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Posts posted by V4YR4


    I have found that maximized power str/range is not the way to go to make the most of Mirage.


    You can make Prism viable, and keep most of the multipliers by removing Fleeting Ex adding Stretch, swap Power Drift with Cunning Drift for range, plus primed cont and remove narrow minded; Gives 160% range and 150% dur at minimum power str sacrifice, and gives you huge radial blind + you can actually use Hall and Eclipse without having to recast every 5 seconds.


    Once my Zenurik is ready, I can still spam everything with 80% eff.

  2. Double post because the wall of text... is a wall already. I see some misconceptions in the thread about the viability of Simulor or the tankiness of Mirage...


    - Without Mirage, you are left standing and shooting to stack, taking damage.

    Yes, but every stack adds a guaranteed stagger in a 12m AoE. Therefore the damage you get is limited, if not non-existant with good timing and positioning - and the latter goes for évery weapon.



    Simulor AoE hits every bubble within its range, and it takes about 8 stacks to destroy one, upon which the last few stacks will also AoE stagger everything in range, ensuring damage mitigation. And thén you can still proc Blast. This is sometimes miles better than a Tonkor grenade that bounces away (you can position vortexes in mid air) and there are only very few other weapons that guarantee hitting multiple bubbles in one shot. Simulor is also not crit based, and has decent base damage.


    The void is not dark

    It is now, since the void cosmetic update, there is a very decent balance between light and dark areas. On all other tilesets, that already exists. Only rarely is there no shadow in sight. When you play endless, you can always find dark areas to go to. Finally, this is part of the playstyle with Mirage, you 'play' the lightmap, while with other frames you might 'play with cover positions'. Mirage can create vantage points bang in the middle of a room, if there is a dark spot. This is both a blessing and a curse and requires some practice.

  3. I just finished doing a T4 Survival earlier and I saw how powerful Mirage truly is. My squad consisted of a Wukong, Loki, and EV Trinity. All I can tell you is that Mirage's back muse be F****** HURTING after carrying that team. I had her with the Synoid Simulor which is the absolute perfect combination. I could kill everything with ease (besides the level 105+ bombards and gunners). My squad and I stayed in 1 room for the whole game and while I was killing EVERYTHING. I hate to brag but everyone must have Mirage. With a 95% damage reduction in the shadows and a 5.88 damage multiplier in the light, I was freaking unstoppable. I don't know how everyone says that Mesa's DPS is on par with Mirage but with abilities that are sustained until reactivating makes her the most dangerous frame known to the Warframe universe. For God's sake I went 70 minutes into T4 Survival, having more than 2700 kills and 88% of all the damage. The only complaint that I could have about Mirage is how freaking squishy she is without Eclipse but I guess that's the only thing keeping her balanced with her divinity.



    This is correct. Mirage + Synoid Simulor basically destroys the game, but loses out when it comes to raw damage in later levels (anything over lv 80) as she gets out-damaged by Ash 4 spam rather easily, or any other Finisher damage, or stuff like Link Trinity, 4xCP teams with solid weaponry, Tonkor (on Mirage), etc. etc. etc.


    In other words, Simulor is far from the greatest damage dealer, even on Mirage, who multiplies the damage of this weapon by 4x or more.


    The later the game gets, Synoid Simulor becomes more and more of a status proc weapon than a damage weapon. Luckily, it's good at both, if not excellent. And this is why the weapon is a go-to for not just Mirage, but many frames that want to destroy content fast. Utility, versatility, and above all, a huge AoE that is innate punchthrough at 12m radius ánd breaks all containers in it. There is no single other weapon in the game that gives you this perk. Shooting enemies through ceilings, behind walls and doors is a massive perk, especially when said enemies can one-hit you.


