo exits the rift only to collect pick ups, so allowing him to do so in the rift would create absolutely no benefit being outside of the rift, so why not make Limbo a rift-only frame?

    2. Knock-down effect is a good idea and as I said, logical - it happens during banishment, so why not during the cataclysm?

    3. A defensive ability such as we described it a while ago? :)

    4. Permament buuf yes!

    5. It is already a thing

    6 About the rift slam... a CC ability seems ok, but we need to think, imo, about another balance then jeopardy to Limbo - he is too squishy and it would create too many dangerous situations. But the idea, beside that, seems ok to me :)

  10. Guys, let's think about for a while about this concept someone suggested: an ability to open some kind of a rift portal, acting somewhat like Volt's shield. I think this can be interesting but it needs to differ as from Volt's ability as much as possible. 

    1. My suggestion is that the portal would absorb incoming damage from one direction (not the band) and be able to "store" up to ??? damage. After the limit, the portal still continues to absorb damage, but more than ??? won't be used as a bonus when opening another portal.

    When another portal is opened, it releases in its direction all the damage stored and, after depleteting itself from that amount, will continue to transmit incoming damage from the first portal. It kinda would work like a wormhole transmitting damage (since Nova's wormhole doesn't block bullets, but moves players and mobs). 

    This ability would create some cool tactical opportunities, for example: Limbo can Rift Walk and without any worry set one portal in front of his enemies, and another behind them. Then he can wait for the shots behind the first portal. Mobs shooting the first portal will be shot in the back by the bullets coming out of the second portal. Some bullets missed? No worries, they will continue to fly between the portals until something stops them or one of the portals is closed.

    Or another: Let's say, Limbo wishes to murder a crowd fast. He can stay behind only one portal, without opening another, wait for it to absorb its max damage, and ther open another portal facing the crowd so they meet their imminent demise composed of a barrage of all the bullets they have sent there, at once. In their faces. Dead. GG M80S.

    An augment should make the portals teleport the players and mobs as well (for players' teleportation, two portals are required, for mobs teleportation, only one is required, but will "absorb" only ??? mobs. After that, that one portal will no longer work and to make it function again, one must open another portal so the mobs stacked inside of another dimension can be "thrown out").

    Should Limbo be able to cast more portals at once than just two? I think there should be an augment that lets Limbo cast up to 6 portals (the number must be even).

    The portals should be omnidirectional, that is you can shoot any of them and bullets will pass trough another.

    Should the portals be time-limited or energy-limited? If the latter, should the energy be drained equally no matter if the portal is being "used", or should using it cause more energy to be drained for the moment of using it? Or maybe it should be time-limited but energy will be drained if a portal is being used?

    2. My another suggestion is that the portal should work like a "rift mirror", making incoming projectiles affect another plane of existence, provided they flew through the mirror, but I think this is too close to what the Volt's shield does.

  11. 17 hours ago, Rhaenxys said:

    Too many drastic changes who also are in conflict with the current augments, why even suggest a passive while he already has one? (and a pretty good passive), in my book he needs:

    - Being able to pick up items inside cataclysm.

    - Rift surge merged with rift walk.

    - A knockdown or CC effect when activating and deactivating cataclysm.

    - A defensive ability (it will replace rift surge) to help him survive inside cataclysm.

    Someone`s suggestion in this forum was to create a rift portal infront of limbo who tranfers incoming projectiles and attacks to the other side of the rift similar to volt shield.

    With picking up items while inside a cataclysm, I strongly disagree. I think it makes perfect sense that you can't pick up things dropped by mobs on another plane of existence. Never had I any problems dealing with this issue. You need some balance in the game, and that, I think, would break it.

    Rift Surge merged with Rift Walk? What do you mean? Like a rift surge passive? If yes, then this idea has been discussed before and I think we can all agree that yes, it should be like so  :)

    A knockdown/CC effect - yes, I also think that mobs should suffer from some kind of movement issue when entering/exiting a cataclysm, at least staggering, since knockdown happens when just one target is banished, so why is a whole crowd unaffected when facing a force much bigger, than that of banishment? Opening a pocket of dimension requiers more power than just banish, so a knockdown/CC effect is pretty logical there.

    About the portal, I think this ability would be great. I honestly say this should be in the game, but not before it shares the least amount of similarities to Volt's shield, so that Volt and Limbo don't get into each other's way.

  12. Your response is really helpful, thanks :) I can agree with your reasoning why some of my ideas need to be changed or even scrapped, because I admit it, I posted all the ideas I had, even those that I didn't really like but could serve as an inspiration to someone.

