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Posts posted by (PSN)Titosef-13

  1. If u are too lazy to sell them Katinka,  just put a -50% off on the trade channel and your items will be sell in 1min , less plats its always better than none ! Thats what i do , even im like you , i would obiously prefer others rewards , got 3 weapons parts on 3 days sorties ( sorry for my approximative english)

  2. I've always traded my "traded plats" again and again for differents items , i never had any problems ( im on ps4 so it may be different)

  3. Well , that guy is not really a "friend" lol , those mods worth (unranked) maybe 100 plat for ALL , since they are R8 , but NOT MAXED , which is why some mods are selled 100 / 250 plat , i think thats not a good price , but it is a long run if you want to buy them cheap ( so unranked) and maxed them , because they require a lot of fusion cores , so since you dont have that much time to play.....It depends on you :) But 1k is completely too expensive for me , because the trick is there are R8 , not maxed , ask him to maxed them and then , maybe, but now .... especially from a friend ...( Sorry for my approximative english)

  4. Pour la 1 je vois pas tellement de différence , a moins que tu veuille une traduction littérale au mot prés , les deux veulent dirent la même chose au fond , qu'il y'a des Grineer partout autour en gros 


    << ? La vrai traduction étant "vous êtes encerclé par des grineer".>>


    Tu as oublié : " Vous êtes encerclé par des Marines Grineer" si on veut chipoter jusqu'au bout :)

  5. The problem with high damage frame is just the endgame leaderboard where the dps frame ( usually the Nova , Exca etc ) have the most kills and it just pissed off some players who don't understand the concept of Tank / Healer/ CC frame / Dps / etc in this kind of game. Veterans players know , even if they play or not Excalibur or any dps frame , if the teamates have do their job , and weither or not they have the most kills , because they know who have done the job well or not , and i think people complaining about the high damages are people who have some kind of inferiority complex , simply as that , because in all type of sports / game / fight , we need some defensive , versatile or offensive frame , and statistics can sadly not be translated for every category


    But true Tennos know 

  6. Excalibur is in the DPS cateogory of frame , why are you angry if he's good at what he does ? He deals a tons of damage , but that is his only and main role , what would you nerf it ? Defense is not translated on statistics but why a Frost could stop so much of an army ?? It is too overpowered my friend !...No , because he's a DEFENSIVE frame , we do not ask to his ultimate ability to be very effective dps because that is not his role.

    Excalibur is really well build actually , yes he can deals high damages ( if well modded and not like kills level 60 with no mods , i just made a dark sector on earth and a guy level 18 throws 5 waves to kill a level 9 healer , uh..) yes , but he dont have Aoe , aim in straight line , he's a self sufficient soldier , independant , less team focus and more of lonely dps wolf , and a lot of players like this fighting and nervous playstyle, his ultimate is perfect for a ninja fighter , a sword and high dps to be first on the frontline , and can be really complementary with "team frames" who needs a nervous dps for short target group , or the opposite like Nova or Saryn or Ember , for Aoe , and it is the beauty of the choice

    And i already said this on another topic , but i think what really makes Excalibur annoying for some of our Tennos here is , some way , not the waves or the damages or every thing else , but the sounds of waves and to see this spamming on their screen ( but they do the same , it is just ok because...the bullets are smaller ;) ) And i can understand this point , but we can find a lot of sounds or FX annoying tough , and it can be fix in a second

    Well , you get my point , i like Excalibur as he is right now , Saryn and Exca are my main and i am really happy with them , sorry for my broken english

  7. Well , simple question , i'm looking for maxed my Exca for Void missions for survival challenge and etc , and i dont know if i should put steel charge or corrosive projection on main aura (actually , i always have corrosive ) I am exalted blade build , so if the 60% damaged are applied , it's great but -40% armor is great too...how calculate it ...? Thank you , i apologize for my bad english

  8. Waves of EB are a huge part of strategy in Exca high level , u can't just remove or nerf whats makes the strenght of the frame , a full CC with no wave would be usellesss because Exca is everytime first in the frontline and if there is no wave , we will have to use the dash everytime for hitting the same amount of mobs and then , since we have an exalted blade build , there's no point of ruinning the effeciency of the build in some dash for fast movements , and waves are useful for corridor in surv / defense , such as Atlas block those corridor , EB dps kills the mobs in , why ? because is THE dps frame , and Atlas no , but Exca can't block corridors , so remove whats makes him good is pointless imo , or EB will be just as regulard as other swords in the game


    And i would say , i think what bother some people actually is not really the waves in particular , but the fact that they can hear the spamming too loud , or it annoy them to see it in their screen , but like Nova , some guys can be tired by the smoke particule when they kill a mob , so if the real problem is the sound or the FX , it's not a big deal ( sorry for my very poor english)

  9. Excal is so much fun to play with , if the only problem is the sound of the waves of the exalted blades , just lowered it , if its the EB itself , then that is your probleme tenno , or one day , someone will complain about seing smoke particule when killing everything when playing alongside a Nova or whatever , everyone can be bothered by some things at some points , and even if people spamming EB , if they are not build for , EB is weak and the true power of Exca is his blind ability and noob dont use it. ( sorry for my english)

  10. Edit ; it was broke


    I think i found a good solution , when the timers goes to 5 or less , any move from anyone will reset it to 5 no matter what , 3 move under this period will result in a kick of the game ( because it can only be trolling , or trolling ) and with that method , team will have the power to decide together in a certain way


    Sorry for my poor english

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