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Posts posted by Oxylus

  1. Original: Dean Martin, Let it snow!

    My version: Let him go!


    Oh, the Ordis inside is frightful
    But space is so delightful
    And since we've got any place to go
    Let him go, let him go, let him go

    Man, he doesn't show signs of stopping
    And I've brought me some grineer for popping
    The lights are turned way down low
    Let him go, let him go

    When I finally throw him out
    How I'll hate flying around on my own
    But if Lotus really holds me tight
    All the way home I'll be dreaming alone

    And Ordis is slowly dying
    And, my dear, we're still just flying
    But as long as you hug me so
    Let him go, let him go, and go

    When we finally kick him out
    How I'll hate flying around on my own
    But if Lotus really grabs me tight
    All the way I'll be dreaming alone

    Oh, Ordis is slowly dying
    And, my dear, we're still just flying
    But as long as you hug me so
    Let him go, let him go, let him go


  2. Orokin Sanctum (made at 13th march 2017) Storm clan is looking for players that are active and are willing to make this clan better. The researches are 100% done (We miss Ignis Wraith due to late creation of clan). We have a big alliance, nice looking dojo in shape of space ship, discord server and there's no trade tax. We're mostly Eu players, but anyone is welcome.


    If you're interested leave your IGN, MR and Region you play on below.


    IGN: Oxylus

    MR: 23

    Region: Eu


  3. Hello,

    First off, idk in what section this goes so sorry if it doesn't belong here.

    Ok so about beacons, if you have any I'm willing to pay you in plat:platinum: to use them with me since me and my clan need them for pigments. I've waited Baro long enough and he dissapointed me again. So please if you have them help me out! 


    Thanks for reading :heart:


  4. 16 hours ago, bloodjinn903 said:


    How can Oberon and Titania be husband and wife if there warframes I mean I though the oparator is controling them? did she/he marry them self? really I dont know someone please learn me some lore..

    Well stalker is warframe aswell and he got rid of his tenno so warframes have their own will but not all use it (i guess)

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