    And o man did I enjoy your idea of a rift monster - that would be amazing! Could be one big monster or could be a platoon of smaller ones :D Also, the "Echoes from the Void" idea is very good as well, I would love to see this implemented into the game. I also see the logic behind only allies getting the buffs and also think it would be better that way. As for the augments changing more the abilities - do you have any ideas? Because as of now I don't xD

    About Limbo's passive - don't you think it needs to be changed as well? I saw a Limbo player complaining that it's useless outside of the Rift and some Limbo players like himself don't stay in da Drift all the time, and I must agree with that. How about when Limbo gets down and is being revived he automatically banishes the Tenno reviving him for the duration of the revival so that they don't need to worry about getting killed? 

  13. I've seen some people suggesting a time-controlling frame, but haven't seen any specific ideas/abilities aside from just "time control". So here is my take on this.

    Feel free to criticise the ideas you don't like, as long as it is followed by an explanation what you don't like and maybe a suggestion what you would change :)

    0. Passive:
    a. Slows enemy's movement in a certain radius. I think it should slow enemies more than Nova's Molecular Prime, since Nova's ult can also cause explosions. But in case it would result in Nova being obsolete, here's another idea for a passive:
    b. Enemies close to the frame (a few meters perhaps?) deal less damage and have less health due to them aging much faster when in proximity
    c. Much faster reload (+50% reload speed) because he/she is a time master. Pairs well with number 5.

    1. Time Jump: allows the frame to teleport back where he/she was a while ago. It's a tactical ability meant to aid you in escape when overswarmed (imagine survival solo with Grineer, you accidentally ran through a pipe leading to a room with no other exit, you're low on health, and the only exit is all the way blocked by rushing Grineer units. Time Jump would send you, in this case, behind the mob chasing you. Now they are trapped, not you :) NOTE: Although this ability is time-based, the actual calculation should rely on the distance you covered, so that you can't use the ability until you move (a certain distance). Time Jump also is much different from Ash and Loki's teleport, since you're teleporting "back", not forth :) The tactical potencial of this ability relies on your ability to forsee the situation.

    2. Stop: allows you to stop the enemies and any incoming damage (bullets, rockets, etc.) in front of you, opening the mobs to finishers. The ability expires after a brief amount of time. Enemies just instantaneously stop, even in mid-air. The use of Stop doesn't end here, however. Enemies affected by the ability won't know what has happened in the meantime, since it was occurring too quickly for them. Therefore, when on full duration, you can cast it on guards, run in front of their very eyes, rescue the hostage and run away before they "wake up". It should also work on cameras and (maybe) lasers, because you can too move too fast for them to register your presence. You can also block paths with this.

    3. Rejuvenate: a healing ability, thanks to which you can bring the state of an object/being back to the moment before they took damage. For obvious balance reasons, the ability should be capped, meaning there needs to be an amount of life the ability can no longer restore. Useful when an ally is low on health or downed (sort of insta-rev) or a cryopod in a defence mission is taking heavy damage - cast Rejuvenate and ???HP and shields is instanlty restored! The frame should be able to cast the ability on him/herself as well, by holding the button.

    4. Aging: AoE ability. All enemies within a certain radius age so rapidly they lose a portion of their health, armour and shields while dealing less damage (low-level enemies are killed by this). Muscles get weaker, bones are prone to fracture, metal corrodes, etc. For additional effect enemies affected by Aging should grow long, grey beards and any enemy wielding an electric club/stick should have it replaced by a walking stick.

    5. I think this frame, since it is a time master, should be the fastest running frame, faster than Loki (speed at 1.50 or more?)

    6. Don't forget we need to pick sex and name for the frame :) 

    7. The frame should be obtained via a quest, possibly involving the Moon back in time before it was destroyed or even further back in time - when Orokin were still alive.

    Overall I think this frame would be awesome: the first two abilities are strategical, third is a healing ability and fourth is dmg/AoE type. Again, if you have any objections and suggestions, please share them :) Thanks!

  14. Not a long time ago, I wrote a really long letter to the Devs about my ideas on Limbo rework asking them to share the idea so the community can discuss it. I don't know if they have read this, but they didn't mention it, so I just leave the short version here.

    Please, do not hesitate to criticize my ideas or praise them, but to make sure it's clear to everyone what you liked and did not, write a column of numbers same as mine below with + for good idea and - for a bad (and write what you would change) For example:

    2- I think that...
    4a - because... etc.

    So, without any further ado:

    1 Banish: I think it should be merged with Rift Walk into one ability. Tap once to banish a target, hold to banish yourself.  (Btw this isn't mine, some lone tenno shared this idea a while ago in the internet)

    2 second skill: Entanglement: Allows Limbo to temporarily swap stats. As with Banish, either you pick two targets (friendly or ally) by tapping the button or hold it to entangle yourself with another being (tap). Works in both planes and in between. Health, armour, shields and damage are swapped, but the entities remain as they were. For example, if Limbo swaps himself with a Heavy Gunner, he will gain her shields etc. for some time, but any damage done to him will occur to the Heavy Gunner, but beware Tenno, as this sword is double-edged, for every damage done to the Heavy Gunner will affect you (there's a big difference between this and Trinity's Well of Life) so you better don't kill her. It's wiser to entangle with her and let her shoot you so that she kills herself and you get to live. This ability may be used to swap stats of a downed Tenno with an enemy for an ista-rev (After the ability's time expires the revived Tenno doesn't go down) Entanglement isn't pre-finished by a death of one of the entities entangled

