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Posts posted by LMG3864

  1. After further testing I found the following:

    • Zephyr is indeed immune to the flinch when firing fully charged Archguns, just like Atlas, even when moving.
    • Resolute Focus does not remove the flinch when firing fully charged archguns when aiming.
    • Pain Threshold does not seem to speed up the flinch animation.
    • Oberon's Hallowed Ground does not remove the flinch when firing fully charged archguns.

    This leads me to believe it's not a regular stagger or knockback code-wise.

  2. While trying out my Larkspur on a mission with Atlas equipped, I noticed that when I used the alt-fire, I did not flinch like usual. So I went into the simulacrum to test things out, and yes, he did not flinch when firing the Larkspur's alt-fire at full charge. In fact, he could even move around while constantly firing it. So I was wondering if this was a bug and was exclusive to the Larkspur, so I grabbed my Velocitus. I tested it, and to my surprise, Atlas did not flinch at all! Looks like our dear rocky friend can fire all archguns without flinching at all!

    I recorded a comparison video of Banshee firing the Velocitus, followed by Atlas doing the same thing: https://youtu.be/KaztNDexW2w

    I believe this has some potential for anyone that's a fan of charging Archguns, like the Larkspur or the Corvas.

  3. So one thing I've always wanted and wondered why it wasn't in the game already, was a Warframe with heavy weapons as its theme. Seeing as that doesn't seem to be in their schedule at the moment, I decided to take matters into my own hands and create a concept for a warframe based around firearms and big weapons, which I have currently named Odin. I have not set ability stats as that would require testing to get them just right, and all names are subject to change. My main focus is trying to create a Warframe that lets players feel like a powerhouse while remaining entertaining to utilize.

    Odin is a fierce warrior who has always prepared himself for a fight as if it was his last.

    Base Stats:

    • Armor: 200
    • Health: 150
    • Shields: 50
    • Energy: 125


    • Ammunition Specialist (Passive) [Previously named Armourer]
      • Converts unused ammo into ammo for his current weapon.
      • All players have increased max ammo.
    • Einherjar Missiles (Q): 
      • Fires a barrage of missiles that chase the target, dealing blast damage and knocking down enemies in an area.
      • One-handed ability.
    • Ymir Crate (W):
      • Spawns a supply box that restores a portion of health, energy and ammo when interacted with.
      • The box is consumed on use by any player.
      • Multiple boxes can be deployed.
    • Sleipnir Rocket (E):
      • Fires a rocket that implodes on contact with a surface, drawing nearby enemies in and ragdolling them. After a brief pause it explodes dealing massive blast damage in an area and reduces the armor of surviving enemies.
    • Ragnarök (R):
      • Deploys Gungnir, an exhalted minigun with a forward-facing shield.
      • The user can move while it's active. Bullet jumping disables the shield during its execution.
      • Shield is invulnerable to damage, the Warframe can still be hit from the sides and back.
      • Stats are affected by primary weapon mods.
  4. It seems that the new Ambulas Noggle has no head when placed in the Orbiter. However, it's only missing once placed; while moving it around it does display the head correctly.


    Edit: Apparently if you try to move the placed Ambulas Noggle and cancel the changes, it displays the head again. However, the Noggle doesn't move at all

  5. I've been enjoying the Paracyst quite a bit since the buff. I have a riven with +status chance, +crit damage and +damage, and so far it has proven to be one of the best armor-stripping weapon I have at the moment (maybe even the best overall). It managed to kill Kuva Napalms on a sortie 3 Assault mission with enhanced armor without much problems, so I'd say it's end-game viable vs Grineer (still testing vs Corpus).

    One thing I'm quite curious about is that the alternate fire seems to alert enemies whenever I charge it, even while I'm using Banshee. It's as if once charged it screams in a frequency that no one but the enemy can hear. It makes the hook useless outside of combat, as I can't reel in enemies that are far away without alerting the whole tileset while at it, ruining any stealth potential for this mechanic. I'm quite sure it's a bug, so I hope it gets fixed. Aside of that it could maybe us about 10m more in range? It's already competing with the Harpak's instant hook, so it might as well properly shine in what makes it "special", not just be moderately better.

