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Posts posted by SeriousSammy

  1. 50 minutes ago, Rawbeard said:

    so why do you get a steam account with the pack to apply to your warframe account? they HAVE to come via steam, because that is how the seller got them. 

    they know. that is the price for getting more money from other regions, or at least to stop other regions from abusing currency adjustments. please read the original post. 

    If they come with a Steam account, that's indeed using Steam to do it, but in that case, that sounds like an issue on DE's part, since if you can apply packs with different accounts, that's a big oversight. 

  2. 12 hours ago, Rawbeard said:

    So where do these packs come from? 

    I don't know. What I do know is that they don't come from the Steam store, because that's not how it works (and it hasn't worked like that in ages). Hence, the announcement is not related to that (unless whoever is in charge is under the same misconception and thinks it works like that, but I'd hope that's not the case)

  3. On 2024-03-31 at 11:41 AM, Rawbeard said:

    curious to see how this affects packs sold on key reseller sites.

    It won't affect that at all, since you can't buy packs on steam in one region and resell them in another (there's a million restrictions in place to prevent that)

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  4. This change has sadly made Platinum, Prime access, etc basically impossible to buy in Argentina. I love this game, but I can't justify spending so much on it. The previous prices were undeniably generous, but they also meant we could actually afford the stuff. The new prices don't take into account the reality of the region and are pretty much following Valve's recommendations, which are sadly extremely outdated (probably because there's been a fair amount of lobbying to get rid of regional pricing from people who don't understand that without it, there's many regions that can't actually afford anything at all)

    I regretfully doubt that anyone will care to change this, since it's unlikely they got anyone in their team who's knowledgeable with the situation. I hope I'm wrong, but from what I've seen overall, I feel that hope is a fool's hope and nothing more.

    This change coming completely out of the blue with no time to do anything about it is also a very sad thing to see. Even Bungie who aren't exactly known for being the best when it comes to pricing things and anything regarding monetary transactions gave us an actual heads-up before changing prices for their ingame currency, so people could buy some to save up.

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  5. 2 hours ago, -LM-Emperor said:

    Ojala anulen esta decisión y vuelvan a los antiguos precios. Los de America del Sur somos lo que más sufrimos con estos cambios.

    Lamentablemente lo dudo mucho. No creo que tengan a nadie en el equipo que sepa como es la situación en la región (y que además cambia bastante de país a país) y por la forma en la que habla el anuncio, me huele a que lo van a dejar como está y listo (lo que obviamente va a generar una importante bajada de consumo de gente de Argentina por ejemplo, porque la realidad es que los valores nuevos son bastante impagables para nosotros). Pero aún con esa bajada dudo que les importe (ojalá me esté equivocando mucho, por supuesto)

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  6. Entiendo que los cambios en Latam son bastante cercanos a lo que recomienda Valve, pero como han dicho otros usuarios antes, lamentablemente esa recomendación en Argentina por ejemplo no vale mucho. Con estos precios yo voy a pasar de comprar Platino relativamente seguido a tratar de juntar lo que pueda vendiendo Primes (y por consiguiente voy a terminar jugando menos porque la conveniencia de poder pagar por el plat era muy importante para mis ganas de jugar la verdad)

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