    Hall of Mirrors gives you instant vortex stacks on the weapon. I have found that a great secondary with her, is the Talons because of their healthy AoE and guaranteed knockdown effect. Whenever you dó go down, you can toss those around and keep enemies floored so you can be revived, and the self-damage is irrelevant. In addition, Talons also multiply due to Hall of Mirrors, which provides a godly 9 or more (multishot) bombs limitation instead of 3 per detonation.


    The cherry on top with Mirage however, is Prism. You can easily build her to be strong with 1+3+4. My Mirage runs 220% power/160% range/80% eff/150% duration, which is enough to have lengthy 1/3 skills, at near maximum multiplier power for Eclipse and damage bonus for Hall, while not sacrificing Prism in the process. Having decent range on Prism makes Mirage a god, combined with Eclipse you can survive when standing in light (enemies blinded at 40m AoE range) and watch those 200k+ crits fly by.


    Now, about those drawbacks to Simulor: all correct, but Mirage handily works around 99% of these drawbacks. Her range to enemies is irrelevant due to Eclipse and Hall mitigation, and if there is no shadow you add in a Prism to blind enemies, when you see bubbles you stand around the corner and destroy them out of sight of the enemy. Simulor on Mirage also stacks *instantly* to 3-4 stacks per pull of the trigger, which means there is no real damage buildup, and no single moment where you have to stand still and shoot either - with Hall of Mirrors you can literally parkour through a map and leave little vortexes everywhere you go. So... Mirage+Simulor appearing as OP really isn't that far off the mark at all. But then again, you can make dozens of late game combinations that work just as well in one or more of these areas - Mirage+Simulor is however one of the few that ticks almost every box.


    All of the above: reasons Mirage is my number 1 favorite frame.

  4. Limbo is not bád, he is annoying!


    Limbo does not really cater well to teamplay, or he does if you really play a very strict regime squad. And most squads don't play that way.


    Limbo also has the ability to troll teammates, a lot, and no Loki Switch teleport is no comparison.


    If you want to see where he shines, yesterday's Sortie 3 (moving defense) was one situation where he is really useful, if not essential for a completion.

  5. 140p?!


    My argon scope costed me only 80p.


    It goes to show how wide the range of prices can be on Trade, and how worthwhile bartering really is over there. I don't mind that honestly, it's a busy marketplace, compare it with that. 


    If I am truly honest, the best experiences on the market I've had, are generally with veteran players who are past the eagerness and have sufficient resources to be flexible with deals and prices. You can actually talk to them beyond 'offer?' followed by an ignore. Effectively trade chat becomes an efficient 'idiot filter' for me.

  6. Drop rates have always been low on specific items and especially the more rare ones. I know a lot of players have never once seen a legendary core in their playtime, even if they have over 1k hours into Warframe. I know I haven't.


    The complaints about RNG always fail, because RNG is the monetary system of this game, it is how DE makes money. They create incentive, and you can choose to farm it, or use trade which usually requires platinum. Platinum = income for DE. If you still don't get why there are items in the game now that are HARD TO ATTAIN, then you need a brain.


    Don't be miffed about nót having every item and mod in the game. There are always multiple ways you can mod a weapon and even without Buzz Kill, or any impact/puncture/slash event mods actually, you can still destroy every piece of content in the game. In other words, these top end mods don't drop everywhere because they are the 'cherry on top' of successful builds with the lesser variants of these mods that give 90%.

  7. I would welcome this to warframe.


    Give us a nerf version of each gun that does 10% of the actual damage to make the star map challenging again!


    (oh S#&$, I just spoiled starchart 3.0...)

  8. Really all frames are good.


    Top frames depend heavily on the mission and how far you want to take things. There is a distinct moment in the game, very late in the game for endless missions only (stuff like Defense, Survival, Excavation), where the regular builds completely fall off damage wise and where weapons become grossly ineffective. But don't mistake that reality for 'the metagame' or 'how you should play frames' because there is no regular content that touches that difficulty level except perhaps for the now new Sortie missions (and even then, only Sortie 3).  For regular content, any maxed frame and weapon combination basically steamrolls it, giving lots of wiggle room to do whatever you like.


