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Posts posted by Toby1066

  1. I quite like both of these ideas. The first one would be best served on one if the new outdoor missions but it wouldn't have to be sandbox, just maybe more outdoor scenes than indoor. As for the second, I like the idea of not everyone starting in the same place, and having to meet up. You get my upvote, sir!

  2. Hi there, this is to any new players checking these forums.

    First of all, welcome to Warframe! :D

    Secondly, I'll be doing repeated runs of all the planets in Mercury over the next hour or so. If you want help starting out, or an explanation on what to do, or even just company while you're getting started, add me in the game.

    How you do that - go to Contacts, type my name 'Toby1066' into the search bar and hit Add. I'll be along to talk to you as soon as I notice :D

    tl;dr - come play Mercury with me if you're new!

  3. Ok, so let me say that I like this new mod system. A lot of people don't, but customization and personalisation in games is a big turn-on for me and I love that you can have people building different, yet same, frames.

    I have one gripe. There's only 10 spaces in the Warframe mod slots, and once 4 of them have been filled with your powers, you're left with 6 slots with which to boost your shields, health, power, stamina, sprint speed, etc - or whatever combination thereof you choose.

    I realise there's not THAT many mods so having unlimited spaces is silly, but what if I wanted to spend a little Plat, or build an Orikin artifact, or even just spend a crap-tonne of credits on a couple more spaces? Much like 'upgrading' your Frame before this new mod system.

    Just a thought, leave comment/feedback if you like the idea, or don't and think I should go die in a pit. :)

  4. Hell, if I wanted a game that focussed on only chat, I'd have played Second Life. :D Even with it being in Beta, the pros of this game farrrrrr outway the cons, and it just keeps getting better and better. Keep up the good work guys. :)

    Also, great, livestream today! :D

  5. Hey there, just started playing.

    I noticed that when you go to Contacts menu and click on a contact, the Artifact menu behind is clickable, meaning it often pops up instead.

    I've also been having the problem that a few others have mentioned, that of the Contacts being shown as offline when they are in fact not.

    Thanks for your help and the awesome game!

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