    I also got to try out the Hind's alternate fire (I actually like the rifle, even if I can only take it up to sortie 1 reliably with a pretty decent riven) and... it's not really working out. I wouldn't mind if the alternate fire was notably distinct, like a "shotgun shot" similar to the Zarr's or a "charged sniper shot" like the Tenora, but as a regular battle rifle shot that seems intended to be spammed latron-style it just ends up feeling clunky. Maybe if it had an alternate mode like the Stradavar or the Zarr (or giving it a unique mechanic, like having the shot be silent instead of alarming) it could work out, but as it stands it doesn't feel natural, so I just ignore it.

    EDIT: I got to try the new Harpak, and it can deal with sortie 1 with just a Catalyst installed with Argon Scope. I'm hoping I can get myself a riven with +crit chance to see how crazy can it become. Also, the harpoon seems to drop quite fast, and it doesn't always drag enemies unless you hit them in the chest or head. I'm not sure if that's a bug or intended

  6. I have 3 problems with Octavia that really limit my enjoyment of the Warframe:

    1. Resonator always prioritizing picking up the Mallet over distracting the enemy. I can toss the Mallet in a different planet and the roller will still go to pick it up before doing anything else. I wouldn't mind if I actually wanted the roller to carry the Mallet around, but since the enemy will not attack it once it picks it up then I'd rather avoid it. I've even gotten used to just using the Mallet to "tell" the roller where to go, mostly because of the other two problems.
    2. The damage on the Mallet seems dependant on your team not killing the enemy before they can shoot it. But I can just toss it away from my team to work around that... which leads me to the third problem.
    3. The enemy for some odd reason seem to ignore the Mallet more often than not unless it's dealing damage. I toss it in the middle of a firefight, they don't shoot it. I toss it before the firefight, they don't shoot it. I toss it before they've even seen me, they sometimes shoot it. The Infested have been the worst offenders so far, as they seem to never attack it no matter what I do (although it could be my teammates killing them before they can, which loops back around to the second problem).

    The first problem could be fixed by either making the charmed enemies actually shoot the Mallet, or at least making the roller ignore Mallets that are too far away. The second problem is more of a design flaw, which would require a whole revamp of the ability, so no can do there. Now the third problem I'm not quite sure what's causing it. It could be line of sight issues, as I do know for a fact that when the enemy are on any sort of incline they tend to go blind to anything slightly above or bellow them, or it could be an issue with the attack priority of the Mallet itself (which could be fixed by raising said priority).

    I really hope some of these issues could be adressed; so far I'm losing a lot of interest in Octavia very quickly. The Mallet rarely works, the roller isn't really "fun" to use (toss and forget), Metronome seems nice (and actually works) but more often than not I just end up forgetting about it or can't listen to the music properly to time it, and Amp doesn't really help if it has nothing to amplify. I always seem to end up just spamming rollers over anything else so I can be somewhat helpful. For now I guess I'll just use Octavia to make random tunes with the Mandachord on my spare time.

  7. After either patch 1.9.7 or patch it seems that the Javlok's alternate will penetrate enemies (whether killed or not) even if it has no punchthrough mods equipped. This has caused one of the features I liked the most about the Javlok, where enemies killed with the Javlok's alt fire each caused an explosion as if the Javlok had hit the ground, to not occur anymore.

    These are the tests I did in the simulacrum with the alt fire that lead me to believe it somehow gained innate Punchthrough, even if it's not mentioned in the patch notes (unless it was not included for some reason):

    1) Hitting an enemy without killing them:

    • Previously: the Javlok got stuck on the enemy, like if it had hit a solid surface.
    • Currently: the Javlok penetrates the enemy and keeps on its trajectory.

    2) Hitting and killing an enemy next to multiple enemies

    • Previously: the Javlok would cause an explosion as if it had hit the ground, damaging nearby enemies, then would carry the impaled body with it.
    • Currently: the Javlok only deals damage to the impaled enemy and continues its trajectory. Still carries the impaled body with it.

    3) Hitting and killing an enemy right next to me

    • Previously: the Javlok killing the enemy would cause an explosion, and the self-damage from said explosion would harm my warframe.
    • Currently: the Javlok does not seem to do any self-damage to my warframe, whether the enemy is killed or not.
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