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Posts posted by (PSN)rarjunr

  1. 5 minutes ago, Sunfaiz said:

    A nullifier with a homing ogris that only has magnetic and blast procs  with bombard armour and a scorpion hook. 


    Also entering the bubble will cause it to sap your shields/health like the ospreys. AND he can spawn shield drones up to 3 at a time.


    Seems only Fair considering how weak the corpus are  

    Do you play ember? Coz it seems like you want to watch the world burn...

    To the OP:

    I would like to see some high mobility enemies for the grineer. Maybe like the scrambas we have for corpus for a balanced nullifying effect. Also give them projectile weapons with low damage to compensate for other high damage enemies (napalms, gunners, bombards)

  2. 1 minute ago, Maicael said:

    "Build" is not the same thing as "Height". A wrestler and a runner could have the same height, but one be "bulky" and the other "athletic".

    Well..... That was silly of me.

    That probably explains why I'm rarely able to sell bulky and tall imprints for a higher cost as compared to just bulky imprints.


    5 minutes ago, Freekiku said:

    My good friend, imprints work print race and colors and paterns, not size. So selling imprints of big kubrows is a felony.

    Not sure where you're getting that from.

    As per the wiki, genetic templates store the following information:

    Coat Colors (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary)
    Coat Pattern
    Eye Color
    Kubrow Breed
    Build (Regular, Heavy or Thin)


    So OP all you have to do is buy genetic imprint blueprint from the market and build 2 genetic blueprints. Then go to your Kubrow and then open the menu through which you apply genetic stabilizers. At the bottom you should see an option to make imprints of the kubrow.

  4. 3 minutes ago, SeaUrchins said:

    You will like it: since stealth finishers have been added to MOAs, there's literally nothing except shield drones that can survive against a dagger with Covert Lethality in the void.

    Plus once the enemies reach those crazy levels, dark dagger with the syndicate augment and covert lethality helps to quickly gain energy and does an AOE viral on just a few kills.

  5. Moon because it's still new and it looks pretty.

    Void and Derelict because of the contrast they provide to the almost identical tiles. I find it amusing to go to a room all nice and pretty in the void and then, once the mission is over, head to its infested version.

  6. Trinity... It feels good to go through the entire game without anyone in your squad using an energy/health/shield restore or getting downed

    Nyx... I enjoy using her abilities a lot (except 2). If only enemies could damage each other a little faster.

    Saryn... As people mentioned above, it's really satisfying to watch spores spread to the entire map and see the numbers fly everywhere

    Zephyr... The tonkor build gimmick is perfect for me since it helps me overcome my terrible aiming with tonkor.

  7. 3 hours ago, RideaTear said:

    But he is energy and he cannot be destroyed

    good catch. I should rephrase 'Vor being destroyed' to 'Vor being converted from whatever form of energy he is, to heat and sound (possibly more forms)'. Gotta abide by the law of conservation of energy

    3 hours ago, Alemonzero said:

    This is a lore only topic,so don't make it about gameplay  or voice for.

    The problem with any lore changes being added onto Vor is that it'll get equally stale and annoying in less than a week unless they make changes to the dialogue system.

    I would love him getting his current 15 dialogues replaced (even more so if there is a quest to carry out the change), but it would be essential for them to make a change to the current dialogue system.

  8. It would be much better if he would keep quiet after being destroyed. Nothing is more annoying than listening to his dialogues for 2 minutes after his death, then see all the mods that were collected in that duration get displayed after the delay.

  9. I recently started using dark dagger..... A lot.

    This is mainly to use covert lethality and the syndicate mod when I'm playing Ivara or Ash. Probably will use it for Inaros as well.

    Although it's important to note that I only use it for the lethal damage so the base damage of it doesn't really come into play. So just for the dark dagger, the Syndicate proc and lethal damage seem like a good counter measure to the low damage.

    For me, the worst part of the dark dagger is the stance polarity that doesn't match either of the stance mods. Not sure why it wasn't changed.

  10. Once you get some experience and a squad you're comfortable running Law of Retribution with, you can try the following:

    1 ev trinity (12% or so duration with max range, augment and decent power strength)

    1 banshee built for high damage through sonar

    1 volt built for speed

    1 mirage for casting blind.

    We let the banshee carry the battery while the volt casts speed and if banshee drops the battery, volt grabs it. Of course you could let volt carry the battery initially and have banshee as a backup but you don't really need backups unless ev trinity is unable to find an enemy to ev.

    You no longer have the 99% bless but with an experienced squad the ev trinity and mirage can keep you alive easily.

  11. The addition of the continuous scroll would be helpful. If they are  unable to fix the lag to make it smoother, having to press x to finalize the selection does seem like a good patch work that they can do. Hopefully this gets noted soon and we have some sort of a fix for it. Maybe with update 18.5 ;)

  12. Not sure if this should be in feedback or in bugs:

    So when you go into your Arsenal and try to switch your loadouts (L1 and R1) keys, at least for me there is a slight freeze up between the time u press the key and the time it takes for the loadout to change. It is fairly annoying when the loadout you're going to is 2-3 slots after. I did see someone tweet Steve about it a while ago but haven't seen/heard any development/news regarding it

  13. On 2/26/2016 at 2:57 PM, (PS4)Filthy113 said:

    The second the subject was brought up people freaked out, but let's look at it from a logic stand point. IT'S TIME!

    I beg DE please make the void trader random on PS4 now, we endure the update grind the least you could do is throw us a bone. The positives of this are insane. The active player base would grow quickly. It would give people a reason to play daily on ps4 aside from going to you [Youtube,Reddit,Wikia and ect] just to see what we get every two weeks. Plus it's just the right time to do it no one wants Bane mods seriously. Consider this ASAP!

    Now people complain below in 3.....2......1...........


    Not sure how much of an effect it has on increasing the play time. Lets say you go farm X ducats, now you have 2 cases, either the trader comes with stuff you like (you spend the ducats) or with stuff you don't like (you don't spend the ducats). If the latter happens, you still have ducats to carry over to the next time Baro appears and won't be going to farm them. So the only activity that changes is on the day Baro arrives to check his inventory and decide if you want to buy the stuff.

    Assuming what I said is valid, why not let the current system stay the same and have them spend more time fixing other issues - like the lag when you switch loadouts :(



    What you're talking about is a market discount that is applied on platinum and credit items. But this isn't applied to bundles and platinum purchase.

    If I'm not wrong, PC has discount for purchasing platinum (what we do from the PS store page for Warframe). From what I've read, the post before yours is correct.

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