    3. No rift surge (will explain below), but Summon: since the Rift is just a "place" between the Void and the Material Plane, I think Limbo should be able to summon an entity from another dimension for some time. For example, let's say Limbo is fighting with the Grineer on Earth. Using Summon will spawn a random Corrupted enemy, and vice versa - when in the Void, Summon will spawn a random Grineer/Corpus/Infested unit. But remember, Tenno, the spawned unit will retain their consciousness, acting hostile to your enemies and allies alike (ya ain't Nyx boy!). When the timer runs out, the summoned unit will return to their realm.  The higher Limbo's level (and Power Strength) is, the higher level the spawned unit has. Limbo can prematurely send the summoned entity back to their realm. Killing the summoned entity will cause it drop loot from their loot table (farming Argon Crystals outside of the Void?). Roll to exit Entanglement. 

    4. When Limbo casts his fourth ability and Banish on himself and then walks into the Cataclysm, he should be back again on the Material Plane inside of the sphere, invulnerable to those in the Rift but to those in the Material Plane, but walking out of the sphere causes Limbo to rift walk again (and be vulnerable to those inside the sphere). This creates abundance of strategic abilities, and a proper Limbo player should be a hell of a strategist. Also, since a banished enemy is knocked, it should also occur when entering/leaving the sphere.

    5. Limbo should be able to manually change Cataclysm's size (within the boundaries of his power range) and move it (the bigger the sphere, the slower it moves), making Limbo stationary when doing so and draining lots of energy, but shaking screen and viciously rumbling noise for the dramatic effects. That would be awesome. 

    6. Augments:
    a. Cataclysm lets enemies walk into the sphere, but traps them inside. If there's too many while the sphere is shrinking, the sphere spits them out, knocking them and inflicting the damage dealt when normally entering/exiting the rift.
    b. Summon: Summons three (?) entities at once
    c. Banish allowing you to banish groups (kinda like Equinox's Sleep). 
    d. Entering a Cataclysm blinds/confuses/reduces accuracy of an enemy (which one? All three at once? All three but randomly?)
    e. A summoned entity has their mind altered and they fight for your cause (now ya Nyx boy!)
    f. A hostile target in the rift takes continous damage (bleeding out), like Equinox's Maim, but can't be released to inflict additional, gathered damage) and maybe cold proc. (RNJesus' idea from above, I like the idea but I would prefer it to be an augment)
    g. Enemies close to a Cataclysm get pulled inside (RHJesus' idea from above, I think it's a very good idea but I would make it an augment)
    h. Multiple Cataclysms? Or maybe a Cataclysm with its shape matching perfectly that of the room in which it is casted (like a corridor)? 
    7. Additional rift mechanics:
    a. boosted damage for all, enemies and allies alike (this is why I replaced Rift Surge with Summon)
    b. Entities on different planes of existence see each other, but cannot interact, meaning they pass through each other
    c. Channeling should affect entities across the planes (same with elemental damage, maybe it does and it's just my game that is bugged)
    d. Environmental damage should not affect Limbo, even though elemental should. because Limbo is master of the rift
    e. Volt's shield should allow Tenno to shoot across the planes
    f. Vauban's Tesla nades should remain on an entity even when banished (maybe they do, didn't test it)
    g. Controversial! Limbo should be able to banish only the enemies that looked at him at least once, even for a second! Why? Because Limbo banishes what your consciusness understands as "you", that is your body, clothes, weapon, etc. and to get that info, Limbo must see into your mind through one's eyes. 
    h. How about sound not being able to pass through the rift? Killing an enemy would not alert his buddies, provided they didn't see it happening
    Slightly boosted speed (think about two diagonal edges of a piece of paper. Rift occurs then you fold the paper so they touch. It's a "jump" in between the dimensions, so to simulate this "dimensional teleportation", a slight speed boost would be nice, like 10%). I know they made it Limbo's passive but maybe all should get the buff? Or just the Tenno?

    8. Awesome cosmetics:
    a. Fedora helmet, m'Lotus!
    b. plague doctor helmet (beak-like) we must have it!
    c. Victorian steampunk skin with moving gears please! (not my idea, some lone tenno's) maybe for Limbo Prime :3
    d. Not a cosmetic, but Limbo needs a walking stick-rifle or blade with a special walking animation! Sweet!

    When writing these I wanted to make Limbo a very strategic frame and I think these changes will create an abundance of tactical opportunities, like entangling an enemy with a downed Tenno to revive him quickly or Limbo with a Bombardier to buff yerself (and banishing the bombardier to keep him safe for the duration of Entanglement), trapping mobs in the sphere to block corridors etc. Reply please!

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