    Honestly I haven't found a single game in existence that has so many different use cases and so many different pieces of equipment that go well with them. You can really be creative, even though the specific frames that players request sometimes make you think otherwise. Ignore those fools and create your own synergies, it is part of the fun. Warframe is all about experimenting and finding cool tricks to kill stuff.


    If you want my two plat, my personal top 3;


    1. Mirage (She is Armageddon itself)

    2. Ivara (she may well be on the nr 1 spot, because every day I discover new tricks with her, so much fun!)

    3. Ash (for that true ninja vibe)

  9. - Frame reworks were great, like every single one was spot on

    - Duration/Efficiency rework is great and opened up new builds

    - U18 was exemplary

    - Ivara best skill set since release and among all available frames. Original, no power creep, loads of synergy, and even puts discarded weapons back in the picture.


    Not so great:

    - China releases feel tacked on and cheap

    - Archwing

    - Archwing

    - Atlas frame behind an Archwing mission

    - Did I mention Archwing?


    So overall yeah, if those are my gripes with the game, I can say I'm happy.

  10. Some players just don't have the patience I suppose.


    The one thing I don't agree with however, is that in most cases new players need help getting into the game. The only reason I stayed was because 2 friends of mine essentially held my hand up to the point where I could sustain myself within the game. I mean, if we're being serious, needing to buy slots just to keep gear you like is ridiculous, needing to craft and wait for a key just to enter a dojo is ridiculous, the RNG in general is ridiculous.


    I know this doesn't apply to everyone, but it does to most people: You shouldn't NEED someone's help to get into the game. Warframe is all but beginner friendly unless said beginner is being babied by a vet who's literally just reducing the bullS#&$ for them.


    Back on topic: Color palettes should remain as is, they are completely optional cosmetic items and you should be grateful that you can trade for plat to get them rather than having to play money straight out like other games.


    Care to elaborate on why a build time on items and RNG in general 'is ridiculous'? I honestly don't see where you're going with that.


    I do agree that Warframe can use a bit more in terms of tutorials on the game's economy. However, I think that would also destroy part of DE's gold mine, because the suggestion is really created that you need to 'buy' everything for plat when you look at the market, which is obviously not the way the game works.

  11. Have you seen that abomination called the trade chat?, a new player would easily be put off after seeing that chaos, oh and the plat discounts don't apply to console players.


    The abomination called trade chat works just fine and this exact same trade chat has always existed in this really familiar MMO we call World of Warcraft, where it has worked just fine for about sixteen *million* people. It just requires your full attention and is by no means an excuse that 'you need to get what you want for free'. So I don't really see your point. Same with the plat discounts. If it's not there for console players, that means there is a price premium for playing on console, which again, is nothing new when you compare PC to console gaming. You pay for getting everything handed to you, simple enough. Buying plat is the same thing. You buy convenience. All I can say is, go play on PC. Better experience all over, earlier updates, plat discounts, more content. Mind you that this goes for literally every crossplatform game release between console and PC versions. Hell you can even hook up your dualshock if you really wanted to.


    The bottom line still stands: the game and DE are not charity, they are a business model that evidently works very well. Nobody cares about the few % of players 'put off' by their own misconception of having to get stuff for free. It is a problem of the player, not of the game.


    The game economy, again, works by creating demand. By introducing new things players want, the demand for more slots is created, and that is how the business model pushes the free player into a paying player. There is nothing wrong with that, and I feel the way Warframe does this is the most elegant, fair way I have ever seen in any F2P.


    The world doesn't exist to babysit the lowest common denominator, it exists to cater to the most common denominator. And that is the player capable of making his own choices and evaluate his own game time / consider for himself whether a time investment weighs up against the fun he or she has inside it and whether it is worth skipping a time investment by buying it. This is personal, and if the end result 'puts you off from the game' then Warframe is simply not for you.

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