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Posts posted by (PSN)Squarehead08

  1. 33 minutes ago, scourge213 said:

    Yes, its roughly 3 months apart. However delays, because of other released content, are possible. So we can wait anywhere between 3 months and 5-6 months.

    5-6! What PA did we wait that long for?

  2. Just now, Autongnosis said:

    Do you mean that in a positive or negative way? I can't understand it from your post 😅

    On topic, the bundles are hardly predatory. Even more so because when you go buy an item which is part of a bundle, there is a warning in the market itself that tells you so. 

    That said having the option of buying the pack later and have a discount if you already bought something could be nice. 

    It's up to the player whether or not to buy the pack so I mean it in a nuteral way. In my opinion it is a rip off when compared to the console varient of the pack. I agree that the bundles are in no way preditory.

  3. 7 hours ago, Felsagger said:


    DE gave you a game free to play, giving you the option to make platinum grinding if you do not want to pay for cosmetics. DE is not EA, Ubisoft, Microsoft or Activision. Those are the once doing predatory practices. 


    Predatory market is Star Citizen 42 that almost reach 200,000,000 dollars without results, worst scam ever in history after more than five years. 

    Predatory practices are the ones used by EA with loot box and micro transactions for game progression like Battlefront 2. 

    Predatory practices are the ones used by Microsoft promising exclusive titles for four years repeating the same Halo Gear Forza Model. 

    Predatory practices are those of Bungie and Activision that charge you for an outdated product without features such as Railjack. 



    I agree with everything but the Microsoft exclusive titles thing. That's not preditory, just bad buisness. Unless you bought an Xbox for scalebound; in which case, that pissed me off too.

  4. Silent night- Kelly Clarkson

    Cetus night: 

    Night on the plains 

    Sentient reins

    Grab your Chroma

    Trinity and Harrow

    Fight the Goliath before the sun's rise

    Kill the Teralyst to save, people’s lives

    Make sure to kill it before dawn

    Collect your sentient cores


    Sunrise in the plains

    An achievement gained

    Grineer return

    To their camps

    A bounty from Konzu held in thy mind

    Ready to save Cetus from dangers I find

    Capture the captain of the squad

    Receive your common reward

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