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Posts posted by Neuroxic

  1. We are known in the solar stars as The Domain, the alliance to protect the weak and to defeat injustice by creating equality. Our goal is to have the small numbers of many clans together and make a statement against the norm of having more numbers in a clan or alliance. Together we can become that alliance which will be feared when contested with. Many small clans these days end up dissolving into bigger clans just for the sheer pressure of not being in an alliance for not having enough people to accommodate them.


    This alliance is for the clans who want something competitive and wants to be a part of something bigger. I welcome all types and sizes of clans who are willing to fight the good fight with a positive attitude and the will to win. Knowing there are already some alliances which will be bigger then ours doesn't shake us as my clan always loves a good challenge. The Domain always believes in the skill to use our weapon of choice, and not the number of enemies we will be up against. Also, its awesome to kick someone's &#! who think their better than you just because they got higher numbers.


    Edit: As per research, we will be promising a 0% tax rate on the rails with a lower cost for repairs and rebuilding, so this will be a better chance for the alliance to work together without a detriment.


    Warlords can message in this forum with their clan name.


    Warlords will be given the Round Table status within the alliance in which they will be given the right of choosing a maximum of two of their own leaders to represent their clan in council meetings. Council meetings will be put together to revise and share your thoughts regarding any changes or creating new policies within the alliance.


    Its never about the size of the alliance you are up against, as my clan has proven even with less numbers you can show what you are made of by keeping a good stance.


    Join The Domain.


    - Neuroxic [Clan: Toxic Scale, Rank: Dragon(Warlord), Type: Storm]




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