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Posts posted by (PSN)ThePhantomGnome

  1. Rather than flat out nerfing channelling. It should be rebalanced around EACH weapon. Some weapons are just too strong when it comes to pretty much every aspect - damage, range, channelling, attack speed. Some weapons are just too strong in too many ways for it to really be balanced. Weapons like Galentine and Gram should be heavy hitters but be slow. They should NOT be better in every way than 1 hand weapons.

  2. @Alethkar - Yeah I know that. I am currently like 2,000points with it so far. I am pretty sure the mission thing is bugged. I have 6 missions to complete in PvP, yet none of them actually complete when I do them. I had several matches where I completed some of them more than once in a match and still go no completion of it :/

  3. Rather than just flat nerfing channelling, they should balance channelling per each weapon. Adjust the channel cost for each one. They should add channel per a swing cost as well. They should also work on balancing each weapon. The heavy weapons for example should NOT be faster attacking than small swords and dual weapons. They should be slow but hard hitting. Not fast and hard hitting.

  4. The VERY first game I get into today: EVERYONE running around using ONLY melee. Pretty much 90% of matches is just people running around spamming the crap out of channel and Melee because its WAY to rewarding. Insanely easy. Part of the problem could be the parkour system. Makes it rather hard to actually shoot someone when all they are doing is bouncing off walls every 2 seconds spamming melee attacks.


    As the old saying goes: If you can't beat them. Join them.


    PvP on PS4 at least will be 100% melee unless something is done. Why use guns when they can be insanely hard to hit someone bouncing off the walls every 2 seconds when you can just chase them spamming melee and kill them 100x easier. No need to target them. Just chase bashing the crap out of the melee attack button.


    An idea:




    Maybe have like an energy bar for all this parkour. Make it so its more of a right time. Right place situation rather than the ability to spam the crap out of it non stop. Have it so that it regenerates itself. This could go some way to making Gun Vs Melee a little more balanced of course the melee attacks, speed, range and damage on certain weapons would need to still be adjusted. Making it so that those that spam the crap out of the parkour get punished by having it have to recharge and then not being able to do it all the time. Another option could be to decrease movement speed while doing the parkour.


    Something needs to be done to balance out the usefulness of Guns Vs constant melee spam.

  5. Leader boards would be a bad idea when the balance is so bad. It will just be everyone running around using all the insanely strong/overpowered stuff and would lead to even more rage quits and really bad matches. They would have to add ranked and unranked options as well as fixing the balance of the frames and weapons.

  6. The idea is cool, the implementation just like quite a lot of things in this really badly balanced mode - Really bad done. The melee damage NEEDS at least 25-50% damage reduction on certain weapons as well as attack speed and range changes. Channelling costs needs an increase and a cost for actually swinging around with it. Make it so that wildly running around like headless chicken only using melee and spamming channelling attacks actually doesn't get rewarded.

    @Night - That's rather interesting. PS4 at the very least is 90% Melee rush. Spam Channel. Spam until someone dies.

  7. Its not the guns that are the issue. It is the constant melee spam. Going into a match and seeing EVERY person pull out their melee and NEVER fire a single round of a gun really says something. Melee weapons are insanely unbalanced. They are in need of serious work. Getting into a match and seeing nothing but melee spam from start to finish makes for a really bad experience. Mostly because of how cheap it is. Getting one shot from melee spam.


    Damage, attack speed, Channel costs all need to be adjusted. It really says something that 90% of matches on PS4 at least are nothing more than bash the crap out of melee attacks and channelling.

  8. I haven't had the reflect when using Toxin. So I think its that different elements give different buffs. I would assume that it works like PvE in that each element offers something different. However, I have yet to see what Heat and Electric offer for the skill when it is used in PvP as it can't be the PvE variants.

  9. If I remember correctly, Elemental Ward is meant to grant passive effects:

    Heat = ???

    Electric = ???

    Toxin = Increased reload speed + Holster Speed

    Cold = Increased armour(?) + Melee reflect


    Not sure what the Heat or Electric ones are as in PvE they boost health and shields. Not sure if the Toxin one is that either, not really noticed much difference in the reload speed or holster speed. You are thinking of Vex Armour. That one is the same no matter what element you are using and that is why its the strongest skill Chroma has.


    Spectral Scream needs a buff. It needs to be made viable without needing to be Toxin and using the Augment. The damage without that is pathetic. It slows you down and deals MUCH less damage than melee attacks or just shooting.


    Effigy drains in seconds. It just seems rather pointless. It makes you a tiny bit faster, cuts your armour in half, does low damage. It just seems like a skill that either needs to be made viable or replaced altogether.

  10. I don't think Elemental Ward reflects melee damage. I have been in fights where its 1 Vs 1 and still taken damage from melee hits. They take as well. Not sure if its a bug or what. However,  Chroma has issues with 3 of the skills. Spectral Scream is useless if you are not Toxin and running the augment. Elemental Ward seems near useless if you are running anything but Cold and effigy just sucks no matter what element you are using. I still haven't found what Heat and Electric do with Elemental Ward. Toxin seems kinda meh. Cold is much stronger.

  11. I have yet ANOTHER match where EVERY single other person was just using melee and channelling. No guns. Just bash Melee and nothing else. I just don't see how this sort of playstyle can be fun. Its pretty much rush the target activate channelling and go to town on that melee button. Skill? Not a chance.

  12. All well and good thinking of new modes, I have ideas for some as well but I think it would be better if they concentrated on the modes they have and the balance that needs to be made before they think about new modes. Maybe a time will come when they ask us what sort of new modes we would like to see. That would be a good time to mention the ideas for new modes. Not when the current game is still in need of balance.

  13. Rather than adding more modes for them to try and balance. Maybe it would be better if they balanced the current modes, weapons and such first? Surely, its better to concentrate on that rather than spreading their numbers thin by adding more modes.

  14. We should understand the difference between useful and overpowered. Melee is currently the later. Not all of it. Just specific weapons and channelling. I think certain changes should come but these changes should make weapons useful to have but not something that seems like a requirement to have. Gram, Galentine and a few others currently seem a little too strong.


    Though this could be partly down to how melee combat is designed in this game - bash a single button. Maybe adding in PROPER combos that use several buttons. adjusting damage as well as adjusting channelling like adding say 5energy cost when swinging and 10 if you hit someone. Reduce the range on Gram and Galentine and make them a little slower. They should NOT be faster than single hand swords.


    Rather than just nerf something so that its not used. Balance it so that you can choose to use what you want. Rather than having certain weapons that have such a HUGE advantage over the other weapons of its type.

  15. Either you are mistaken or you are lying. I will choose you are just mistaken but it CAN 1shot people.


    I just had what might have been the best match I have had on PvP in this game. People used Melee but only at the right time it wasn't all rush melee and spam. Quite a lot used the Braton or MK-1 braton as well, myself included for the first time ever. Sure not the best skilled match ever but it was actually FUN only 1shots were from people using their ultimate abilities which I think is fine.

  16. To me, it sounds more like you are trying to defend it worried that it will be nerfed. You wouldn't happen to use it would you? As for the balance of it I guess all the people on this forum saying the same thing about how unbalanced it and certain other weapons are wrong and you are right.

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